Was Hitler A Socialist? Of Course, He Was

Most of the ruling class see Trump as dangerous,
Who exactly is the ruling class? Those who got out and voted, or those who contributed to each candidates election campaign? My understanding is that each eligible elector gets only one vote. Am I being misled?
Who exactly is the ruling class? Those who got out and voted, or those who contributed to each candidates election campaign? My understanding is that each eligible elector gets only one vote. Am I being misled?
The ruling big business capitalist class. Basically, those billionaires and millionaires who own and control the commanding heights of the economy and the workplaces in any capitalist democracy. That's where real power is in society. There's a socialist saying "We cannot plan what we do not control, and we cannot control what we do not own". That's where the big business class get their power from. Democracy is just to give the appearance that the people "consent", which adds to the legitimacy of the ruling class' rule. If democracy threatens big business profits or power, they will start turning against democracy. Some of them already have.
The ruling big business capitalist class. Basically, those billionaires and millionaires who own and control the commanding heights of the economy and the workplaces in any capitalist democracy. That's where real power is in society. There's a socialist saying "We cannot plan what we do not control, and we cannot control what we do not own". That's where the big business class get their power from. Democracy is just to give the appearance that the people "consent", which adds to the legitimacy of the ruling class' rule. If democracy threatens big business profits or power, they will start turning against democracy. Some of them already have.
So in other words, the voters elected the government. The rest is just your idea of the huge conspiracy theory surrounding Capitalism.
So in other words, the voters elected the government. The rest is just your idea of the huge conspiracy theory surrounding Capitalism.

Its not a conspiracy theory. This is one thing that virtually nobody debates. We know most of us don't even donate to politicians and even if we did one guy ant Exxon can donate more than everybody I've met (save a few celebs for handshakes) in my entire life combined and it wouldn't even cause him to break a sweat. We know alone or in groups Silicon Valley has more power than some states, probably MOST states.

The voters do elect the government but who gives them a platform? How many of us even those of us who have platforms have one large enough to make any difference? Who funds their trips around the country, state or district (okay most can probably self fund for a district) but still.

How many of us especially when you talk about anything above a house seat can afford to take weeks or months off work essentially interviewing for a job that depending on where you live you have 50/50 chance and probably not that.

This is one of the reasons we absolutely have to start closing the insane wealth/income gap. Nobody is suggesting that we should all be equal. So skip that bullshit. Even if that bullshit of we'll all be equal is just that, bullshit.
Its not a conspiracy theory.
Yes it is.
This is one thing that virtually nobody debates.
You're right, because most people understand that Capitalism is founded on competition. If the wealthiest actually ruled secretly, we would have nothing but monopolies of mega corporations.
We know most of us don't even donate to politicians and even if we did one guy ant Exxon can donate more than everybody I've met (save a few celebs for handshakes) in my entire life combined and it wouldn't even cause him to break a sweat. We know alone or in groups Silicon Valley has more power than some states, probably MOST states.
When you're wealthy, and you aim to minimise your tax liabilities you actually use up all you legal tax deductions. A political donation is a tax deduction. So most people who are wealthy, will use that tax break. If you're going to donate, then do you donate to people you think will help your business grow, or support your lifestyle etc....or do you donate by picking a candidate by throwing a dart at a group of pictures of candidates on a wall and let random choice be your guide?
Yes it is.

You're right, because most people understand that Capitalism is founded on competition. If the wealthiest actually ruled secretly, we would have nothing but monopolies of mega corporations.

When you're wealthy, and you aim to minimise your tax liabilities you actually use up all you legal tax deductions. A political donation is a tax deduction. So most people who are wealthy, will use that tax break. If you're going to donate, then do you donate to people you think will help your business grow, or support your lifestyle etc....or do you donate by picking a candidate by throwing a dart at a group of pictures of candidates on a wall and let random choice be your guide?
The super rich control the capitalist system. That's a fact. They rig it in their favor. The legal system isn't something neutral that fairly carries out "justice", but is a part of the rule of big business capitalism over the rest of us, ensuring that their privileges remain. The rich get to buy "justice". Poorer people can't afford the legal fees.

