"To keep the review thread clean..."

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who is doing yesterday's?
you, gm, des, at least as a professional courtesy, a sonnet, for those that like sort of thing, something else, maybe something else, i forget.
We need a Fridays reviewer since it appears Tzara is no longer able to take that day. I can trade with Tzara if he can do Saturdays (Will that work, Tzed?) Or someone else can step up to the plate, maybe? :)
a pointer (cue) or two would have been nice, christ, i even thought of that dreadful management book that was so popular years ago

two cucumbers as well as cheese? whaddyawant, a sandwich? :D

sorry, it probably wasn't the best idea subbing it since it was a spur of the moment thing written a while back.
We need a Fridays reviewer since it appears Tzara is no longer able to take that day. I can trade with Tzara if he can do Saturdays (Will that work, Tzed?) Or someone else can step up to the plate, maybe? :)
I was just on vacation, m'dear. But, as I indicated elsewhere, if Friday works better for you, by all means take it.
Thanks to Tazz, Demure101 and 1201 for commenting on It's like this .
1201 - posting that poem was an experiment of sorts. I've been thinking about what is transferable and what is not in poetry - obviously this one did not work for you ;). Well, at least I will be a contender if there is a Hallmark Card Challenge....
I was just on vacation, m'dear. But, as I indicated elsewhere, if Friday works better for you, by all means take it.

Darlin' I am fine with Saturdays but Fridays can work, too. Just let me know which is better for you. I'm flexible. Occasionally tardy, sleeping on the keyboard, party dress hiked up, but flexible!
does anyone read new poems review?
does anyone actually go over and comment because of npr?

Do I do it often? No.

I think the New Poems Recommendations (note, twelvie, not "review" anymore) is helpful in letting me know that someone whose poems I like (e.g., greenmountaineer, Desejo, Tess, Champ, Angie, demure, etc.) or someone whose poems I find interesting (you, Senna Jawa, jthserra's various personae) or, especially, someone new of note has posted something I should look at.

You could pick a day, y'know. It's kind of a community thing.

Do I do it often? No.

I think the New Poems Recommendations (note, twelvie, not "review" anymore) is helpful in letting me know that someone whose poems I like (e.g., greenmountaineer, Desejo, Tess, Champ, Angie, demure, etc.) or someone whose poems I find interesting (you, Senna Jawa, jthserra's various personae) or, especially, someone new of note has posted something I should look at.

You could pick a day, y'know. It's kind of a community thing.
and after i spent 6 hrs. track down one yours, and explaining what you did, don't pull that community crap on me
i did plenty of time on community service, including mentioning you and yours

interesting divide
interesting hint
interesting wording
demure - oh dear is right :D thanks for reading and the grin.
angeline - cheers, m'dear :D thank goodness it was only a flight of imagination. if that had actually happened, it would have been no cheese course for me. just how cheesy could that get? ewwwwwww :eek:
hey bronze, thanks. if you liked it because of two coming back as dogs only, that's ok, as a matter of fact i thought it was the high point.
the real impetus was the rejection of Koba's poem as not being poetry. but yeah i read the doggy thread.
that was the encasing letter. the sonnet, and yes that is a sonnet was written about three-four years ago, as a joke when pat carrington was the editor on mannequin envy, he had stated that they had to start sending out form rejection letters, he wasn't too keen on forms, so i thought that would be a really cool thing to have. a form rejection for a form.
i suspect the person that rejected Koba's poem, may be the same person that would have had prior knowledge of the poem's existence. so largely it was me having fun.
that may have been my first experiment with the 12 syllable line, which is the most awkward line in English.
FoxP2, of the forkhead box set is a genetic mutation which only man has, which at the time was thought to be of major significance in the development of speech, it manifests itself in jaw development.
Yum K'aax is really the Mayan god of corn. (sounds like a cereal box)
Ptah (think about it) is really the Egyptian god responsible for speech. they have a curious ritual in the mummification process called "opening the mouth".
with that it practically writes itself.
Really it's just me jawing about too much of the same old, same old, and lack of thought.
Ang 5 times? but you are right
Ash, I have great respect for much of the Hindu religion.
love you guys
thanks, i do hope someone found something funny in it, like how did Ivan know, and why did a Russian come back with a southern accent?
I'm going to do NaNoWriMo for the next couple of months, and therefore won't be around to do poetry recommendations. I don't think I will come back, so I want to give a heads up that Sundays are clear for anyone wanting to recommend. I've had a fantastic time, thank you! xo
best of luck with the NNWM, charley :kiss: maybe you'll drop in now and again as time permits.
two fucking killer days over in new poems, just saying, well worth the trip

or as my fav anon once told me, when i wasn't even here


which i'm getting
Thank you, Tzara, for the mention on New Poems Recommendations for my poems Bucket List and Two if by Air. You were right on target in your reading of both poems. Also thanks to those who commented. It has been a long, long time since I have submitted anything but since that was part of the requirement for the Bucket List challenge, it got me off my duff. But reading comments was really warming. Thanks for that.
My belated thanks to Tzara for the mention of "Quan Found his Daddy in Frisco" in NPR and to the other Lit members who took the time to comment on it.

It's a joy to see so many good poems by veterans and newcomers both in the new poems section and in these threads.
Thank You PandoraGlitters for your feedback yesterday. Your time and effort is appreciated!!
Thank You PandoraGlitters for your feedback yesterday. Your time and effort is appreciated!!

I got your PM, anyone that can write something that sits in my head for a day, Well I'm glad you caught Level three, we moved up to 4, looks like 2 are knocking at 5. I head back to 4, after I'm done pissing everybody off.

I will do what I can, the purpose of that thread is to pull out nifty little tricks that anyone can use, or to get you to change your perspective (like when a painter steps back from the canvas).

For now, follow the comments, start with "a walk on the path" excellent comments, and it's a lovely autumnal pastoral of the kind you seldom see.

i would have pm'ed you but the box got full

and you, Thank you.
Level F (Full disclosure)

Shadow Girl


Thank you.

As a self proclaimed newbee, who welcomes feedback and interpretation, ! appreciate your time and effort.

Although ! have little knowledge of "twitter" groups, as ! do not know how to tweet, (!e: She Is) my intuition tells me that your mission is to guide and be helpful to those who, like me, need it.

Yes, ! am the one with "the smell of lipstick left on the plastic spoon we share" (!e: question posted from "Shadow Gir"l)

! have learned a lot from reading your posts and hope you stick around to "stir the pot".


! just discovered that ! was called/summoned, to front and center. ! plead the fifth until!!!!!!!!!!!

njoy today

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” Michelangelo

So much for PM's,

The "I" s were intentionally substituted with "!" s in this PM, and I have to tell you folks, I have just re-learned, and re-kicked myself for leaving my comfort zone of Taoism!

I now return to the river as a stone and will allow the water to wash over me and create a smooth, peaceful surface.

My wish is for all to enjoy today, and have hope for tomorrow!

Beth (ie: jade)
So much for PM's,

The "I" s were intentionally substituted with "!" s in this PM, and I have to tell you folks, I have just re-learned, and re-kicked myself for leaving my comfort zone of Taoism!

I now return to the river as a stone and will allow the water to wash over me and create a smooth, peaceful surface.

My wish is for all to enjoy today, and have hope for tomorrow!

Beth (ie: jade)

Thank you, Beth. :rose: Good luck on your Tao.
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