"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Liar said:
modus vivendi

the Ks smatter up ahead
they take another route
to honor the not yet dead
that roar in dust echoes
under a zenith sun

diesel with get them this far
and then, the bite of being
left behind will flog them on
towards one last safe camp

nobody can remember
whose blade swung first,
which murder in the night
called who to arms,
which bullet struck where
or even why

but now he who delivered
cattle delivers lead, and he who
taught children their history
teach them they have no future

from sitting in rows,
to walking in lines

Hooray Liar with 18 poems!! :nana:
Still not giving up? ;)

Thank you very much for mentioning my poem "Goodbye Summer 2006". Maybe some people will think it needs more adding to it,but I just wanted to make it simple. Its nice to be back writing poems again after a break.
Sissy Adele
AChild said:
dropping more non-poetry daily
ravel = unravel
disillusion = illusion
falling = flying
letting go = hanging on

i want to be a line walker
you think I could uses those equal signs
as shoes in the snow?

How could this pass as a poem?

I think it's an excellent start. :rose:
Liar said:

"Persea Americana", my linnean uncle would say,
squeezing one between fat fingers in search
of a slight budge through alligator skin, a give-away
to ripeness within.

"Mud Fruit", his eigth year old button-of-attitude
daughter would say, wrinkle her nose and try to pull
Daddy away to nearby clementine delights,
all yellow and sweet, like proper fruit
always should be.

While the zit factory son shrugs, not appealed
by the prospect of peeling, and heads straight
for the tinned up guaca.

Because really, some days,
a can will do.

This is fabulous, Liar. Gave me a great big grin.

Hey Seduceros2, the easiest way to get those pretty underlined links is to go into User CP then Edit options then scroll down and down until you see Miscellaneous Options. There you wanna change your message interface in the Message Editor Interface box to allow for extra formatting controls. Then when you make posts, you can use the globe/link icon to make your links.

Welcome to Lit! :)

All haze seduceros2, bean brained boy pawing his prepositions like an octopus in mittens.

It is Cherries ON Snow, not, as I so loudly screwed up, Cherries IN Snow.


And looky how just how gracious she is dearest planeteers,
nought said she about it a'tall.

How much better would this world be if we were to learn from the woman of 1000 groovies? I'm just sayin'.
My Erotic Trail said:
modus vivendi

by liar what is... 'modus vivendi'...?
Since you asked...

Wikipedia said:
Modus vivendi is a Latin phrase. Modus means mode, way. Vivendi means living. Together, way of living, implies an accommodation between disputing parties to allow life to go on.

It's a word that came to me at random for a poem in the '30 poems' tread. I use the dictionary for inspiration.Flip through it, close my eyes and point, and there's the title for the next poem. So I didn't know what modus vivendi was until then either. :)

Well, glad you liked it in spite of confusing title.
Liar said:
Since you asked...

It's a word that came to me at random for a poem in the '30 poems' tread. I use the dictionary for inspiration.Flip through it, close my eyes and point, and there's the title for the next poem. So I didn't know what modus vivendi was until then either. :)

Well, glad you liked it in spite of confusing title.

I wouldn't call it confusing as much as I would call it alluring <grin'
thanks liar for the definition~ (~_~)
cherries_on_snow said:
His shamrock tatoo is ribboned with the caption
Born Lucky
and it's true he was: I should know.
He could have been aborted (that certainly was
the fashion for Freshmen) but I knew
somewhere in the back of the tongue where one
tastes the future, that I wanted to know
and might never again
what it would be to give that way.
He could have died in that tornado
at three, the one that ripped the house right off
the basement in which his mother sheltered
him with her whole body between
the freezer and the cinderblock.
He could have died at 15 from alcohol
poisoning fast or slow (variable drip)
but I had reached him by then, warned him
with scraps and pictures, and he joined
a rock band instead. I know he is
ready for what comes. He bought a BMW
with his own money (already! just one year
out of teenagerhood) and navigated the BQE--
again and again he proves
I don't have to worry, but like a nicotine habit,
my fingers are too used to it. Even still the fingers
pace over one another as if to smooth his already
placid brow.

:heart: this.

Can feel a mothers love flowing
and the protectiveness that never leaves her side.

Flyguy55 said:
Im very new here. Still trying to figure it all out.
Im not a poet , but sometimes , when the mood is right I just seem to think it rhyme and meter.

I guess when I write , its pretty tradtional.
I'll welcome comments and try to learn,

I live in NM , wrote this on a cruise

My Fantasy

I was sitting by the shore
Wondering what might be in store
Lonely , not unhappily so

I thought to my self
as I sat on this shelf
Just where my life might go

Does it do any harm
When I circle my Arms
And there's no one there to hold

Does a kiss go to waste
If there's no one to taste
no warmth , nothing but cold

I think its not fair
that your not there
As I sit here by the sea

I wonder some times
If you'll ever be mine
Or will I just have my Fantasy

Flyguy55 2006

Hi Flyguy55 and welcome to the poetry forum. :) I hope you enjoy your stay.

