"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Liar said:

The one
I had to let go,
spitting convitcion of oneness
in the face, slapping my own dogmas
into submission.

The one who spoke of love
like whiskey, of commitment
like a theme park, of plans
like utopias.

The one who thought she could fly,
and pulled me towards the window.

The one
I had to let go,
before I believed too much.

I really like this one, Liar. Worth revising and submitting somewhere, I think.
My thanks and apologies and another thanks

My thanks to both Cherries_On_Snow and TheRainMan for mentioning my poem "All Week the Waves."

My apologies to all for my faux pas for thanking other kind reviewers in the wrong place (like, the New Poem Review.) :eek:

Thanks to all those who could have jumped me about it and didn't, gracious indeed, all of you. Especially gracious is C_O_S for gently pointing it out to me.

Gracias and Peace to all.

Flyguy55 said:
Thank you , I hope to stay awhile. Wildsweetone :) intresting to think about :)

No , no one has mentioned a simular name. I wonder if they are a pilot too.

Its about 2 things I enjoy , Flying , and a 1955 MGTF classic car.


I love flying. Coach class, thank you, and please don't cram your carry-on on top of the vase I just bought. Attendant! This man has toothpaste!
arienette said:
Oh my god, I made it. I did it!
Celebration time!! :nana:

Writing the Next American Suicide

We string words together delicately,
as if setting up a noose to hang our heads.
Making metaphors we hope the readers catch
and thinking about writing the next great
piece of fiction, non, poetry, prosey bullshit.

American, British, Scandonavian -
Insert nationality here.
It doesn't always have to be the next
Great American something;
although it would be convenient.

Pencil smears across white pages,
the lines perfectly proportioned
like lipstick smears across a sterile
white business shirt collar.
So we switch to pens, where ink stains
look a little more hostile against fabric,
like failed assassination attempts and then
we switch to blood.
Congrats! Some damn fine stuff along the way, too!

flyguy69 said:
I love flying. Coach class, thank you, and please don't cram your carry-on on top of the vase I just bought. Attendant! This man has toothpaste!

Flyguy, you are such a freak!! and you know how I love freak-iness. I must be feeling better, hehe, come here, let m polish your vase :D


Thank you 'cherries on snow' for your comment on my piece 'The wall' I understand totally what you mean about it being 'prosey' it kind of ran away with me, infact so much so that I re-worked it and submitted it to 'stories.' For those who may be interested, there is also a second part 'pending' (also in stories) and a finale pending still in my head!

Sorry if this is the wong thread for this, I am new here and still getting the hang of things on the site.
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Liar said:

This could be a perfect day
for poetry on pot,
so grab a blank sheet if you may
and show us what you've got.

Sweep yourself a spicy spliff
and jot down every groove,
take a mighty fine ol' whiff
and see what all this prove.

Probably the age old truth
that when the music die
you've written pretty much the same
as when you weren't high.


Poetry on pot ... be sure to wipe when your done :eek:
I know childish but fun? :eek:
RhymeFairy said:

Poetry on pot ... be sure to wipe when your done :eek:
I know childish but fun? :eek:
Bwah. "take a mighty fine ol' whiff" just look on a whole new meaning. :eek:
Liar said:

This could be a perfect day
for poetry on pot,
so grab a blank sheet if you may
and show us what you've got.

Sweep yourself a spicy spliff
and jot down every groove,
take a mighty fine ol' whiff
and see what all this prove.

Probably the age old truth
that when the music die
you've written pretty much the same
as when you weren't high.

I love this one!
flyguy69 said:
I love flying. Coach class, thank you, and please don't cram your carry-on on top of the vase I just bought. Attendant! This man has toothpaste!

No , I didnt fly coach , I have 12 K hours up front with the controls in my hand.
How can you be a real flyguy in coach !
Flyguy55 said:
No , I didnt fly coach , I have 12 K hours up front with the controls in my hand.
How can you be a real flyguy in coach !
Tight pants and a gold tooth?
bluerains said:
Up first...one of several by lunalta

The Moth & The Flame I found a magic light hearted read as well as her other open fantasy
style...of the mystic

an audio
Single & Loving it
by lindiana
I found interesting...
thats all I have time for today...go read , relax and enjoy.. ;) blue
Thank you for your comments. I only recently started submitting and your words are encouraging. :rose:
Thanks to VampireDust for mentioning my faux-haiku. And I very much appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read my work and then to leave such gracious comments. :heart:

I was gonna call it hai-cookie, but couldnt bring myself to be so obvious :D



ps, Seduceros2, I am glad to see you poppped into our little cocktail party :kiss: ;)

I have been enjoying your poems and hope you keep them coming!
Liar said:
Superb job, Mr. L. What's this make? Three times? Four?

No point in competing with you. You'd just riffle your magic dictionary and do it again.

Congratulations. :)
clutching_calliope said:
Hey! I thought you said those dentures were titanium...oh wait, I think that was Tzara....
It's hrmph a crown, not a denture. And just the anchor is titanium.

Get yer facts straight. Sheesh. ;)
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