"To keep the review thread clean..."

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saldne said:
You'd have to shave your cat before putting the baby clothes on. Make sure to put a bonnet on his or her head. This could work in court if your ex denies it's his. :D

Now what about the tail? Oh, I think you're fucked there. Just damn...

oh, no!! dont shave your cats butt! back in november mine had to be shaved...the cats butt, not mine, and he still acts like I did it ust to hurt hiss feelings, but if you DO shave it, the cat, dont laugh where it can hear you, seriously!! yikes!!!

umm, I came back, because...Iforgot why I was here. To thank Liar for the mention of my crow bait poem. Thank you LIar!!! and thanks to everyone who has read and left comments. The feedback is very much appreciated!!



ps, saldne, I think Eve did say her ex had a tail, Im sure she said that, a looong time ago :D My mama told me I had a tail when I was born,she said it was about a half inch long or so. I didnt believe her, then I saw an episode of the X Files called Small potatoes and those freaks had tails, so who knows :rolleyes: :D see why Im like I am? I got picked on!! all you poets with kids, dont pick on yer youngins!! It aint right!!
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Maria2394 said:
ps, saldne, I think Eve did say her ex had a tail, Im sure she said that, a looong time ago :D

Oh yeah. I've heard some nasty things. It could possibly work out then. lol

My ex looks like a squirrel and his tail really needs a bath. I believe it's been years. I'll stop there. I'm getting stinky flashbacks.

Maria2394 said:
My mama told me I had a tail when I was born,she said it was about a half inch long or so. I didnt believe her, then I saw an episode of the X Files called Small potatoes and those freaks had tails, so who knows :rolleyes: :D see why Im like I am? I got picked on!! all you poets with kids, dont pick on yer youngins!! It aint right!!

I'll give you mine for 1 hour to babysit while I go shopping. You'd be calling me on my cell phone in less than 30 mins. "Come get your beasts!" That's if you could find the almost 15 year old. :D
Liar said:
Grandma, Jesus and Buddha by Tristesse leaves a warm and lovely feeling behind. Go read, and smile.

Thank you, Liar, for your comment and mentioning it in the reviews and thanks to blue, fly, bogus, oregan_gal, Tzara, swirly-girl and Saldne for your comments.

flyguy69 said:
Remember when you were 16 and for your birthday your family all gathered for dinner and there were presents from your little brother that he made in boyscouts that were supposed to be snowshoes but looked more like gates and there were socks from your grandma and a record from your sister...

Don't get me wrong, there are some very good poems all through the list. Neo, for instance, offers the illustrated Down, which manages to do much more than simply show a photo and write a poem about it.
My poem is the socks, isn't it? ;)

*** Thanks for the mention fly and comments from Eve and sandspike. I appreciate it much as always.
neonurotic said:
My poem is the socks, isn't it? ;)

*** Thanks for the mention fly and comments from Eve and sandspike. I appreciate it much as always.

Blue argyle goes with everything!
I just want to say thinks to Fly, bb (bogus?), Tess, saldne, TRM and MET for their comments on my Kiss The Right Note. First proper thing I've written in way too long. Praying the muse didn't just do a fly-by. :rolleyes:

Oh, and Art...actually: No, it's not a poem. It's a song. Got melody and arrangement. Being recorded as I type this. (So Tess, if you say pretty please with a cherry on top, yah, there might be audio.)

But can I ask you (Art, not Tess)...if you read a poem, and don't understand what it's about...then it can't have fully connected with you...right? Then how can you give it a 100% rating? Just curious. :)

flyguy69 said:
Remember when you were 16 and for your birthday your family all gathered for dinner and there were presents from your little brother that he made in boyscouts that were supposed to be snowshoes but looked more like gates and there were socks from your grandma and a record from your sister that she always wanted to listen to and you smiled and thanked everyone politely even as you picked up the little box from Mom and Dad but when you opened it you couldn't believe what you were looking at because it was a set of car keys and even if it was for a used Pinto it was a car a car a car and it was yours?

That's what the New Poems list is like today.

Don't get me wrong, there are some very good poems all through the list. Neo, for instance, offers the illustrated Down, which manages to do much more than simply show a photo and write a poem about it.

And I quote… (revererent pause) by Decayed Angel is a wonderful concatenation of thoughts and quotes, nicely illustrated.

I even read and enjoyed recklesschild's i am 2-6-0 before I realized I had slipped past the end of the list.

But in the middle of the today's list I found Stones by JCSTREET and shouted A Car! A Car! A Car!

