Was Hitler A Socialist? Of Course, He Was

You repeat the same mantra without giving any arguments.
The guy above cited points from the National Socialist program.

It's socialist

It's socialist

It's socialist
And these are just some of the points. Most of them are socialist.
Please show the points from the NSDAP program that would be right.
74 has learning issues.
Hence the means of production not being owned by the people and a strong military dictator.
That is, it was a country exactly like the USSR.
This is a typical manipulation of the left: “look in our books it is written that we will build a kingdom of peace and prosperity.” But in practice, all that socialists can build is a totalitarian cesspool.
Besides Pol Pot, he built a real socialist state.
You repeat the same mantra without giving any arguments.
I dont need to argue reality.

The guy above cited points from the National Socialist program.
The guy above just wants to blame the left for everything. That's his schtick.

And these are just some of the points. Most of them are socialist.
Please show the points from the NSDAP program that would be right.
Hitler wasn't a socialist. Hope this helps.
In the final analysis, it was a totalitarian nightmare no better or worse than Stalin's or Mao's. All three were murderous abominations to mankind and all were ideologically related in their contempt for freedom and the individual. All of which places them on the same side of the political spectrum. There is not an iota of a relationship between what they represented and what Donald Trump represents today, none, zilch, nada, and you know it.
There's a book you might like to read called 1924 The Year That Made Hitler. It's a fascinating read.
Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch has a direct correlation to Trump's failed Jan 6th Insurrection.
Hitler was sentenced to a year in a country club prison (a castle actually). Trump is looking at some serious prison time now as well

The two monsters are more alike that you'll ever admit..
I dont need to argue reality.
If this were reality you would have arguments.
Hitler wasn't a socialist. Hope this helps.
If something looks like a socialist, walks like a socialist, and quacks like a socialist, it's a socialist. Why are you ignoring Hitler's socialist policies? This is what happened in reality.
Please answer the question: nationalization of enterprises and redistribution of income - is this what the left is doing or what the right is doing?
Hitler also built a following by blaming one type of person for all the worlds evils and telling them it was okay to hate as long as you hated the right person

Much like the democrats have done with their hate mongering followers, telling them anyone who doesn't vote the way they do is the problem and its okay to hate and attack them. The Butters and Rory's of this forum have gleefully goosestepped their way right down the fascist path right up to Stasi lists and wanting to wall off unvaccinated people in separate cities.

Pure filth, but they'll tell you its the other side that hates. Racist, sexist and phobic as fuck, they project all the hatred they feel onto others. Perfect little Nazi's are todays left. Now throw your right hand in the air and salute your master.
If this were reality you would have arguments.
Lol ...he was a fascist dictator. The means of production were owned solely by him. Reality.

If something looks like a socialist, walks like a socialist, and quacks like a socialist, it's a socialist. Why are you ignoring Hitler's socialist policies? This is what happened in reality.

Please answer the question: nationalization of enterprises and redistribution of income - is this what the left is doing or what the right is doing?
Oh look, a reichgad clone...how quaint. The true reason for these threads always comes out quickly. You dipshits don't even care about Hitler....you just hate the left.

Quit pretending like you have something more philosophical in mind.
Lol ...he was a fascist dictator. The means of production were owned solely by him. Reality.
In the USSR, Stalin personally controlled the means of production. Was he a fascist too?
You dipshits don't even care about Hitler....you just hate the left.
Yes. Stalin, Hitler, Marx - these are the leftists I hate.
And since you did not answer my question, I will repeat it: nationalization of enterprises and redistribution of income - is this what the left is doing or what the right is doing? Please answer my question.
In the USSR, Stalin personally controlled the means of production. Was he a fascist too?
He was.

Yes. Stalin, Hitler, Marx - these are the leftists I hate.
Awesome for you.

And since you did not answer my question, I will repeat it: nationalization of enterprises and redistribution of income - is this what the left is doing or what the right is doing? Please answer my question.
Maybe ask again...in a lower voice....I hear that helps.
And a lot of people label themselves Christians but sure as hell don’t act it. If I call myself a billionaire my bank account doesn’t change. Actions speak louder than words.
Then continue to be ignorant, it's on you.
Like a Communist he was a totalitarian, he was a socialist and a corporatist. They all reside on the very left of the real political spectrum which at the extreme left we have total government (communism) and on the extreme right we have anarchy (no government). Nazism, Communism, and Socialism are all totalitarian forms of government that occupy the far eft of the real political spectrum.

The fanciful political spectrum invented by American leftists, the one you labor under, was created to disassociate and excise Nazism from the family tree of the American left in order to defame American conservatives on the right. Which it fails to do on so many levels of informed inspection.

A socialist and a corparatist?

Righthuide do you even understand the massive contradiction stringing those two ideologies together to describe one man is?
There's a book you might like to read called 1924 The Year That Made Hitler. It's a fascinating read.
Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch has a direct correlation to Trump's failed Jan 6th Insurrection.
Hitler was sentenced to a year in a country club prison (a castle actually). Trump is looking at some serious prison time now as well

The two monsters are more alike that you'll ever admit..There is

There is no analogous comparison, aside from those that boil up in your warped fantasies, between Hitler and Trump, none. Take it from a friend, it's beneath your intellect to suggest there is.
In the final analysis, it was a totalitarian nightmare no better or worse than Stalin's or Mao's. All three were murderous abominations to mankind and all were ideologically related in their contempt for freedom and the individual. All of which places them on the same side of the political spectrum. There is not an iota of a relationship between what they represented and what Donald Trump represents today, none, zilch, nada, and you know it.
The uneducated do not have a clear understanding of what the Hitler regime was all about. Many people consider Hitler a fascist, that would be inaccurate, he was a totalitarian would be more accurate. The nazis regime described by some as a hyper-capitalist government, but when studied more closely the nazis government was a powerful industrial based style government, but the big difference from a traditional capitalist entity is that Hitler and his posse took over all manufacturing and social constructs, centralized all output towards the common good of the third reich. The German People's productivity was controlled by the central hierarchy of the nazis party and all production was geared to benefit of the party. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it must be socialism. IMHO
A socialist and a corparatist?