I wonder if anyone's mentioned to you that you have a nickname very similar to one of the poetry forum regulars?

Fantasies sure are nice to own. :)

Thank you , I hope to stay awhile. Wildsweetone :) intresting to think about :)

No , no one has mentioned a simular name. I wonder if they are a pilot too.

Its about 2 things I enjoy , Flying , and a 1955 MGTF classic car.


True Love

I thought true love came only once
And never went away
I know that there is puppy love
It might not last a day

A crush can happen any time
It might not last too long
Attraction so strong it leaves a hole
in time it too is gone

The best to me is be in lust
It makes the hormones flow
lust can last a long long time
Hope its the last to go

True love is a special thing
for just a special few
A love so strong you'd give you life
A love that always feels new

It feels so good to be in love
a feeling like no other
to share and touch, and feel again
To have a special lover

I wont give up this search of mine
I'll keep looking till the end
Oh how I wish Id find a way
To love that way again
Flyguy55 said:
Thank you , I hope to stay awhile. Wildsweetone :) intresting to think about :)

No , no one has mentioned a simular name. I wonder if they are a pilot too.

Its about 2 things I enjoy , Flying , and a 1955 MGTF classic car.


Well coincidences abound. I thought maybe this was a really different MyNecroticSnail kind of posting. Cheers and welcome to Lit.
Thank you, Vampiredust for your comments and mention!

sure as sweat in August
ceiling fan cool evaporation never keeps up
with the constant trickle
Liar said:

Corn gods, chinchillas, bananas, Uzbekistan, flowers, dingos, late night tv, credit cards, calculators, duct tape, forks, cell phones, golf, Shakespeare, laundry, giraffes, love, George W Bush's pinky fingers, rubber bands, razors, tap dancing, heroin, cartoons, cod, pine cones, Jesus, Snakes on a motherfucking Plane, me, frogs, paper clips, heat seeking missiles, money, mayonnaise, rubber chickens, David Hasselhoff, navel lint, towels, stars, sand, philosophy, sex, basket ball, laser, boredom, breath mints, baking soda, the road to Madalay...

Oh fuck it.

Let's sum it up,
shall we?

Can you elaborate on the poetic aspects of David Hasselhoff? :D
cherries_on_snow said:
Well coincidences abound. I thought maybe this was a really different MyNecroticSnail kind of posting. Cheers and welcome to Lit.
MyNecroticSnail RULES :p
Congratulations! I so admire your persistence. I hope I can have enough to stay the course. Will you try another round of the challenge, now?

arienette said:
Oh my god, I made it. I did it!
Celebration time!! :nana:

Writing the Next American Suicide

We string words together delicately,
as if setting up a noose to hang our heads.
Making metaphors we hope the readers catch
and thinking about writing the next great
piece of fiction, non, poetry, prosey bullshit.

American, British, Scandonavian -
Insert nationality here.
It doesn't always have to be the next
Great American something;
although it would be convenient.

Pencil smears across white pages,
the lines perfectly proportioned
like lipstick smears across a sterile
white business shirt collar.
So we switch to pens, where ink stains
look a little more hostile against fabric,
like failed assassination attempts and then
we switch to blood.
cherries_on_snow said:
Congratulations! I so admire your persistence. I hope I can have enough to stay the course. Will you try another round of the challenge, now?

Thank you. I was thinking about that, and I most likely will - Just not for a little bit. I'm actually quite burnt out. :rolleyes:
Ari: :nana:
LeBroz, thanks so much for the mention of my illustrated poem, Amelia. Also, thank you kindly to those who left public comments. :rose:
cherries_on_snow said:
I'm pitching in today in Sex & Death's absence (hope you get back on your feet soon S&D). Twenty-one new poems are up today, including Gothica_Exotica's The Wall which is prosey but poetically broken, articulate and hot for those who like domination scenes. A ghostly chapel is revived in Nigel Debonnaire's non-erotic Hickory Creek Chapel. Vampiredust's much reworked Oolichan is up and worth a read, especially to compare to the first and see how he has revised (made much more solid, VD) as well as his foreboding Waterproofing. Sapphos Sister continues the dark thread with her vividly imaged Bruises. On a brighter note, form lovers may enjoy JinnJenn's abstract loops. (JinnJenn had two up today, I just liked loops best.)

Seduceros2 will please nature lovers with his sexy and erudite All Week the Waves. jhulse23 had three prosey pieces with punch line endings that may appeal to those who like that style (I plead guilty to having written a couple of these myself); of these I like The Dilemma the best. Whew! There are many poems not mentioned here that may strike the fancies of those interested in domination or philosophy. (Lots of domination poems! Wow!)
Oh, you're good!
Great review. Now I'm hot to get to the new poems and start reading. ;)
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