JC was a prolific poet here a couple years back and was one of those poets whose work you printed out for study. Then, he hit his head on a rock or something and disappeared. The wounds have apparently healed because he returns today with a tour de force. Stones is a poem that defies convention and label. It is a poem that ignores any advice I or others have given about how to write poetry and brazenly wanders where it will. It stumbles. It breaks badly. It tramples rules. And it delights. Read this poem, and experience the thrill of a poem that discovers itself as it wanders through the labyrinth of love.
I hope someone e-mailed JCSTREET and told him that his poem was mentioned today (and included the link). - That is what I always do when I mention a poem in a review, and this includes my "Golden Oldie" spinner. That mention and display is what JCStreet is referring to at the top of his new poem. - I am honored, but bemused, that simply bringing attention to a past work of an admired writer can call forth such a tour-de-force.

I hope that the comments and excellent review of this new poem will further encourage JCStreet to rejoin our community, or at least tell us where to find his newer work if he has moved on/outgrown us, which he very well may have if today's poem is representative of his current writing.

The major difficulty I find in Stones is its length. I can only assume that it was not given the green editorial "E" because of that. Mama Kitty probably realized that the average Literotica reader, being unfamiliar with the author, would never finish a poem of this length without a plethora of "cocks", "cunts", "fucks", & "cornholes" splattered about. - I can only strongly suggest that all new Lit. poets who have not yet read this poem go do so now. The poem is not perfect, no poem ever is, but if you really want to write "5" and above quality poetry, print this one out and stick it on your refrigerator or someplace where you will see it every day.

Now I am going back to bed.
Rybka said:
The poem is not perfect, no poem ever is....
hence the role of critical comments with a degree of thought?
I'm outta here again, except to post the record. Unless Senna Jawa shows up, we have some unfinished business :rolleyes:
Liar said:
I just want to say thinks to Fly, bb (bogus?), Tess, saldne, TRM and MET for their comments on my Kiss The Right Note. First proper thing I've written in way too long. Praying the muse didn't just do a fly-by. :rolleyes:

Oh, and Art...actually: No, it's not a poem. It's a song. Got melody and arrangement. Being recorded as I type this. (So Tess, if you say pretty please with a cherry on top, yah, there might be audio.)

But can I ask you (Art, not Tess)...if you read a poem, and don't understand what it's about...then it can't have fully connected with you...right? Then how can you give it a 100% rating? Just curious. :)

as long as you have been here, and as long as we have had conversations, you must have forgotten some past conversations. I will almost always set the thermometer at 100, it came up that New Poem Reviewers those that do not adjust the thermometer were in fact leaving damaging marks on poems by not moving the scale. So out of habit and because I leave comments on poems and poets I like, I push the thermometer up to 100. I don't have urges to recreate your poetry, simply enjoy it for its content and accept it for your Art. 100% for being a creative person. I am not grading poets, as most here find fun to do, this is not a school to teach and learn but rather a group to share and enjoy. Well most of us are and truth be we all are here for one thing as we take different approaches to get there.
My Erotic Trail said:
as long as you have been here, and as long as we have had conversations, you must have forgotten some past conversations. I will almost always set the thermometer at 100, it came up that New Poem Reviewers those that do not adjust the thermometer were in fact leaving damaging marks on poems by not moving the scale.
Alrighty then. Explanation asked for, and explanation delivered. Your grading there have nothing to do with whether you liked the poem or not? Duly noted. :cool:

By the way, if you have voted before commenting, it doesn't matter what you set the thermometer to. Your regular vote will count, your comment thermomenter will not. At least that's the way it was a year ago when I last investigated it.

My Erotic Trail said:
as long as you have been here, and as long as we have had conversations, you must have forgotten some past conversations. I will almost always set the thermometer at 100, it came up that New Poem Reviewers those that do not adjust the thermometer were in fact leaving damaging marks on poems by not moving the scale. So out of habit and because I leave comments on poems and poets I like, I push the thermometer up to 100. I don't have urges to recreate your poetry, simply enjoy it for its content and accept it for your Art. 100% for being a creative person. I am not grading poets, as most here find fun to do, this is not a school to teach and learn but rather a group to share and enjoy. Well most of us are and truth be we all are here for one thing as we take different approaches to get there.

Now Art... has your nose grown a tad?

on a comment to my Lizard King, you gave me a 75% with the attached comment...

no vote
01/21/06 by My Erotic Trail
I read your poem

that must have made it a 75% of a 5 or a 3.75 vote? Oh well, better than a 1 I guess.

Thank you...

