"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Liar said:
Hah, as if I'd let something as petty as major motherboard mal siezure keep me from pushing words. I'll tap into your slipstream on sub packet level and inspire bytes with a needle and a battery if needed, tune my soul to the backbone's frequency,

and carve my message right on the inside of your screen.

Try and stop me if you dare. I'm a poet, word first, world secondary, not bound by redundant laws of reason, the sentence must travel, the sentence must travel.

a major motherboard mal seizure? oh good grief, i hope it's not too serious! and i hope you haven't lost any work.

Thanks to vampiredust for the review mention of my Kat poem and thanks to Steve P as well.

I don't understand where the green things come from, but thank you whomever for that too.
wildsweetone said:
a major motherboard mal seizure? oh good grief, i hope it's not too serious! and i hope you haven't lost any work.

Just a day or three. No worries, I learned to backup the last time, when two year's worth of music recording went down the drain...
Thanks for the mention, vampiredust, and for the reads and comments, each one appreciated. I put the poem up on the construction tread, want to try to tighten it up, explore some suggestions.... :heart:
Thanks all who have read my new poems. :rose:

I know there were a lot that came out at once. I had saved them up in my *drawers ;) and revisited with them. Once that was done I felt the need to submit ... Compulsive although it was I am still glad I did it. :)

Thanks again to all whom have read and commented. I am still working on my imagery and wording. A long road with rolling rocks coming from every direction it seems ~

Have a great one ~

New Poems From Yesterday:

From Town to Country by iqespresso

okay not a masterpiece, but I really enjoyed this poem, had a bit of a sad side, but it really lifted my smile today

RhymeFairy http://english.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=519660&page=submissions had a bunch of new ones today, my favorite was telling tales

I am not the best person for the job, that is for sure, but I figured no one else did it yesterday and I should pay my dues. I am sure there are more that will be well loved, but these are the ones that caught my attention personally.

Tzara, thank you so much for your well thought out and interesting reviews. I found them interesting and looked forward to reading them each week.


you are the king of the review, not to snub the others, just well, you fucking rock and deserve, well, I don't know. A fluffy white literotica bathrobe? Maybe a towel. I don't know-- what do you give the man who you have no idea what he has, maybe everything, but who knows? Do you need a pen that writes when you are upside down and under water?

You are so thoughtful to include all of the new poets, it must have taken you forever to do this work, it is much appreciated by many.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Tzara said:
Other Poems

Sheesh, if I'd been reading this kind of poem as an undergraduate, I for certain sure would have signed up as an English major. This ain't no Faerie Queene, Mr. Spenser.

"Gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine,"
isn't sexy enough for ya?

MistressJett said:
I seem to kill poetry threads. :eek:

Aww Com'on now ... that's my job. ;)

I read your new poem and I liked it.
Very zesty and sensual.


As for your new thread. I am really not one to dissect and edit. Have ya read my writes lately, I am sooo losing it, lol. I liked the second poem better ( just me ) AND the pic. you put with it, took my breath ... sad and so emotional.

Have courage, things have been really slow around here as of late. I think it is Spring Fever and yard work ... (sweaty and clean ... sweaty and clean :devil: )

:rose: :rose:
My poem of the day

Girl On A Swing -
Submitted by Phrenetic_Ice (Erotic Poetry) 05/11/06
Loved this poem. Memory is a subject that works wonders in a poem. Recommend people to read this. Well done Phrenetic Ice. Has brightened up my evening reading this.
thank you

Thank you wildsweetone and vampiredust for your mention of my poems and the comments.

SunrockSin said:
Thank you wildsweetone and vampiredust for your mention of my poems and the comments.


you're welcome :) nice to see you in the forum.

i look forward to reading more of your poetry.

Willows_Tears said:
New Poems From Yesterday:

RhymeFairy http://english.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=519660&page=submissions had a bunch of new ones today, my favorite was telling tales

I am not the best person for the job, that is for sure, but I figured no one else did it yesterday and I should pay my dues. I am sure there are more that will be well loved, but these are the ones that caught my attention personally.


