"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you to EO, Wicked Eve, and vjrose for your comments on my Voices poem. Eve- I did debate whether to use "Stomp" or ''Stamp" but I consciously chose "stomp" since it also implies a kicking beatdown.

Stomp has a bit more impact, but it leaves me with an image of a foot stomping you instead of a rubber stamp stamping your forehead. I don't think rubber stamps stomp, do they? Oh well, it's such a minor thing. All that's important is that it's a good poem. :rose:
Thank you. Anytime I get constructive feedback from a poet is a blessing.

And congratulations!
This thread seems to have slipped out of favour but I’m here to thank Tzara for mentioning my poem "Morning Wood" in the recommendations thread and vrosej10, annagraham, jthserra (ltns), Tzara, EroticOregeny and Deja_two for the kind words left at the site.

Thankyou to Dora for her kind mention and Rose and Bill for their comments. I have been reading a book about a girl who brought her abusers to justice but there's no such outlet for me they are all dead and gone and I can see that girl who is still around haunting me
Thank you PandoraGlitters:heart: for the comparison to Safe_Bet *tear*. That was a honor, and I am humbled.

May your day and life be peaceful,

Thank you to EroticOrogeny, ishtat and Esperanza Hildago for comments left on my poems "Best" and "The First Grandchild".
I'd like to thank the Literoticans who've commented on my recent illustrated submission. Forgive me that the painting isn't mine, but I believe I've shown nothing but respect for the work in question with my ekphrastic poem, The Olive Trees by Van Gogh.

Psalms 52:8 KJV But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
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Thanks to Tzara for the recommendation and the comment left on my audio poem. I decided I wanted to play with some audio, see how I liked doing that.

Also thanks to slowrimmer for the read and the comment. Always good to get imput.

Now we need to get Dora dear to read some of hers. She has voice like velvet.

Thank you Tzara for the comment about my poem. It was a late night depressive effort after too much studying. I was damn well Needy! Comments well taken and well meaning. Nothing like a psych final to leave one needy. Sometimes I wonder if my poems get read, nice to see someone read that one.

Thank you Tzara for the comment about my poem. It was a late night depressive effort after too much studying. I was damn well Needy! Comments well taken and well meaning. Nothing like a psych final to leave one needy. Sometimes I wonder if my poems get read, nice to see someone read that one.


You can go to your member's page (like when you submit something) and view how many reads each of your works has.
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Thank you Tzara for the comment about my poem. It was a late night depressive effort after too much studying. I was damn well Needy! Comments well taken and well meaning. Nothing like a psych final to leave one needy. Sometimes I wonder if my poems get read, nice to see someone read that one.

I was a psych major myself, m'dear. Not that I have any warm, fuzzy feelings about that.

My one comment about it is: Good stimuli presented, reinforcement; Good stimuli removed, punishment; Bad stimuli presented, punishment; bad stimuli removed, reinforcement.

Life. How simple.
I was a psych major myself, m'dear. Not that I have any warm, fuzzy feelings about that.

My one comment about it is: Good stimuli presented, reinforcement; Good stimuli removed, punishment; Bad stimuli presented, punishment; bad stimuli removed, reinforcement.

Life. How simple.

I had to go reread the poem. Funny how poems happen. My mind was fried and words happened. It's strange sometimes how poetry just spills from you. You do not know where it comes from; it just happens.

I am not trained. I do not know rules. I simply like writing them.

Thank you again,

Thank you fridayam for mentioning my poem. It happened as described, and now sits in a frame over my compy. The nekky picture of a woman? Oh no, it's not discarded, but attached to my file cabinet with a dirty band-aid. Cuts almost gone! My smile is very big right now. :D
I would just like to say that Senna Jawa is perfectly entitled to his opinions.

I'm just relieved I liked his poem.
I would just like to say that Senna Jawa is perfectly entitled to his opinions.

I'm just relieved I liked his poem.


I liked his work also. And as they say, beauty is in . . . the eye of the beholder?

or sumptin similar.

I think it's brave to review, because you risk retaliation for speaking opinion. It's even braver to be pleasant about it, when you receive criticism for comments. Poets are a sensitive sort, and since I am "sort" of a poet, I can opine about sensitive poets.

It seems of little reward to reviewers for me to say this, but I look forward to poetry reviews. I appreciate the reviews, even if I do not agree with the reviewer's comments.

Perhaps a simple thanks for the effort will suffice, reviewers have little to gain and much to lose.
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