"To keep the review thread clean..."

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ummm, Lauren? this is gonna sound weird, but

a few minutes ago I saw a thread that said, " you guys want some grapes?' and then something sort of odd inside...now its gone. did someone spike my tea? : :confused:
Maria2394 said:
ummm, Lauren? this is gonna sound weird, but

a few minutes ago I saw a thread that said, " you guys want some grapes?' and then something sort of odd inside...now its gone. did someone spike my tea? : :confused:
That was me. I started the thread in here by mistake, instead of the Author's Hangout where it belonged. I moved it to the proper place immediately, but you people are too fast! :D

(I'm not Rick James, by the way. He's dead.)
Lauren Hynde said:
That was me. I started the thread in here by mistake, instead of the Author's Hangout where it belonged. I moved it to the proper place immediately, but you people are too fast! :D

(I'm not Rick James, by the way. He's dead.)
omg..download...zip...frame me...
Lauren Hynde said:
That was me. I started the thread in here by mistake, instead of the Author's Hangout where it belonged. I moved it to the proper place immediately, but you people are too fast! :D

(I'm not Rick James, by the way. He's dead.)


thank you for telling me. I have been working out in the heat and thought I was trippin'

super freak, maria

Liar said:

if you dig deep
into your bag of delights
and offer clinging
to fingertips

the perfect twisted treat

then by god I will
lick every sigh
off your digits

omg ... love this. Hot and comical. What a man .. err write. ~


ishtat said:
Keepers by Blue Rains is worth a read. I think it's flawed but like most of her work has something that makes it interesting. :)
ty ishtat for the honest opinion...after reviewing keepers I have changed the ings...please let me know what you think...ty..blue


The watchman waits
by gates of Orion
to lift her Venus veil.
Dragon and Lamb
spread another silver
lining over her rainbow.

Embedding in
in orbital bliss
she uncovers, rediscovers,
inner lovers tickling time
in replenished attraction.
Infusions of inhalation,
tuning perfect pitch,
opposing obscurity.
bluerains Thank you for remembering

Me and the work I do sometimes. It is much appreciated. And Yes I am back after the hiatus... Tho I never stopped writing just used good old fashioned quill and ink to write my thoughts....

Razz :p

bluerains said:
if not please do...he has written some wonderful work in the past..and tis good to see him return with another great vision....blue
Liar said:
time bomb

All the hours
needed back then
squeezed into a blink
of right now
and released with a clap.

Capsule shrapnel
tearing at nerves,
arms that won't move
as time rush past.

And it's over, the future is here.

And what seems like just yesterday,

So now that you've made it to 10 are you giving up? :cool:
Thanks to everyone for giving me their support lately. I appreciate it.

:heart: you guys
Liar said:
Like hell I am.


If only I could be essential.

Sustenance, a frequency carrier,
duct tape binding the universe
to it's intention.

If only I could be there for you.
Carry your air, help you breathe.

Yay! :nana:
When you make it to 30 we're gonna party!

Only In a Pipe Dream

We have the power to take control
but only when we're sleeping,
when our eyes are closed and
we're dead to the world around us.

It takes patience to perform such a practice,
but I was told it could be done and so easily.

Just start thinking about the weapon
you would use, about the things you didn't
get the chance to say when you were there -
so it decided to follow you into sleep.
Just think about all the things
you swore you'd do if it happened all over again
and think about them right before
your eyes flutter shut.

I was no longer in that corner.
I was not crying and I was not hiding.
I did not let the hands come near me
and I did not let the blood flow
and wash over me like a tidal wave.

I stood strong and tall, impressive
at just four foot something and almost
no weight to keep me grounded.
Almost no weight to keep them from...

But I had a sword at my side,
I was the modern day Xena and I
was one hell of a warrior.

And I got my body back.
Took it from the captors while they
were too busy with their hallucinogens,
their hazy, mind-numbing water
and trying to stay young.

And I was victorious.
Evening Rain at Three Sisters

eh ... too, too something ... back into the cooker.
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arienette said:
Hephaestus and Aphrodite

The air smells of lime and pomegranates,
stage left, formally paired
by an ever-frightful Zeus.

Hephaestus was the lucky one, everyone else
wanted her. But she was born of
the genitals of Uranus and elder god's
blood and semen; she rose up from foam
and he really should have known
that she would belong to no one.

Ares, Adonis, Anchises -
Nathaniel Hawthorne, you had it right all along.
But they didn't need the fashion statement,
they didn't need to bring fabric into the situation.
Aphrodite already had the forged jewlery,
the cestus, and scarlet would only make her beauty
stand out just a little more.

And she could never stop.
This is why you can't keep a real beauty,
their flightiness only causes tears in marriages.
Poseidon, can you help an old god of smithing?

Ares, Aphrodite -
Now that was a real match made in heaven,
as they escaped the net of love making mocking
and drove off into the sunset.

Or they would, if this was a modern fairy tale.

Just, uh, wow.
LeBroz said:

Seduceros2 has 3 pieces out today, 2 of which caught my eye. Countdown may be listed as 'Erotic' but I found it to be rather cute and amusing. I found Roadside Vampire Haiku to be especially appealing if it's viewed as a metaphor and not as a purely vampire piece. Interesting thought ~ roses bloom on sheets but not on the pillow; perhaps it's not the neck that's been pierced.


Thankyou for your kind words LeBroz.
I wasn't sure how to class "Countdown." I wrote it after reading the July/August 2006 "Humor" issue of Poetry magazine in between a collection of science fiction short stories. I decided to try a humorous yet erotic poem. Your description of it as "cute" is perfect (as was your noting the location of the blood in Vampire Haiku). Thanks, and thanks too for bringing these reviews to my attention. I'm flattered by your words and by those of DecayedAngel's kind review of my first poems.

Most Sincerely,

Bowing Out

I'm going in for surgery Friday morning and won't be able to do my Friday Review. I sthere anyone interested in covering it fo rme this Friday (8-18-06)?

Also, my Friday schedule has changed recently and I will be unable to do the Friday Review in the future beginning 8-25-06.

I've really enjoyed doing this and will miss it. Being busy at work is a blessing and a curse.


Sex&Death said:
I'm going in for surgery Friday morning and won't be able to do my Friday Review. I sthere anyone interested in covering it fo rme this Friday (8-18-06)?

Also, my Friday schedule has changed recently and I will be unable to do the Friday Review in the future beginning 8-25-06.

I've really enjoyed doing this and will miss it. Being busy at work is a blessing and a curse.



Consider it done and good luck with your surgery

arienette said:
I'm really not sure how to take that...
Good wow? Bad wow? :p
Is there bad wow?

K, I'll give you a response that is little less open for intrepetation: Yer poem kicked ass.
Liar said:
Is there bad wow?

K, I'll give you a response that is little less open for intrepetation: Yer poem kicked ass.

Thank you much, I submitted it :D
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