"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks annaswirls for gushing over my poem. I like women that gush,:D especially when they are gushing over something I've done, which isn't very often at all.
Thanks Swirlygirl for the mention. PM me and tell me what made you cringe please, I know the lesbian line won't scan - what else. Please. :)

okay Tess, I think it was just my overly sensitive political correctness! I will pm you in a min. I am cringing at the thought that I wrote the cringe comment!!!!! :eek:
Thanks annaswirls for gushing over my poem. I like women that gush,:D especially when they are gushing over something I've done, which isn't very often at all.

I am sure you are very good (my vocabulary has dwindled, substitute grown up synonym for good) okay I am sure you are very good at making the ladies gush in all kinds of ways, you modest man you.

Thanks Ms. Wicked for mentioning my parking lot poem...

and for the comments by Imaginary Friend (I love that I have one for the first time in my life) bb, Tess and Tzara.

Thanks for the quibble, Tzara. I consider it a compliment that you read it with a critical eye. Before my late night posting, I did catch that the "Away Away" is not trochaic, but iambic. But I posted it anyway, thinking the poem needed it the shoo factor.

I am going to edit the poem, maybe make it tetrameter instead, it might read better overall, but at least fixing the Away Away line. Perhaps "Mira! Mira!" my favorite Spanish directive (very useful as a camp counselor)

This is how I want to write. Is there such a form? I had to stop myself from throwing a dactyl in there with my trochees. I cannot believe I just wrote that.

trochee trochee
trochee trochee
trochee trochee

Bump-ump Bump-ump
Bump-ump Bump-ump
Bump-ump Bump-ump


If it is not a form, I am going to invent it. Right here. Mine.
Tz thank you for reviewing my poem yesterday. I agree with you on amongst sounding too "formal" (although I'm thinking more along the lines of "it sucks"). I'm going to follow Anna's example and submit an edited version. :)

and Epmd607, WTF??? I don't give a "fig" if you think that Eve REALLY ate a fig instead of an apple. It's a metaphor, dude! But thanks for the 50% vote. Sweet! :rolleyes:
Thanks, Tzara for mentioning Who? Me? and to EroticOregeny for his comment.( I plead my defense below your comment.)
Thanks so much, darkmaas, for taking the time to read the New Poems. Double thanks for taking the time to comment and leave recommendations for us. Triple thanks for mentioning my triplets, I am sorry so many popped out all at once, it was not intentional.

See you next week!

Thank you :)

Thank you Anna, Tzara and Wicked Eve (and whoever else I may have missed) for giving mention to some of my poems as of late. Anna, I like the idea of a chapbook....just not sure how I'd explain that one to the husband. :eek: Maybe I just better stick to Lit. :devil:

Thank you Anna, Tzara and Wicked Eve (and whoever else I may have missed) for giving mention to some of my poems as of late. Anna, I like the idea of a chapbook....just not sure how I'd explain that one to the husband. :eek: Maybe I just better stick to Lit. :devil:


um good point. You can always go with a different name. ;)
It's nice to see even under the pressure of Survivor, the odd decent poem. I really enjoyed Cornish Coastal Road by Tristesse2, maybe because I have fond memories of Cornwall (or was exposed to too much Poldark while wooing my wife.) Take the poem for a spin. It's cheaper than airfare and a B&B.

Thank you, D, and thanks to anna and greenmountaineer for comments left.

An Inconvenient Truth -
Submitted by Tristesse2 (Non-Erotic Poetry) 04/01/09

Tess was the first of many people to welcome me to Literotica, sending me a pm saying "Turn on your comments and come to the forum." Of course, in a much more classy way. But that is not why her writing holds a special place in my heart. It is because of her class, her style, her sophisticated voice even when writing about something harsh or unpleasant, or in today's case, totally embarrassing! Check it out, it is a very funny poem.

Thanks anna. You make me blush - and feel good.
Thankyou kind Lady for your mention hope you are more rested now.
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Keeping the review thread clean...

Uh, yeah. What about that? I've had to scroll through a load of chit chat posts to get to the meat of the reviewer recommendations. Is the general membership going to honour the need to keep that thread unburdened or will those of us who want to actually catch up on the new poems have to catch up on everyone else's personal interactions, too?
Uh, yeah. What about that? I've had to scroll through a load of chit chat posts to get to the meat of the reviewer recommendations. Is the general membership going to honour the need to keep that thread unburdened or will those of us who want to actually catch up on the new poems have to catch up on everyone else's personal interactions, too?

ah the chit chat posts are usually swept aside by the mods.... sorry I know I am guilty of mucking up the thread. I have a bad attitude that no one reads the friggin thing anyway. I see tumbleweeds between the threads. I won't post anymore chitter there, well, I will do the review tomorrow.

Hey Champ, wanna do Fridays?
Stand up and be counted Anonymous haven't you got the courage of your convictions? Don't you know a gerund when you see one ? Look under my Avatar it spells it out even for someone like you

Um, I am pretty sure it was bogusbrig--He did sign the comment. He generally signs as B or BB, but doesn't sign in. I can understand why people would leave anon comments because sometimes poets are really sensitive about their work and can react in a strong way against the commenter. It makes me sad because I think one of the reasons people do not comment anymore is because of the backlash. I miss getting critical comments. Oh wait, Mr. Carrington really blasted me on one last week. Never mind. I got my whippin for the week.

I know you know that it does not do any good to get defensive over comments that are less than glowing, or ones that offer suggestions or tell you why the poem did not work for them. It really does not do any good to presume that the person is somehow a moron. i.e. "even for someone like you" In this case, it is not true.

Gerunds are tricky. I cannot grasp the entirety of their meaning, but I don't think that the ing words in your poem were even gerunds.

I am not sure why I am in a lecturing mood right now lol! I am sorry and do not mean to make you feel badly, just wanted to let you know that he did sign his comment.

-ing verbs kind of annoy me too, but if you like using them, go right on, girl :) It is your poetry afterall!

It's not the comment I mind and on reflection it was probably correct. I didn't know about the signing and all I saw was anonymous which gets my goat. Eve told me much the same thing before which is where I found out what a gerund was I didn't take the hump then and we had a good laugh about it and I put it on my avatar.
Thanks for your ... ah-hem ... tip to my illustrated poem m'sieu le T-zed. Would that we all would dwell on such things longer. :kiss:
Thankyou Anna for your kind mention, I don't know about nearing the end of the first round though I keep looking through it all and thinking what on earth do I do for that one? and this one here is impossible!
Thank you, anna for * picking out my poem last Friday (I think) and for leaving such a nice comment aling with EroticOregeny and greenmountaineer. Thank you too, to imaginar_friend and vrosej10 for commdnts left on Never Trust a Clown .

* I just checked back and can't find anyevidence of recommendations so forget that

And while I'm at it -

This afternoon, four illustrated poems showed up in the new poems in that quixotic way that illustrateds do. All four have significant appeal, so go read 'em all and leave a comment while you're at it.

But what the hey. I'm obnoxious, so let me tell you 'bout them anyway:
  • Dark Clouds of Mystery by Tristesse2 features a NASA photo that looks kind of like a shot of a very shallow pond. Murky and unfocused, this is apparently, as the poem explains, cosmic gas and dust.

    Worth a read, as Ms. T. always is. Bye, y'all. :)

  • Belated thank you Mr. T. and to anna, EO and UYS for comments.
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