Just wanted to Thank You Willow Tears for the mention of my new poems. Yes ... there were quiet a few for me. I went a lil nutty. I appreciate you taking the time to read them all, lol.
Big Kudos for you and here is a lil Thank You ~~~> :rose: :rose: :rose:

Also, Thank You to all the other readers ~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
My Erotic Trail said:
New Poem Reviews
Saturday 13, 2006

Shifted Strokes by bluerains This poem is sprinkled with blue's poetic charm,

waiting room by KittenishJane Put the pieces to the puzzle together or simply enjoy the read, I found this poem to stick with me as I read poems this morning.


Read / vote / comment

Seconded. Both are excellent reads.
These are good, thanks Sex and Death for doing the reviews. There are a bunch of other good ones from yesterday. I have a full day of work, but will come back and try to mention some of the others.

Really sucks that there are so few (if any) comments on new poems anymore, after the big war on HOW to leave comments (this one is too nice, too intellectual, too picky, too kiss-assy too thisy too that-y, it sucks that after all of the threads and threads of discussion -- even though no one "won" or "lost" everyone just seemed to go home. :( What was all the debate for? I know I know I need to leave more comments too, I am trying. I know people are busy, and have many things going on, I am not blaming, just making observations and sniffling


Just realized I am on as Seattle--


Sex&Death said:
New Poems!

I cannot resist mentionig the standout line and it's angelically torturous phrasing, "Lil whipsy curls beg me" in RhymeFairy's lip-biting poem of distraction, i really don't have time for this.

Read buying blooms on greenhouse road and old woman, young man by KittenishJane. Just read them...go on...shoo...read....

Hey Dennis,

Welcome! I am glad you have come out of the lurking closet.

If you have any questions, I am sure you have noticed :) we have some moderators who sometimes post under "The Poets" who can help as well as a bunch of other folks who are always willing to do their best to make people feel welcome here. There are many ways to get feedback and suggestions, if one does not get you the results you were looking for, be patient, and try another.

Things are in a bit of a transitional phase around here, a lot of changes it seems, so please be patient. It is good to see someone new who is looking forward to writing with us.

Jump in with both feet, looking forward to reading more of your work!


DennisMenace said:
I've been a literotica lurker for several years, and posted several poems several years ago. However, I think my writing has improved quite a bit since then, and I hope to include some new work.

I take poetry seriously, and am a member of a couple writing groups to get ideas and improve my skills, and help others. I have really enjoyed the writing here, and I need to spend more time with it, because the quality is generally much higher than other places I've seen on the net. I won't be an every day type poster, but I hope to contribute to the conversations and the creative work.

-- Dennis ;)


How long will the familiar
curve of these breasts
resist the curious fire within

rise, wait
fall, wait
hold, wait

before the first
salt droplet

before it enters
its fierce
contoured descent?
A big hug and thanks

to ET and VL for the mention on the review thread...makes the zeros toast.... ;)
My Erotic Tail....

Thanks are late, but I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated you taking the time to notice this poem At Last.

It was meant to be audio and when I noticed your comment I also noticed they never put the audio up. I contacted lit. and the poem was pulled. They have since put it back up and marked it New again and this time there is the audio... well... long story short. . .I just want to thank you ET for mentioning me on the thread when you did and I'm sorry it took me so long to get my rear over here to give you proper thanks. :kiss: :rose: x 100. :D
Where is everyone?

What has happened to this seemingly friendly, fun and popular threads? Did I miss a big fight, a blow up that all the kingdom witnessed, but me? :confused:

I love coming here and writing. I know some feel my words are not considered writing, but surely that is not what has stopped everyone from coming to the poetry boards and playing, writing, laughing and loving ... :p

Bottom line :

I see a lot of friends are no longer visiting the threads ... or submitting. I miss the days when we ALL wrote together and loved doing it ~

Just me ~
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