Speaking truths these days seems to get people branded as "conspiracy theorists" more and more. The people throwing those insults around usually heard them first from the billionaire owned media, which naturally reflects the outlooks of the super rich big business class and their pretend "neutrality" and "common sense".
The super rich control the capitalist system. That's a fact. They rig it in their favor. The legal system isn't something neutral that fairly carries out "justice", but is a part of the rule of big business capitalism over the rest of us, ensuring that their privileges remain.

Speaking truths these days seems to get people branded as "conspiracy theorists" more and more. The people throwing those insults around usually heard them first from the billionaire owned media, which naturally reflect the outlooks of the super rich big business class and their pretend "neutrality" and "common sense".
You're promoting a conspiracy theory. Again if the richest controlled everything we would have mega monopolies, and a static corporate world. Why, well because the rich would want to keep it all to themselves, so no one else could take their wealth away.

"With the exception of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, none of the six largest companies by market value in 2017 even existed in 1967; three of them are less than 25 years old. Only two entities from the original Forbes list from 1917 — AT&T and General Electric — survived the century operating under their own names, and one was famously broken up by the government in 1984."


Believe what you wish, there is no law against being ignorant.
Yes it is.

You're right, because most people understand that Capitalism is founded on competition. If the wealthiest actually ruled secretly, we would have nothing but monopolies of mega corporations.

When you're wealthy, and you aim to minimise your tax liabilities you actually use up all you legal tax deductions. A political donation is a tax deduction. So most people who are wealthy, will use that tax break. If you're going to donate, then do you donate to people you think will help your business grow, or support your lifestyle etc....or do you donate by picking a candidate by throwing a dart at a group of pictures of candidates on a wall and let random choice be your guide?

No, its not a conspiracy theory its a fucking fact. One that cannot be logically denied, sorry.

You think we have competition? Capitalism is not in any serious way founded on competition anyway. That's one of those lies that we've been fed and are too cowardly to question.

How is that not them running the government especially now that they they don't have to openly admit who they are so we can at least know who owns who? See how that works cus its so simple you spelled it out yourself.
No, its not a conspiracy theory its a fucking fact. One that cannot be logically denied, sorry.

You think we have competition? Capitalism is not in any serious way founded on competition anyway. That's one of those lies that we've been fed and are too cowardly to question.

How is that not them running the government especially now that they they don't have to openly admit who they are so we can at least know who owns who? See how that works cus its so simple you spelled it out yourself.
You're promoting a conspiracy theory. Again if the richest controlled everything we would have mega monopolies, and a static corporate world. Why, well because the rich would want to keep it all to themselves, so no one else could take their wealth away.

"With the exception of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, none of the six largest companies by market value in 2017 even existed in 1967; three of them are less than 25 years old. Only two entities from the original Forbes list from 1917 — AT&T and General Electric — survived the century operating under their own names, and one was famously broken up by the government in 1984."


Believe what you wish, there is no law against being ignorant.
Same applies to you as well.
You're promoting a conspiracy theory.
I'm speaking the truth, or at least the truth as I see it if you disagree with me.

Again if the richest controlled everything we would have mega monopolies, and a static corporate world.
We do have "mega monopolies". How many huge corporations dominate the world economy?

There's something called the class struggle. The ruling class have to give certain concessions to stop the whole system collapsing. Every single right that we have is due to the labor movement and trade union struggles, not out of the goodness of the hearts of politicians and governments, and the capitalists could still take those rights away in future. Look at Roe v Wade. In the 1970s, most of the ruling class didn't want a more intense confrontation with the feminist movement on abortion, whereas these days they want a culture war over the issue, so they scrap Roe v Wade. Why do they want culture wars? To stop people from pointing out how the super rich exploit us. It's the ruling class' way of saying "Look over there, it's .....". The Ancient Romans called it "bread and circuses".
I'm speaking the truth, or at least the truth as I see it if you disagree with me.

