"To keep the review thread clean..."

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anniebug's man said:
a different day's light good stuff. But I have to admit that it smells a little of "ubercraft"

That is an excellent observation, and something for me to consider.

It occured to me as I was putting the finishing touches to the poem . . .when does overpolishing take away shine instead of adding it? Hard to know, really.

Thanks. :)
I submitted a poem I thought would be up yesterday, so it is not for the lack of (one) poem :)

and don't listen to Tess about the shirt. I like being distracted.

When the two of you get posting back and forth I just scroll really fast and it looks like you are, well, you know, in a movie where you are on top of each other or something so be careful of the positioning, don't one anyone to lose an eye

flyguy69 said:
I'm curious about the paucity of poetry on Fridays. Do folks not submit poems on Thursdays, and hence there are no poems to post? Or is it an artifact of the Literotica staff work schedule? Do they, like me, play volleyball and then go out drinking on Thursday nights and find themselves dangerously unfit to handle an eletrical device like a computer?

I'm not complaining, mind you, but it would be nice to see some of your cheery smiles on a Friday now and again.

*being careful what I wish for!*
Originally Posted by anniebug's man
a different day's light good stuff. But I have to admit that it smells a little of "ubercraft"

hmm, does that smell anything like "teen spirit?"

or more of an Angeline pastry?
annaswirls said:
hmm, does that smell anything like "teen spirit?"

or more of an Angeline pastry?

My pastry currently smells like apple torte. Sometimes vanilla caramel. I have a little bath products fetish. Ok maybe a big bath products fetish. When my son was little he would say--in that utterly cruel way little kids have--that I smelled like "a bad cookie." I may make that my new title, lol, "Bad Cookie."

Anyway thank all of you who commented on my poem Mine (even the person who I WROTE IT FOR who left the thermometer at 50%). :D

And 1201, I don't mind a good score on a bell curve. I never fit in the normal middle anyway. Also I think the poem needs some editing.
Angeline said:
Anyway thank all of you who commented on my poem Mine (even the person who I WROTE IT FOR who left the thermometer at 50%). :D
I noticed. The bastard. :devil:
Some of your best poems have been ee inspired, like Second Nature.
annaswirls said:
hmm, does that smell anything like "teen spirit?"

or more of an Angeline pastry?

...definitely the more mature of the two. I leave it up to you to make the choice :D

On second thought is it moonshine? and is she baking with wood, gas or electricity?
Hey, thanks to all who commented on my Orpheus poem. I would blush, if a pseudonymous virtual entity could blush, at your kind comments. :rolleyes:

But right now there are more important things, like my team getting ready to ignominiously exit the NFL playoffs!

Lessee--sports, poetry. Hmmm.

Sports are in color. (Or colour, depending on where you're watching them from.)

Back in a few hours. :)
anniebug's man said:
...definitely the more mature of the two. I leave it up to you to make the choice :D

On second thought is it moonshine? and is she baking with wood, gas or electricity?

mojo and jazz :D

I just read your poem Second Nature. It was truely beautiful. (smiling)

Thats the test of real love, that it lives and grows in the real world, with two imperfect people. That it strengthens and nurtures you through the hard times.
Lorelei_11 said:

I just read your poem Second Nature. It was truely beautiful. (smiling)

Thats the test of real love, that it lives and grows in the real world, with two imperfect people. That it strengthens and nurtures you through the hard times.

Thank you my friend. It was written from the heart.

Angeline said:
Thank you my friend. It was written from the heart.


Your welcome. I could tell it was written from the heart, because it touched mine.

That is the best poetry can get, from the heart... so it can touch the heart of another.

Your relationship with E.E is inspiring. I loved that movie The Notebook for the same reason. Their love was real and endured all things. Even in the end, he was with her constantly. When she couldn't remember.
Lorelei_11 said:
Your welcome. I could tell it was written from the heart, because it touched mine.

That is the best poetry can get, from the heart... so it can touch the heart of another.

Your relationship with E.E is inspiring. I loved that movie The Notebook for the same reason. Their love was real and endured all things. Even in the end, he was with her constantly. When she couldn't remember.

We're very good at enduring, lol. We endure spectacularly. :D

I am so sorry to have stood you all on your tails with my most recent lit submission. Now you're acquainted with the more grunting and graphic side of me.

This isn't for a new audience twelveoone, just the one that lurks on the lurid edge of Litland, thanks for taking the time to RVC and to link the piece in question in your review. Eve, thankyou, you're right about those few lines of strophe 5, they're not very poetic, but they do add continuity to the narrative I think.

Anonymous, I have some Krazy Glue (TM) here. Maybe you can use it to reconstruct a more abstract vision of me.

Art, ty for the mention.
Thank you 1201 and Art for your mentions of my poem today and for everyone else who readed the poems today! Extra dollup of marshmellow fluff for the commentors. :heart:
twelveoone said:
early, early returns

A Heraldry of Hands by TheRainMan

...worth a read

Thanks for the mention, number man,

fellow sinner, fellow sin.

No, no straffing. No voting, so no bombing,

no 1-bombing, nor 5-bombing, which is just as annoying to me. :)
TheRainMan said:
Thanks for the mention, number man,

fellow sinner, fellow sin.

No, no straffing. No voting, so no bombing,

no 1-bombing, nor 5-bombing, which is just as annoying to me. :)
I wasn't too effusive or abusive was I?
BTW, I've been noticing your comments, disagreeing with me, tsk, tsk. Over a "d"
Seriously your comments rock. I liked what you did with Tzara'd
Holds up lighter, whistles, etc., etc., etc.
Good to see you on the other side again.
Real good. Place needs you.
I want to thank anniebugsman, Le Broz and Tristesse for their recent mentions of some of my poetry. And thank you Le Broz and Tristesse for your continued kind words in commenting.

thank you,

Thanks ~Art :) for the comments and the mention. :rose: Both were greatly appreciated. :rose:

My Erotic Trail said:
New Poems Reviews
Saturday 14, 2006


Someday She'll Know by RedHairedandFreindly you can not read this and not feel her emotions. I found this to be a good write for it displays relationships of so many and the thoughts and feelings they live with.

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