Was Hitler A Socialist? Of Course, He Was

I made it up in ten minutes from a collection of quotes designed to educate people like you who think they are but in fact are non-conversant in the subject of Socialism, National Socialism, and how they relate to Marxism as Karl Marx understood it to be. Translation
Translation: I stole if from Reddit. r/capitalismVSocalism
There is not an iota of a relationship between what they represented and what Donald Trump represents today, none, zilch, nada, and you know it.
1. Blaming all the country's problems on people your supporters already don't like (Jews then, Latin Americans and Muslims now)
2. Using dehumanizing language to describe them
3. Subjugation of women
4. Germany/America First!!!!!!!1111!!!!!
5. Subordination of one's self-interest to the good of your race
6. A positive view of violence and toxic masculinity
7. Opposition to egalitarianism

I could go on.
1. Blaming all the country's problems on people your supporters already don't like (Jews then, Latin Americans and Muslims now)
2. Using dehumanizing language to describe them
3. Subjugation of women
4. Germany/America First!!!!!!!1111!!!!!
5. Subordination of one's self-interest to the good of your race
6. A positive view of violence and toxic masculinity
7. Opposition to egalitarianism

I could go on.

Please, go on.


The left is not Hitler.

Neither is the right.

Because Hitler was a fascist fuckhead.

Both sides of the political spectrum can evolve into fascism....all it takes is for one singular leader to seize power and ignore the electors
Interesting thing you say here, sir, summarizing this whole god forsaken debate.
A singular leader?
Why, that could never happen here in the United States with a proper functioning democracy where the 3 branches properly check each other alongside a watchful media and a well informed electorate.
Interesting thing you say here, sir, summarizing this whole god forsaken debate.
A singular leader?
Why, that could never happen here in the United States with a proper functioning democracy where the 3 branches properly check each other alongside a watchful media and a well informed electorate.
You might be onto something.

Also this is why any talk of hitler is complete horseshit from whoever brings it up.
An absolutely ridiculous post, the right on this site don’t sell themselves very well.
Any whose ever read history knows communists and socialists were well represented in the nazi extermination camps.
It's not the first nor will it be the last.
In the 1920s, Donald Trump's spiritual godfather Adolf Hitler was paid by German oligarchs and capitalists to promote the benefits of socialism (the only alternative at the time was Communism, and capitalist saw the writing on the wall when the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 overthrew the Russian Tzar). The power brokers thought they could "control" Hitler.

History, of course, proved them to be disasterously mistaken. After voting chicanery installed Hitler as the chancellor under the "guiding hand" of the revered but dying Von Hindenburg, Hitler rapidly consolidated his gains, jettisoning the goon squad Brownshirts (the "MAGA" of the era) in favor of the SS (the "Christian Nationalists" of the era) and the wehrmacht (the "Blackwater" of the era).

Most people today that are not named Rightguide correctly identify Hitler's ultimate political stance for what it was: clear, unadorned Fascism.

...And Donald J. Trump is hellbound ready to attempt to import this toxic shitsludge ideology to America.

There's a book you might like to read called 1924 The Year That Made Hitler. It's a fascinating read.
Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch has a direct correlation to Trump's failed Jan 6th Insurrection.
Hitler was sentenced to a year in a country club prison (a castle actually). Trump is looking at some serious prison time now as well

The two monsters are more alike that you'll ever admit..




👉 RWCJ 🤣

Rightguide thinks "Socialism" entails racial equality and social justice for minorities.

Things that Hitler obviously, clearly, did not believe in. (*And neither does Rightguide.)

So, according to his own definition, Hitler could not have been a socialist.

This is where his pseudo-intellectual arguments utterly fall apart. (And why I have long ago given up trying to engage with him on any meaningful level.)
This is where his pseudo-intellectual arguments utterly fall apart. (And why I have long ago given up trying to engage with him on any meaningful level.)
I agree which is why he only is the butt of my jokes and ridicule.
It used to be like that at Lit. No Politics Board.

so what do you think happened? Nobody talked politics?

no, the same bullshit and acrimony you see here was done in all the other forums, particularly the General Board.

And it got messy. Really really fucking messy. Especially after Obama got elected, all the right wing white (male) angst over their fears of no longer being the unsung Masters Of The Universe just popped out of the walls like xenomorphs in their hive.

you see, there's a good handful of motherfuckers who don't come to this site for the erotica reads, sex talk and enjoyment of smut. Be it impotency or sociopathy, they ain't getting any, so they redirect their frustration energy to screaming at the sky. The PeeBee serves as a sanctuary for these motherfuckers so they don't ruin everyone else's fun and happy with their shit screeds.

Some stay to play. Some pop in, drop their daily mental loads and fly out like seagulls. It's a rotating door at the front and lots upon lots of motherfuckers have gone through it.

in any case, nobody is making you stay to suffer, Makers. Pull up and have a drink, or adios muchachos.

You described in length the usefulness and occasional requirement of site Moderators.
Made quite a case for them actually.
Well done.
Then again, reminded me of my freedom to come and go.
Why assume I’m unfamiliar with that bit?
This person spent ages making this post critical of the left by using policies of the car right, and then posted it to an erotica website. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
That person is babbling idiot who should not be taken seriously. That person believes trump won the election and would have bet his trailer on the my pillow guy proving it. He also believed that ISIS was going to come after him.
No, he wasn't. Hitler was the exact opposite of a socialist.

