"To keep the review thread clean..."

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:rose: Thanks Maria2394 for your revealing and thoughtful comment on my, "Past Tense". Thanks as well to theognis; your comments are under consideration.
Thanks for the recommends Fridayam and Chip. Thanks to all you guys for your comments on The Most Faithful Suitor. I got the idea from a tv show. Someone had broken all the mirrors in a house and I went from there. It was kinda fun. I got to think up all these fiendish things to do. My personal fav is the plum faced bit, swollen purple and shiny like a plum. I researched hanging victims for authenticity. I do better dark or funny I think.

I thought I'd respond to you here rather than by adding an additional comment such as yours under vrosej10's excellent poem.

Your comment:

"Fuck that's amazing

I am still shivering.

(BTW, can't help but wonder how Theo would fuck this up)"

My comment (if I wanted to respond in kind):

I'm glad the perfection that has so easily eluded you in your own work has finally been revealed to you in the work of another.


Now, can you stop the snide remarks and other hostile actions and allow comity to rule here? You're a good poet, and I've never said otherwise or voted otherwise on your poems. I'd like to concentrate on poetry.
My goodness I got an 'H' :) thanks guys :rose:

Congratulations. You deserved it; it's an excellent poem. You apparently don't allow PM's, so I'll say here you might want to stop the voting on the poem at this point, if you wish to retain the 'H.' One additional vote of less than five will take it away.
Thanks to those who took the time to read my stuff today and those who went even further and commented.

I am not here looking for a pat on the head nor the back and to 1201 I must say, you are a very powerful mentor and friend to have the strength to say what you have said to me and know I will take it like an adult. After all, how else can I possibly learn if no will tell me when I am wrong? Besides, I ain't in in for the pay :D

I appreciate it very much


I guess I'm kinda giddy anyhow, I have an interview in the morning with the developer of the new Amazon project. I am the only one ( so far) on the list for his assistant's job, and he called twice today to make sure I would be there tomorrow. wish me luck ;)
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Thanks to those who took the time to read my stuff today and those who went even further and commented.

I am not here looking for a pat on the head nor the back and to 1201 I must say, you are a very powerful mentor and friend to have the strength to say what you have said to me and know I will take it like an adult. After all, how else can I possibly learn if no will tell me when I am wrong? Besides, I ain't in in for the pay :D

I appreciate it very much


I guess I'm kinda giddy anyhow, I have an interview in the morning with the developer of the new Amazon project. I am the only one ( so far) on the list for his assistant's job, and he called twice today to make sure I would be there tomorrow. wish me luck ;)
1.)good luck
2.) you've done the same for me (I'm also glad, I read the worst first, and we all fuck up)
3.) poetry is such a complex thing, nobody can see everything, nobody knows everything, and the more you know, the more you forget, mentor, nah, if anything, I'm just returning what is owned.
4.) sometimes I read other's comments, I get embarrassed that I missed it.

5.) my total poetry earnings $1.06, after a friend told me I should write more like Robert Service, after a good natured insult exchange and arm punching (guy hits like a hammer) we went to get coffee, I complained he hurt my arm so bad, I couldn't get my wallet. He paid, my total poetry earnings $1.06. And he lent me his Robert Service book.
Congratulations. You deserved it; it's an excellent poem. You apparently don't allow PM's, so I'll say here you might want to stop the voting on the poem at this point, if you wish to retain the 'H.' One additional vote of less than five will take it away.
Don't game the system Theo, fuck it, the H's ain't that important. I'm fully prepared to lose mine.
Don't game the system Theo, fuck it, the H's ain't that important. I'm fully prepared to lose mine.

I don't really think of it as gaming the system. I've already lost a couple of 'H's' to one-bombs where a single individual countermanded the votes of ten others. UYS seemed pleased to get her 'H,' understandably, and I thought I'd let her know she could keep it, if she chooses. Now, if she decides she'd rather risk one more vote taking it away, perhaps permanently, that will be up to her.

I respect your attitude, by the way. It's the one I had at first, but after several instances of seeing a bomb drop immediately after an 'H' appeared for one of my poems, I thought I'd just hold on to this last one, at least for a while. I decided that after a bomb was dropped on it minutes after it got an 'H,' but the rascally 'H' survived that first hit, just barely. :)

I'm not sure people realize a one-bomb can drop a poem with an 'H' and a 4.50 rating, all the way down to a 4.18 rating instantaneously. Maybe most don't care. More power to them, if that's the case.
1.)good luck
2.) you've done the same for me (I'm also glad, I read the worst first, and we all fuck up)
3.) poetry is such a complex thing, nobody can see everything, nobody knows everything, and the more you know, the more you forget, mentor, nah, if anything, I'm just returning what is owned.
4.) sometimes I read other's comments, I get embarrassed that I missed it.

5.) my total poetry earnings $1.06, after a friend told me I should write more like Robert Service, after a good natured insult exchange and arm punching (guy hits like a hammer) we went to get coffee, I complained he hurt my arm so bad, I couldn't get my wallet. He paid, my total poetry earnings $1.06. And he lent me his Robert Service book.

