"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks for all the excellent comments and criticism y'all! Especially appreciate the constructive criticism as i am still learning.

I am so glad you liked that line in Going Hard. I am known in my circle to have a perverse(some would say perverted) sense of humour, which is exactly reflected in that line. That poem was only intended to be a bit of fun. I wrote it in one sitting and it is posted as it came out, uneditted.
Thanks for all the excellent comments and criticism y'all! Especially appreciate the constructive criticism as i am still learning.

I am so glad you liked that line in Going Hard. I am known in my circle to have a perverse(some would say perverted) sense of humour, which is exactly reflected in that line. That poem was only intended to be a bit of fun. I wrote it in one sitting and it is posted as it came out, uneditted.

I thought it was great fun so thanks for the giggle!
We need some action here

Why is this thread not stuck up there in the stickies directly under the recommendations thread so that it might actually be used to keep the reveiw/recommendations thread clean.

Perhaps rename it to keep it consistent with the renamed review/recommendations thread.

Let's have some order around here amidst all this chaotic beauty

surrounded in breathtaking beauty
I need somewhere to catch my breath
Why is this thread not stuck up there in the stickies directly under the recommendations thread so that it might actually be used to keep the reveiw/recommendations thread clean.

Perhaps rename it to keep it consistent with the renamed review/recommendations thread.

Let's have some order around here amidst all this chaotic beauty

surrounded in breathtaking beauty
I need somewhere to catch my breath

It wouldn't stop people from posting in the review thread. People who know the rules still comment up in there if you rub 'em wrong. What rubs me wrong is when people tell me I have an opinion, like I'm eight and don't know the difference between statements of fact and statements of preference. I would've been harsher on Paul's poem, but that's probably why I don't do review thread anymore. People will defend their crap to the death if given half a chance.
lorencino -

Thank you for today's review of the poems I've submitted. There was no intention on my part to link "big bang haikus" with "big d" and i agree that the suggestion of a serial connection dilutes the sorta-haikus.

I truly appreciate your praise and constructive criticism equally. Thanks.
To Pandora Glitters,

Thanks for the kind words. I have just been indulging in word play lately and Ins and Outted was a product of that fun. I am glad you liked it. It's not meant to be great art, just fun. Sometimes fun is good.
To Pandora Glitters,

Thanks for the kind words. I have just been indulging in word play lately and Ins and Outted was a product of that fun. I am glad you liked it. It's not meant to be great art, just fun. Sometimes fun is good.

Who are the Noobs??:confused:
Blessed Are the Poor in Miami Beach

Thanks, Chipbutty, for your thoughtful words about this poem in the "New Poetry Recommendations" thread. Any connection between thorazine and sunlight would have been coincidental, and Luke was likely no more than a tramp, needing an excuse for his wanderlust after having enough with Miami Beach and Lizzie, a gentle soul who, if there is a heaven, will surely inherit it. The failed public policy in the US regarding so-called community care for the mentally ill that results too often in homelessness and patients fending for themselves is disturbing to me because many of these "poor in spirit" are the archetypes of the 8 beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount and are "persecuted for righteousness' sake" because we blame them for the discomfort we feel about their discomfort.
Because we're human and it will always happen, here's a thread for all the thank-you notes and off-topic banter that occasionally clog up the New Poems Reviews and others.

Enjoy. :)

The above is the first post for this thread. It was instead of a sticky. It is for chit chat and off topic talk. If nobody wants to post, no necessity, no need for a sticky thread. But, things change.....you an always ask the Poets if has become very important, maybe they will consider a change.

I often watch from the upstairs window,
just beyond the moon glow’s reach,
as a phantom tide comes in
and my house becomes an island,
brushed by a warm
and ancient trade wind.
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sorry guys. crying off tonight's poetry recs. time and aches and pains and so on. mea culpa :rose:
Thanks for the PR, PDG.

Funny thing about that (or not so funny, least not ha ha funny), once in a while I scour the files and find old stuff that I forgot about, maybe it's just a short paragraph or two, forgot all about it, sometimes they go back to 2003 or earlier. Most of time I go Yuck, and forthwith delete. But on occasion, I'll go, Hm, that ain't so bad, maybe has potential... and that's where the one you pointed to came from. Just looked at it, almost deleted it, but then thought, Hm, with a little tinkering (or faffing), that might just venture towards poetic (and it was scribbled long before I ever thought to consciously explore Poetry). So that's what I did: a little rearrangement, went to that little box, and stuck it in. And I have absolutely no recollection what caused it, or what it may have meant. You just never know...
I've just come across a comment on one of my poems telling me not to let my head get too big! ........ meeeeee lol the one who is continually wracked with worries that what I do isn't good enough. How little you know me anonymous commenter to even suggest it!
I can imagine that very few people would ever think of you that way. And it was an odd place to leave a comment. Um, was your poem about your head or something? lol
I've just come across a comment on one of my poems telling me not to let my head get too big! ........ meeeeee lol the one who is continually wracked with worries that what I do isn't good enough. How little you know me anonymous commenter to even suggest it!

how strange!

did they say anything else apart from that, and could it possibly have been intended as a funny where you're in the lead for the survivor thingy? otherwise I can't make sense of it :)
also, my apologies for not getting on and reviewing yesterday. I meant to - but the day got away from me having to go out in the snow and stuff when I didn't expect to. :eek: excuses, excuses.
I can imagine that very few people would ever think of you that way. And it was an odd place to leave a comment. Um, was your poem about your head or something? lol

A former comment had called me 'the queen of forms' and Anonymous was questioning that and citing all the names that are better, all of which I am well aware of anyway. Actually the original comment didn't make my head big but I did enjoy the appreciation, for the little while allowed anyway sigh. You say it's not hate mail Anonymous maybe so but it's certainly got a sharp edge to it rather like a paper cut that stings like hell
A former comment had called me 'the queen of forms' and Anonymous was questioning that and citing all the names that are better, all of which I am well aware of anyway. Actually the original comment didn't make my head big but I did enjoy the appreciation, for the little while allowed anyway sigh. You say it's not hate mail Anonymous maybe so but it's certainly got a sharp edge to it rather like a paper cut that stings like hell

I would truly ignore the comment and anon. You know how some people absolutely cannot stand for anyone to get attention or any kind of positive feedback. Hey, you made someone envious. Laugh at them. :devil:
I would truly ignore the comment and anon. You know how some people absolutely cannot stand for anyone to get attention or any kind of positive feedback. Hey, you made someone envious. Laugh at them. :devil:

Yeah you're right I worked damn hard all year so why should I let one wasp spoil my picnic :)
Thanks for the mention, EO. Now that I have read the haiku several more times, I think I need to tweak the haiku a bit to fully capture the image I was trying to express.
Thank you to EO, Wicked Eve, and vjrose for your comments on my Voices poem. Eve- I did debate whether to use "Stomp" or ''Stamp" but I consciously chose "stomp" since it also implies a kicking beatdown.
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