Righthuide do you even understand the massive contradiction stringing those two ideologies together to describe one man is?
Your ignorance is showing but in doing so your own ignorance is exposed to view:

Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the integration of divergent interests into the state for the common good.2 Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Mussolini himself affirmed that the goal of Fascism was the Corporative State.0 During the 1930s, Mussolini organized industry, agriculture, and economic services into state-controlled labor unions and employer associations called "corporations." Government officials appointed the heads of each union and employer corporation, and they negotiated wages and working conditions with each other.1 Mussolini's iron hand wrought order out of chaos, economic prosperity out of economic dissolution, and restored to the nation its momentarily shaken faith in itself and the future.0


The uneducated do not have a clear understanding of what the Hitler regime was all about. Many people consider Hitler a fascist, that would be inaccurate, he was a totalitarian would be more accurate. The nazis regime described by some as a hyper-capitalist government, but when studied more closely the nazis government was a powerful industrial based style government, but the big difference from a traditional capitalist entity is that Hitler and his posse took over all manufacturing and social constructs, centralized all output towards the common good of the third reich. The German People's productivity was controlled by the central hierarchy of the nazis party and all production was geared to benefit of the party. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it must be socialism. IMHO
Hitler was a fascist fuckhead. He was a nationalist dictator who was never elected and killed millions of Jewish people because he didn't like them.

But I'm sure you got to know the real hitler 👍. The kindler gentler fuckface.
Yes, I’m going let some anonymous Trumpite’s interpretation of reality ruin my day
Factual knowledge "trumps" partisanship but it makes no claim against your right to choose ignorance and neither do I. So by all means stumble on into the darkness of Dumb..
The uneducated do not have a clear understanding of what the Hitler regime was all about. Many people consider Hitler a fascist, that would be inaccurate, he was a totalitarian would be more accurate. The nazis regime described by some as a hyper-capitalist government, but when studied more closely the nazis government was a powerful industrial based style government, but the big difference from a traditional capitalist entity is that Hitler and his posse took over all manufacturing and social constructs, centralized all output towards the common good of the third reich. The German People's productivity was controlled by the central hierarchy of the nazis party and all production was geared to benefit of the party. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it must be socialism. IMHO
They are more interested in saving their fantasy that Nazism is a product of the right than they are in the simple truth that it isn't and never could be. Good analysis above.
The left is not Hitler.

Neither is the right.

Because Hitler was a fascist fuckhead.

Both sides of the political spectrum can evolve into fascism....all it takes is for one singular leader to seize power and ignore the electors
Charles Fourier is the original socialist, but Fourierism is more difficult to say than Marxism.
In the 1920s, Donald Trump's spiritual godfather Adolf Hitler was paid by German oligarchs and capitalists to promote the benefits of socialism (the only alternative at the time was Communism, and capitalist saw the writing on the wall when the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 overthrew the Russian Tzar). The power brokers thought they could "control" Hitler.

History, of course, proved them to be disasterously mistaken. After voting chicanery installed Hitler as the chancellor under the "guiding hand" of the revered but dying Von Hindenburg, Hitler rapidly consolidated his gains, jettisoning the goon squad Brownshirts (the "MAGA" of the era) in favor of the SS (the "Christian Nationalists" of the era) and the wehrmacht (the "Blackwater" of the era).

Most people today that are not named Rightguide correctly identify Hitler's ultimate political stance for what it was: clear, unadorned Fascism.

...And Donald J. Trump is hellbound ready to attempt to import this toxic shitsludge ideology to America.





None of this matters.

This section of Lit is nothing more than a place for people to be absolutely vile toward each other.

They should remove The Politics board and all threads referring to it from this URL.
Or, you could just leave instead.
None of this matters.

This section of Lit is nothing more than a place for people to be absolutely vile toward each other.

They should remove The Politics board and all threads referring to it from this URL.
It used to be like that at Lit. No Politics Board.

so what do you think happened? Nobody talked politics?

no, the same bullshit and acrimony you see here was done in all the other forums, particularly the General Board.

And it got messy. Really really fucking messy. Especially after Obama got elected, all the right wing white (male) angst over their fears of no longer being the unsung Masters Of The Universe just popped out of the walls like xenomorphs in their hive.

you see, there's a good handful of motherfuckers who don't come to this site for the erotica reads, sex talk and enjoyment of smut. Be it impotency or sociopathy, they ain't getting any, so they redirect their frustration energy to screaming at the sky. The PeeBee serves as a sanctuary for these motherfuckers so they don't ruin everyone else's fun and happy with their shit screeds.

Some stay to play. Some pop in, drop their daily mental loads and fly out like seagulls. It's a rotating door at the front and lots upon lots of motherfuckers have gone through it.

in any case, nobody is making you stay to suffer, Makers. Pull up and have a drink, or adios muchachos.