We do have "mega monopolies". How many huge corporations dominate the world economy?

There's something called the class struggle. The ruling class have to give certain concessions to stop the whole system collapsing. Every single right that we have is due to the labor movement and trade union struggles, not out of the goodness of the hearts of politicians and governments, and the capitalists could still take those rights away in future. Look at Roe v Wade. In the 1970s, most of the ruling class didn't want a more intense confrontation with the feminist movement on abortion, whereas these days they want a culture war over the issue, so they scrap Roe v Wade. Why do they want culture wars? To stop people from pointing out how the super rich exploit us. It's the ruling class' way of saying "Look over there, it's .....". The Ancient Romans called it "bread and circuses".
You're promoting a conspiracy theory. Again if the richest controlled everything we would have mega monopolies, and a static corporate world. Why, well because the rich would want to keep it all to themselves, so no one else could take their wealth away.

"With the exception of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, none of the six largest companies by market value in 2017 even existed in 1967; three of them are less than 25 years old. Only two entities from the original Forbes list from 1917 — AT&T and General Electric — survived the century operating under their own names, and one was famously broken up by the government in 1984."


Believe what you wish, there is no law against being ignorant.
You keep blabbing what you choose, the facts are not in agreement with you.
Do you deny that huge corporations control the world economy in present day society?
You're promoting a conspiracy theory. Again if the richest controlled everything we would have mega monopolies, and a static corporate world. Why, well because the rich would want to keep it all to themselves, so no one else could take their wealth away.

"With the exception of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, none of the six largest companies by market value in 2017 even existed in 1967; three of them are less than 25 years old. Only two entities from the original Forbes list from 1917 — AT&T and General Electric — survived the century operating under their own names, and one was famously broken up by the government in 1984."


Believe what you wish, there is no law against being ignorant.
Nothing is static. It's a dialectical world, i.e. things are always moving, changing, evolving, even things that appear still. For example, the planet is always moving in space, therefore all the apparently "still" things are moving.
Nothing is static. It's a dialectical world, i.e. things are always moving, changing, evolving, even things that appear still. For example, the planet is always moving in space, therefore all the apparently "still" things are moving.

Many things are close enough to static especially without something strange happening that they may as well be treated as static things.
The super rich control the capitalist system. That's a fact. They rig it in their favor. The legal system isn't something neutral that fairly carries out "justice", but is a part of the rule of big business capitalism over the rest of us, ensuring that their privileges remain. The rich get to buy "justice". Poorer people can't afford the legal fees.

Speaking truths these days seems to get people branded as "conspiracy theorists" more and more. The people throwing those insults around usually heard them first from the billionaire owned media, which naturally reflects the outlooks of the super rich big business class and their pretend "neutrality" and "common sense".
The "super-rich" and Uber-ambitious control all systems of governance.

Political organization does not abrogate basic human nature.

Ask the Communists. Start with Vietnam...
The "super-rich" and Uber-ambitious control all systems of governance.

Right, like how you always whine about Soro's funded Da's right?
Political organization does not abrogate basic human nature.
WTF is this claptrap supposed to mean? No one is honest, because money? Hell that's not what you stated about Obama....
Ask the Communists. Start with Vietnam...
You first, frankly I don't think the Vietnamese give two shits about what you think.....
The "super-rich" and Uber-ambitious control all systems of governance.

Political organization does not abrogate basic human nature.

Ask the Communists. Start with Vietnam...
The existence of government starts with the existence of classes in society, and the need of the ruling class to enforce its will on society, which is backed up by their institutions like the police, armed forces, courts, jails/prisons etc.

And "human nature" is constantly changing and evolving, like everything else in society. It's not static and fixed. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution shows that very clearly without even needing to go into clearer politics.
We don't name Soros or usually any by name, just an income/wealth level. Though the problem with Soros is being Jewish is still an American sin.
1. Fascism is a branch of Marxist discourse.
2. Real fascism existed only in fascist Italy. Calling German Nazis fascists is as stupid as calling Italian fascists Nazis. They are similar because they both stem from Marxism, but they are different political systems.

