"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Tristesse2 said:
Oh boy! There are prizes now?

what do I get?

No, there are pictures of prizes!

Like a virtual pat on the back. (hey, I'm not feeling a virtual bra strap, you naughty girl!)
flyguy69 said:
Congratulations, Tzara! As a reward I've decided to give you this

wooden sailboat, an eighteen-foot sloop with mahogony cabin and spruce box mast. It will provide you all the hours of pleasure that looking at a digital image of a sailboat can.
I am virtually thrilled, Fly.

Perhaps now I can finally simulate that cruise of the Dry Lakes my wife and I have always dreamed about.
Tzara said:
I am virtually thrilled, Fly.

Perhaps now I can finally simulate that cruise of the Dry Lakes my wife and I have always dreamed about.
My pleasure. I might even send an empty bottle of champagne; I'm thinking a Bollinger "Grande Annee."
Tzara said:
Sunburst Finish


Always, words end. There
is nothing more to say and yet,
you need to breathe.


The rich lacquer shines
on the bowed wood.
Cremona would be proud.


Rub with the grain,
not against it.


At the end, unplugged.



Congratulations. :)
Hey. Thanks to all who commented on my finishing my second go-round on Neo's 30/30 thread. It's nice to know people are actually reading it.

My particular thanks to Mr. N. for the ideer in the first place. I still have some doubts about its value, but at least it gets me writing everyday, and that's a plus. Ever once in a while I actually come up with something that I want to keep working with.

Thanks, man. Such a clever idea must, of course, come from the smartest city in the USA. :)
Tzara said:
What year?
1990, of course. But you can photoshop the label to "Fresca," if your wife prefers.

Seriously, congrats on a job well-done. "Soliloquy" was amazing!
flyguy69 said:
1990, of course. But you can photoshop the label to "Fresca," if your wife prefers.

Seriously, congrats on a job well-done. "Soliloquy" was amazing!
Actually, I am not fond of champagne (the drink, not the poet.). So sipping Fresca from Waterford flutes has some appeal.

However, you seem to have confused me with the illustrious Dustystar, whose Soliloquy is, I agree, sublime.

I hope I don't have to give the picture of the sailboat back. It makes a nice background to my Windows desktop. :)
Tzara said:
Actually, I am not fond of champagne (the drink, not the poet.). So sipping Fresca from Waterford flutes has some appeal.

However, you seem to have confused me with the illustrious Dustystar, whose Soliloquy is, I agree, sublime.

I hope I don't have to give the picture of the sailboat back. It makes a nice background to my Windows desktop. :)
That was Dustystar? I figured it was Alfred in a Batman suit.

I meant, of course, Syllogism. Mea culpa.
Tzara said:
Actually, I am not fond of champagne (the drink, not the poet.). So sipping Fresca from Waterford flutes has some appeal.
Me neither. Which is why I'm happy to hand out bottles from my basement fridge. Just ignore that "Congratulations, Graduate! Good luck at TWA Airlines!" message scrawled on the label.
flyguy69 said:
Me neither. Which is why I'm happy to hand out bottles from my basement fridge. Just ignore that "Congratulations, Graduate! Good luck at TWA Airlines!" message scrawled on the label.
That doesn't bother me. It's the "best used by 12/15/1998" that gives me pause.
Tzara said:
That doesn't bother me. It's the "best used by 12/15/1998" that gives me pause.
Expiration dates are sure signs of top-shelf champagnes. I think some of mine came with a "free t-shirt" offer if you saved screwcaps.
Mega- Thanx

I was greeted early this morning with at least one comment on every poem that I had submitted Friday night. Not only did they go through the process in less than 24 hours, but then "My Erotic Tail" mentioned all three of them in the "New Poems Review" sticky. I am extremely happy and perplexed. This is such a fantastic occurance that I could never have dreamed. I feel enormously sweet!!!

I would also like to thank My Erotic Trail for mentioning and commenting on my poems. :) I was very excited about it.
TheRainMan said:

Tell me fast and pretty fibs, you gazelle.

Say your speed and wicked hip roll
are for me, that you’re as primetime
as you look. Say you’ll run

but let me catch you, that you scratch
and bite but have a lot learn,
that you need me
to take you to school. Lie.

Tell me
you carry no cross.

For your twist of truth, your beauty,
I’m a lion. I’ll chase
and sink my teeth into the gut,
pin you with my arms while I feast.

Be extravagant with words.

Spice them up with salt and oil.
Sprinkle them
with toxins, with more glitter

than your eyes and just as jade. Be
a marinade of meat. I want the blood

of impossible dreams
sticky on my lips,
dripping from my chin. I want

the warped and beautiful pain,
the bellyache of regret.

Ask me to chew into your poison.
Make it strong.

Be bad for me.
Whew! Hot as a Saharan sun!
Tristesse2 said:
i've just realised my numbers are in the wrong order. Oh well.

i was gonna say something . . . but i didn't. :cool:

i wanted to see how long it would take you to notice . . . :)

sorry. i can't help myself.

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