If you want to see what happened to the Nazi left (i.e. those who most strongly bought in to the socialist part of "national socialism"), read up on Otto Strasser, Strasserism, the Black Front, the Beefsteak Nazis and the Night of the Long Knives.

Once the Beefsteak Nazis were purged, Hitler and Himmler used the state apparatus to forcibly aid German big business to profitability completely at the expense of the defenseless workers, who had already had their trade unions smashed to bits in the months after the Nazis came to power in 1933.

Hitler used the state to smash the trade unions and to force corporations to profitability completely at the expense of defenseless workers. That is as far right as it gets in politics. This is why I keep telling people that left vs. right is the difference between supporting the labor movement against big business (left-wing) or supporting big business against the labor movement (right-wing), and NOT in terms of "big government or small government".

To anyone who still insists on calling Hitler a "socialist", explain to me why Otto Strasser was expelled from the Nazi Party in 1930, and why the Beefsteak Nazis were liquidated and crushed in June 1934 during the Night of the Long Knives.
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No, he wasn't. Hitler was the exact opposite of a socialist.

If you want to see what happened to the Nazi left (i.e. those who most strongly bought in to the socialist part of "national socialism"), read up on Otto Strasser, Strasserism, the Black Front, the Beefsteak Nazis and the Night of the Long Knives.

Once the Beefsteak Nazis were purged, Hitler and Himmler used the state apparatus to forcibly aid German big business to profitability completely at the expense of the defenseless workers, who had already had their trade unions smashed to bits in the months after the Nazis came to power in 1933.

Hitler used the state to smash the trade unions and to force corporations to profitability completely at the expense of defenseless workers. That is as far right as it gets in politics. This is why I keep telling people that left vs. right is the difference between supporting the labor movement against big business (left-wing) or supporting big business against the labor movement (right-wing), and NOT in terms of "big government or small government".

To anyone who still insists on calling Hitler a "socialist", explain to me why Otto Strasser was expelled from the Nazi Party in 1930, and why the Beefsteak Nazis were liquidated and crushed in June 1934 during the Night of the Long Knives.

Nice work "Becky"!!!

Now do Putin.


👉 "Becky" 🤣


Slava Ukrani!!!

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You should probably continue your education to a point of political competency before posting again on this subject. It's quite clear you've been cheated or your too lazy to have studied the issue. I made it up in ten minutes from a collection of quotes designed to educate people like you who think they are but in fact are non-conversant in the subject of Socialism, National Socialism, and how they relate to Marxism as Karl Marx understood it to be. So, that said you might want to wriggle your ass out of bed and find a competent library in which to study the issue.;):D
Ohhhhh you “made it up”… took you 10 minutes to go to wikiquote?

Needed that time to rewrite it in your own handwriting? Cause if you turned in someone else’s work….

Hey Biff…here is why you are always wrong- you don’t do your own work.

But you sure love to push out the propaganda like a good soldier. You get a set of steak knives with every 25 crap links you post? Or is the math based on how many responses you get?
Reply to OP

Hitler was an opportunist and megalomaniac.

The tell here is how these types are attracted to the magnet of Socialism.

Socialism requires strong, central control and strong central control requires a strong principled leader.

And man, was that man ever principled!!!

Achieving Godwin’s Law in an OP. Well done, Rightguide, well done!
A question for the OP.

RG- as an accomplished historian of Hitler and the third reich could we have your opinion on the following.

Which wing of American politics most vilifies and scapegoats Jewish influence, and yes it is mainly George Soros I’m thinking of?
The real truth is that fascism is just a more advanced form of communism. Fascists figured out that the people who owned and managed the “means of production” would do a better job of it than those whose only qualification was party loyalty. They also figured out that if you control the “owners,” you are the real owner.

But the Left needs Hitler to be “of the right” because they can’t divorce themselves from Stalin and Mao, and having all three would just be too much.

Arguing the finer points of the isms is a distraction. It keeps you so busy that you don’t stop to think about a much simpler truth: the only distinction that matters is “power of the state vs freedom of the individual.”

Every type of government can be positioned on that continuum and the closer it is to the state having complete power, the more evil it is. That’s because in every case, the power of the state comes from coercion or the credible threat of coercion.

It doesn’t matter how high minded or altruistic you pretend to be. Every law is ultimately enforced by people with guns who are willing to take your life if you don’t obey. That’s why fewer laws and smaller government is morally superior.

So now that you know what really matters:

Where is your own nation on the continuum?

Which direction is it moving?

Which direction is the party you support pushing it?

These are the questions they don’t want you to think about.
The real truth is that the right doesnt understand fascism and think it's only a left wing thing.

45 was more authoritarian than 46 has been, by a large margin.

That doesn't mean that 46 cannot move that direction more...of course he can.

But the great part of our country is that we have multiple branches that hold others in check. The likelihood of full on Nazi shit is minimal and only used for political purposes.

The numbers correspond with 9 through 17, but whatever. The ideas presented seem rather socialist.
And herein lies the problem: The IDEAS were definitely Socialist, the ACTIONS taken by Hitler and Mussolini were not. Saying a thing does not make it so. Actions are what determine such things. Both were very astute at using propaganda to get what they wanted. Lying wasn't seen by them as a wrong, but only a tool to keep the people under their thumb by placating them with what they wanted to hear while doing exactly the opposite.

an example from, the OP's post, "...In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of ALL his people.”
Unless you were a Jew, or homosexual, or a Jehovah's Witnesses, or, or, or...

Again, saying a thing does not make it true. Actions are the true delineation of an ideology. and the actions of the German and Italian leader at that time were a very long way from Socialism.

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