Venezuelan Elections - Another Harris/Biden Failure

Can you do something about the guys that are following me?

(they aren't my type)
Did they get a hold of your passkey? Probably should change it from default. Didn't the vault salesmen tell you that?
at least this time everybody got to see it out in the open.

poor venezuelan protesters.
at least this time everybody got to see it out in the open.

poor venezuelan protesters.

I think the similarities between this Venezuela election and our 2020 election are rather striking.

But sure, no fraud and securest election evah!
I was told ww3 is already going on.
Nah, this is more the analog to the last two thirds of the 30's, with the Spanish Civil Wat and Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia. History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes, and Putin is a player, but a bit player. The real war will be with China, and it may not even be a hot war. The Chinese are big on asymmetrical warfare and Sun Tzu, so who knows. I could see them pulling the financial plug on us, sending our economy crashing, and then making a few moves we couldn't afford to resist as we nosedive into another Great Depression brought on by our currency crashing. AT that point, it'd be a piece of cake for China to dominate SE Asian and Africa, and without our support, India and Japan would go neutral and Taiwan would go down. There's all sorts of ways it could play it, but all we can say is, something WILL happen. It always does. Great POwers never last forever, and the USA might succeed in staying top dog for another 100 years, enough to get into space and to Mars at least, if Trump/Vance are elected, but another Democrat Presidency will see us crash and burn, which is of course why the Chinese had infiltrated and paid off so many Democrats.
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I think the similarities between this Venezuela election and our 2020 election are rather striking.

But sure, no fraud and securest election evah!

Election denying nutters are the craziest of the conspiracy nuts.

It’s not as if they believe it. Nobody does. But they continue to repeat it because they’re that desperate for attention. 😆
Election denying nutters are the craziest of the conspiracy nuts.

It’s not as if they believe it. Nobody does. But they continue to repeat it because they’re that desperate for attention. 😆

THAT is throwing a red herring in here. No mention was made in the OP of US elections. Just that the President Harris / Brain-dead Biden Maladministration have made yet another fucked up foreign policy decision. If you wanted to deliberately select the worst option, every time, it'd be hard to beat Joe.
Nah, this is more the analog to the last two thirds of the 30's, with the Spanish Civil Wat and Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia. History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes, and Putin is a player, but a bit player. The real war will be with China, and it may not even be a hot war. The Chinese are big on asymmetrical warfare and Sun Tzu, so who knows. I could see them pulling the financial plug on us, sending our economy crashing, and then making a few moves we couldn't afford to resist as we nosedive into another Great Depression brought on by our currency crashing. AT that point, it'd be a piece of cake for China to dominate SE Asian and Africa, and without our support, India and Japan would go neutral and Taiwan would go down. There's all sorts of ways it could play it, but all we can say is, something WILL happen. It always does. Great POwers never last forever, and the USA might succeed in staying top dog for another 100 years, enough to get into space and to Mars at least, if Trump/Vance are elected, but another Democrat Presidency will see us crash and burn, which is of course why the Chinese had infiltrated and paid off so many Democrats.

MAGAs are constantly imagining wacko scenarios and getting upset. It’s fucking weird.
MAGAs are constantly imagining wacko scenarios and getting upset. It’s fucking weird.
LOL. You've never done any serious brainstorming and strawman analysis have you? Nothing weird about it at all. It's an accepted technique in business, engineering defense, you name it. Heck, I learnt this one at high school. The point is not the whacky scenarios. THAT is one of the strengths. You come up with scenarios no matter how whacky, and then you thrash them out, extrapolate, discuss, look at alternatives and probabilities yadda yadda yadda.

Nothing to do with MAGA.

Jeez, what did they teach these old dudes when they went to school. LOL.