"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I give back all your kisses by annaswirls
After James Tate's "I take back all my kisses"
Survivor: Poet's Choice Trigger #11

Many good lines in this poem. I particularly love the steeple bells run on gasoline and corn dust.

Thanks Evie for the nod :)

Sorry no one took your reviews last week-- I was going to, but I stubbed my toe.
There were two poems that stood out in particular for me today. In no order, the first is Sibling Rivalry by Tristesse. Like the weaker of the two locked in the described arguments, it might be easy to pass over this poem with fast eyes, but I ask you not to do that. Its corners are both rounded and spiky, and so true. Unless you are the one always winning the argument I think most of us can identify with this.
Her words are clear and neat, while also appropriately submissive:

Hers was the orderly way,
the sharper point that
pinned me to our arguments

Brilliant job. This poem is one I shall carry around in my pocket.

Thank you for this bluebell7 and thanks to Annie, bflagsst and bluebell7 for comments left.
Thankyou to Loganforester for your kind words and EroticOrogeny for comment left as you may have gathered I can't get on with Jazz to me it's like a bumpy road that never gets to where it's going lol
Bflagsst please explain 'carrot and turtle' to me it's not something I am familiar with and it's driving me nuts wondering! Is it like a donkey and a carrot? It's the only thing I can come up with but I didn't think turtles ate carrots. The goad I was thinking of was a whip or spurs
Hey Thanks Evie-Maria for the kind mention of my fat jeans poem, and to epm and Ishtat for your comments.

Thank you anna for including Tin Foil in your recommendations - and to UYS and that dirty rat Tzara for their comments
Thank you Eve

for your mention of my poem "waste" in today's new poetry review.

I don't write to delight,
but delight to write

leave something to bite
into, leave a sight

lingering heavy, not light
to take to bed at night

Sleep tight !
I'm just a flibbertigibbet.
Actually, Ms. Bluebell, I think you're quite a gem. Your recommendations have been excellent.

And Mr. Forester, no need to apologize about your opinions about that day's poems. We all have different tastes.

I'd prefer your honesty over some manufactured comment, any day.
Actually, Ms. Bluebell, I think you're quite a gem. Your recommendations have been excellent.

And Mr. Forester, no need to apologize about your opinions about that day's poems. We all have different tastes.

I'd prefer your honesty over some manufactured comment, any day.
I agree about Logan! Double, triple, all the way. I'm so glad to be able to count on him not just for mere presence, but for truth.

As for that other thing you said up yonder, Mr. Tz...garsh. Blushness. That means a great deal coming from you, one of the highest quality writers (and posters and thinkers and sharers) I've ever encountered.
My, but there are some fabulous souls on this board.
Thank You Ms. Swirls for your mention of my poem "Matters of the Heart". I was inspired by listening to Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne. You're right, I should change it......:rolleyes:
Did you draw that Tess? Very flowery bird girl! What is Limodiad? All I could think was Limonaide and it made me thirsty. Limodiad - Submitted by Tristesse2 (Illustrated Poetry) 05/06/09

Thanks anna - yes, I drew it years ago and it is a bit dilapidated now.

Limoniads are nymphs associated with highland meadows. They resemble pre-pubescent girls with brightly colored eyes, often with flowers growing in their hair, and only form their bodies when their flowers are in bloom. Thus, they appear with the first snowdrops of spring, and remain until the last flower withers in autumn.

Google is my friend. :)
Damn, I plugged my new high performance vibrator in and I blew the power out for the whole neighborhood... hope nobody was writing anything important on their computers... like a review... ;)
Thanks anna!

Hello! I have decided to start sleeping again so might not be around as much as usual, but here it is Wednesday. New Poems

Hey! I like this one-- a triolet? It works.
Sugar and Spice -Submitted by MickNasty (Erotic Poetry) 05/13/09

Thanks for the kind words. And yes - a triolet. sassynyc turned me on to them a couple days ago - this was my 2nd. Fun to write!

Thank you Epmd607, bluebell7 and annaswirls for your kind mention of my poems in the recommendation thread! Hopefully, I haven't missed anyone. I appreciate the comments I've received thus far and have really enjoyed reading the other poets recommended there as well.
I'd like to thank annaswirls for her thoughtful and welcoming mention of my poems in the recommendation thread, and greenmountaineer for the very nice comment on "Crush." I'm new here-- obviously-- and I'm impressed (and a little surprised) by the kindness and liveliness of the poetic community on Literotica. I'll send my work a long as I have it to send-- good, bad and indifferent-- and I'll be reading your poems as well.

Again, thank you.
Lebroz said he was still around this year -- are you still around? BooMerengue might still be around too, I read most of her poems a few years back. Jamison might be on a whaler in the arctic. There's alot of people I want to see new poems from. I might start a list and hunt you down for a current submission.
I glanced at a few of the new poems for today. If someone finds one that's good and not mediocre or absolute rubbish tell me. 5/23. Yesterday might have been the same. -LawRobbur is a mess, almost satirizing...not quite that interesting though. The last good poem was from Cal Y Pygia on 5/21.
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