Flyguy69 and neonurotic for your recent mentions of my poems. And thank everyone for their kind comments and recommendations. Tzara, I Earnestly promise not to mispell Ernest again... Damn and how I loved "The Sun Also Rises"

Decayed Angel said:
Now Art... has your nose grown a tad?

on a comment to my Lizard King, you gave me a 75% with the attached comment...

no vote
01/21/06 by My Erotic Trail
I read your poem

that must have made it a 75% of a 5 or a 3.75 vote? Oh well, better than a 1 I guess.


Jim, that was my thoughts, I didn't vote so I wasn't going to leave it at 50 but if I didn't vote then I probably couldn't tell rather it was good or not <grin> so I left you at 75%. I am leaving less and less comments due to this factor. But I like to read those that are coined as good poets, to learn, if I leave a message I have damned your poem by placing a rating if not 100% and if I don't vote or comment then your missing the points needed for achieving the red "H". I think I am beginning to see why there are fewer comments on all the poems.
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My Erotic Trail said:
<snip>I think I am beginning to see why there are fewer comments on all the poems.
I only comment when I have something relevant to say and when I have the time and inclination to devote more effort to rating a poem than some poets dedicate to writing it. I hope you saw that far... ;)
My Erotic Trail said:
A Conrad Dimple poem II by Wicked Eve... I think the poem has dimples, check out Eve's continuing saga.
Art, thank you. And thank you to those who commented on and recommended dimple 1 and dimple 2. I'm working on dimple 3. I just can't stop myself, but I really should.
My Erotic Trail said:
Jim, that was my thoughts, I didn't vote so I wasn't going to leave it at 50 but if I didn't vote then I probably couldn't tell rather it was good or not <grin> so I left you at 75%. I am leaving less and less comments due to this factor. But I like to read those that are coined as good poets, to learn, if I leave a message I have damned your poem by placing a rating if not 100% and if I don't vote or comment then your missing the points needed for achieving the red "H". I think I am beginning to see why there are fewer comments on all the poems.

It's just that some might mistake that 75% for grading, something that someone said some poets here do. : )


btw. it is Yukio Mishima you should read... You may have heard of "The Sailor that Fell from Grace with the Sea", Kris Kristopherson starred in the movie of this intense novel, but you see the true Samurai in Mishima with his "Sea of Fertility" tetralogy (Spring Snow, Runaway Horses, The Temple of Dawn, and The Decay of the Angel) ... he delivered the tetralogy to his publisher on the day of his death, November 25, 1970.
champagne1982 said:
I only comment when I have something relevant to say and when I have the time and inclination to devote more effort to rating a poem than some poets dedicate to writing it. I hope you saw that far... ;)

I do now, thanks champ~

your welcome Eve ~

jim; (~_~)
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be nice but not too nice

saldne said:
A new poet by the name of Una Ryce has been a member since Jan. 26th. She has a couple new poems up that I really think are worth reading. It sounds as if she'd like some constructive criticism. She sent me a "thank you" email today saying how much she appreciated it. I didn't say much but what I did say was taken wonderfully. I do believe there's some need of improvement in her line breaks which I didn't get a chance to say yet. I'm going to let her know that I mentioned her as well as her poems after I'm done babbling here.

One of my favorites is She brushes my hair at midnight

Thank you for the beautiful introduction, Saldne. I am very open to constructive feedback of any kind. I do not consider myself an excellent poet, merely someone who enjoys expressing emotions when it becomes too much to keep inside. Writing comes naturally, but writing with skill and craft is not so easy. (Also I keep in mind that English is not my first language)

I would love to hear more from the experienced poets around. I am new to Lit, and very new to the boards. Perhaps I need a tour-guide!

Thank you to all for your very welcome comments. I take all feedback seriously, and will ask for clarification where I need more detail.

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I hope you don't mind my usual lame comments, "I loved it" is pressing it. It is a top-notch 5. Hey Welcome Back!
twelveoone said:

[achillesby Senna Jawa
It's worth it, I like the classics that way

The word 'morphed' seems to jar with the classical subject matter. It gave me an image of computer animation. Not that there is anything wrong in that int itself but one can view it as an affectation in Marvel style.
bogusbrig said:
The word 'morphed' seems to jar with the classical subject matter. It gave me an image of computer animation. Not that there is anything wrong in that int itself but one can view it as an affectation in Marvel style.
Where do you think Marvel got half of it? The other half from the Norse.
class (or the opposite)

twelveoone said:
I hope you don't mind my usual lame comments, "I loved it" is pressing it. It is a top-notch 5. Hey Welcome Back!
When I am active on this board then each of my poems mentioned here (especially when praised) gets shot down fast. Ater "achilles" got its first 5 (perhaps from you, as the comment seems to indicate) there was an immediate 1 (for an average 3). Some guys here are pathetic :).
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