I've made about $15. That's three coffees or so. I spent it on excellent secondhand poetry books.
I don't really think of it as gaming the system. I've already lost a couple of 'H's' to one-bombs where a single individual countermanded the votes of ten others. UYS seemed pleased to get her 'H,' understandably, and I thought I'd let her know she could keep it, if she chooses. Now, if she decides she'd rather risk one more vote taking it away, perhaps permanently, that will be up to her.

I respect your attitude, by the way. It's the one I had at first, but after several instances of seeing a bomb drop immediately after an 'H' appeared for one of my poems, I thought I'd just hold on to this last one, at least for a while. I decided that after a bomb was dropped on it minutes after it got an 'H,' but the rascally 'H' survived that first hit, just barely. :)

I'm not sure people realize a one-bomb can drop a poem with an 'H' and a 4.50 rating, all the way down to a 4.18 rating instantaneously. Maybe most don't care. More power to them, if that's the case.

You know so much about this subject: you must have had a lot of practice.
Congratulations. You deserved it; it's an excellent poem. You apparently don't allow PM's, so I'll say here you might want to stop the voting on the poem at this point, if you wish to retain the 'H.' One additional vote of less than five will take it away.

I'll leave it as it is, the voting is permanently on because because everyone is entitled to there own opinion and although it's nice to see the H (I'd be lying if I didn't say so) I've had them before and they come and go but I don't get in a tiswas about it. Presumably my one E stays as do my two wins in some hall of fame somewhere although I have no idea where.
When I was in the Dog Showing world you got the trophy chasers and any trophy would do even from the small exemption dog shows, all taken far too seriously amongst the 'Dog with the waggiest tail' and 'Best six legs', the sort of thing most people did for fun to support charity but for them the trophy was the most important thing to be hung onto and flaunted,
Don't know what you mean about PMs not being allowed the only ones that I have blocked are the crazies i.e 'do you want to cum' or I have a biggun'!
I've made about $15. That's three coffees or so. I spent it on excellent secondhand poetry books.
oooo, good coffee:D

Anyway, I think I saw some prose poetry over in new poems, I think I gave some of them 100's
emp don't like it he can leave what he wants:rose::rose::rose:
Congratulations. You deserved it; it's an excellent poem. You apparently don't allow PM's, so I'll say here you might want to stop the voting on the poem at this point, if you wish to retain the 'H.' One additional vote of less than five will take it away.
What this does is insults the audience
And insults your poem. It should go off on it's own.

if you are lucky you get comments like this:

I didn't get the semicolon's use except maybe you want a new thought to follow but not the break of a full stop to precede. I am uber picky about poets I respect

because, I still can't remember how that semicolon got there, but i like that last part too.

All voting once turned on, stays on for me. Right now, makes me kind of sad, I hand these things out do freely.:eek:
You know so much about this subject: you must have had a lot of practice.

No, I still haven't voted less than a three here, but I do have some experience with seeing a 4.50 rating with ten votes drop instantly to a 4.18 rating. It's not difficult to figure out how that happens.
No, I still haven't voted less than a three here, but I do have some experience with seeing a 4.50 rating with ten votes drop instantly to a 4.18 rating. It's not difficult to figure out how that happens.

Maths is obviously your strong suit. Perhaps you should stick to it.
I'll leave it as it is, the voting is permanently on because because everyone is entitled to there own opinion and although it's nice to see the H (I'd be lying if I didn't say so) I've had them before and they come and go but I don't get in a tiswas about it. Presumably my one E stays as do my two wins in some hall of fame somewhere although I have no idea where.
When I was in the Dog Showing world you got the trophy chasers and any trophy would do even from the small exemption dog shows, all taken far too seriously amongst the 'Dog with the waggiest tail' and 'Best six legs', the sort of thing most people did for fun to support charity but for them the trophy was the most important thing to be hung onto and flaunted,
Don't know what you mean about PMs not being allowed the only ones that I have blocked are the crazies i.e 'do you want to cum' or I have a biggun'!

Well, as I said, I think you deserve the 'H' for that poem, and I hope no one takes it away. I think it's one of your best.

I see now that you do allow PM's. Must have been my mistake that it appeared you didn't.
What this does is insults the audience
And insults your poem. It should go off on it's own.

if you are lucky you get comments like this:

I didn't get the semicolon's use except maybe you want a new thought to follow but not the break of a full stop to precede. I am uber picky about poets I respect

because, I still can't remember how that semicolon got there, but i like that last part too.

All voting once turned on, stays on for me. Right now, makes me kind of sad, I hand these things out do freely.:eek:

The problem, as I see it, is there are so few votes over here on the poetry side of things a single low vote has too much weight. It doesn't matter much when there are hundreds of offsetting votes, as with stories, but this is a very small universe here.
The problem, as I see it, is there are so few votes over here on the poetry side of things a single low vote has too much weight. It doesn't matter much when there are hundreds of offsetting votes, as with stories, but this is a very small universe here.

I'm sorry this universe here seems small ( to some), mine is enormous, but maybe that's just the space between my ears

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I am all behind on my thank yous soooooooooo ...... thank you and you and oh yes you over there and even you up there on your high horse *ferrets behind the filing cabinets to drag you into the light to be thanked*. Are you all sitting comfortably then I'll begin. "Quit squabbling on the back row, no biting gouging or spitting settle down and write damn you"! *Cracks whip* :caning: (closest I could get :D )
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