Aren't you surprised that an erotic site has a section for politics?
Leftwats will never see the truth.

IRL I am a recognized author on this topic. Came into the sex underground to escape this. My involvement was toxic and I have to be extremely cautious -- you wouldn't believe my journey.

I am conserv in forn policy and left on labor. In other national issues I am a free marketer.

The best commentators on fascism:

Wilhelm Reich: The Mass Psychology of Fascism. This should be required reading for all sex rebels. Reich shows how totalitarianism is based in sexual frustration. He was phallocentric regarding the body and I criticize him on that. Dr. Reich wasn't ready for bootypussy. But otherwise, gold honey. Solid pure gold. He died in prison, a victim of the left. Died in prison in America because of a Russian plot.

Konrad Heiden: Der Fuhrer. He was a German journalist and invented "Nazi" as a nickname for them, since the Social Democrats were known as "Sozis." (Still are.) Fab details from a reporter on scene.

Leon Trotsky: The Struggle Against Fascism in Germany. Also journalism. Leftwats and other morons will be shocked to hear that the greatest Russian Communist after Lenin is also the greatest writer on Communism and Fascism. He said the Nazis and Stalinists were not identical, but were symmetrical. That's why Leon got to fuck Frida and why Joe had Leon killed brutally. And Leon's fam. Leon's sons were murdered. The elder Sergei had never been political but perished in the gulag. The younger, also Leon, was killed by his closest comrade, who turned out to be a Russian agent.

These three men were radical leftists. You want to argue with Trotsky, leftwat? That's dumb. All three described in detail how fascism emerged from the radical left. They copped to it.

Leftwats: instead of engaging in bogus junior high rhetoric to cover your skinny ass, try some tantric sex yoga. Stop trying to give yourself a blowjob in words and learn how to do it IRL. You'll be happier.

This topic has generated a lot of incredibly ridiculous bullshit. Leftwats, since this is how you think and express yourselves, little melted vanilla ice cream cones, I hate to imagine how you would be in bed. Yuk. You are political cucks. Not interested. My young b.f. just called, so I have to clean up the cundump. Maybe more later.

( . )( . )
This person spent ages making this post critical of the left by using policies of the car right, and then posted it to an erotica website. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

The more you know, the less informed you seem to be.

Why is that?
The more you know, the less informed you seem to be.

Why is that?
If these hateful, stupid, and transphobic slurs are directed to me:

1. The post took less than an hour to write. As a male I established myself as an expert on this, lecturing in the world's universities. That you are incapable of respecting me shows that you are a Stalinist, i.e. a Red Fascist. I have dealt with fakes like you all my life.

2. Look at my pic. If that is an old man I have accomplished something historic. Not a drag queen. No more than 5% photoshopped, done by a Madonna colleague at a fashion show. Post your pic. Let's see how you look.

3. The right doesn't quote Trotsky. They don't quote Reich. They never heard of Heiden.

4. So, GuLag guard [correct spelling; you don't know what the word means.] Do know the Russian language? I do. Read all the Bolsheviks starting with Lenin. And you?

5. I posted this because:

A. You're full of utter bullshit and deserve a nonviolent intellectual slapdown. Look up the word "intellectual" in between playing video games and drinking cheap beer. You never met one. Also IRL I worked with Noam Chomsky. Look him up. He doesn't do death metal. I am sure that's your preferred music.

B. Reich coined the term "sexual revolution" and deserves to be better known. I am a sex revolutionary. And because I am antifascist. Here's my song:

C. You cannot reply to me by answering a single real point I have made. Want a real fight? Say something. Now. I need the practice beating ass. I don't top but can make an exception for you. I service ugly men. You're ugly in your being. You have no heart and no soul. You are a total product of capitalism, living in the Matrix and not even aware of it.

Typical leftwat. Not even an asshole, which is something that generates pleasure. Definitely a twat.

( . )( . )!