Was Hitler A Socialist? Of Course, He Was

Right, like how you always whine about Soro's funded Da's right?

WTF is this claptrap supposed to mean? No one is honest, because money? Hell that's not what you stated about Obama....

You first, frankly I don't think the Vietnamese give two shits about what you think.....
I worked for Soros, quit, and criticized him. It's pronounced Shoros.

( . )( . )
Yes it is.

You're right, because most people understand that Capitalism is founded on competition. If the wealthiest actually ruled secretly, we would have nothing but monopolies of mega corporations.

When you're wealthy, and you aim to minimise your tax liabilities you actually use up all you legal tax deductions. A political donation is a tax deduction. So most people who are wealthy, will use that tax break. If you're going to donate, then do you donate to people you think will help your business grow, or support your lifestyle etc....or do you donate by picking a candidate by throwing a dart at a group of pictures of candidates on a wall and let random choice be your guide?
Capitalism began with competition but as Marx noted, ends in the triumph of monopoly. But western capitalists remain dedicated to competition. It's a major contradiction.
If these hateful, stupid, and transphobic slurs are directed to me:

1. The post took less than an hour to write. As a male I established myself as an expert on this, lecturing in the world's universities. That you are incapable of respecting me shows that you are a Stalinist, i.e. a Red Fascist. I have dealt with fakes like you all my life.

2. Look at my pic. If that is an old man I have accomplished something historic. Not a drag queen. No more than 5% photoshopped, done by a Madonna colleague at a fashion show. Post your pic. Let's see how you look.

3. The right doesn't quote Trotsky. They don't quote Reich. They never heard of Heiden.

4. So, GuLag guard [correct spelling; you don't know what the word means.] Do know the Russian language? I do. Read all the Bolsheviks starting with Lenin. And you?

5. I posted this because:

A. You're full of utter bullshit and deserve a nonviolent intellectual slapdown. Look up the word "intellectual" in between playing video games and drinking cheap beer. You never met one. Also IRL I worked with Noam Chomsky. Look him up. He doesn't do death metal. I am sure that's your preferred music.

B. Reich coined the term "sexual revolution" and deserves to be better known. I am a sex revolutionary. And because I am antifascist. Here's my song:

C. You cannot reply to me by answering a single real point I have made. Want a real fight? Say something. Now. I need the practice beating ass. I don't top but can make an exception for you. I service ugly men. You're ugly in your being. You have no heart and no soul. You are a total product of capitalism, living in the Matrix and not even aware of it.

Typical leftwat. Not even an asshole, which is something that generates pleasure. Definitely a twat.

( . )( . )!

Lol. Next time read who was being quoted and replied to before you decide to go off on a tirade against the world which doesn't care about you or your trumpeting.

BTW, threats will only get you banhammered faster than Busybody's newest incarnation.
Cool. Next time learn to write coherently and indicate clearly to whom you're replying. This is a gangbang and mistakes may be made. I threaten nobody. I have been persecuted and jailed and forced to protect my privacy. Cops protect me and don't want me starting trouble.

The world knows who I am. That's the main reason I have to be discreet. Butch on the streets, femme in the sheets, as my tough dyke domme says.

If you feel threatened by me I apologize sincerely. This isn't sub dirty talk. I want to stay on Lit.

Have a nice day. Let me know if you need anything. Don't be offended but re the post it would be nice to hear some reBUTTals to my arguments sted complaints.

( . )( . )
Cool. Next time learn to write coherently and indicate clearly to whom you're replying. This is a gangbang and mistakes may be made. I threaten nobody. I have been persecuted and jailed and forced to protect my privacy. Cops protect me and don't want me starting trouble.

The world knows who I am. That's the main reason I have to be discreet. Butch on the streets, femme in the sheets, as my tough dyke domme says.

If you feel threatened by me I apologize sincerely. This isn't sub dirty talk. I want to stay on Lit.

Have a nice day. Let me know if you need anything. Don't be offended but re the post it would be nice to hear some reBUTTals to my arguments sted complaints.

( . )( . )

dudly, the quote feature exists to be sure that the person being replied to sees it in their notifications and so that everyone else understands who is being replied to.

Basically YOU fucked up, not anyone else. Deal with it.
Cool. Next time learn to write coherently and indicate clearly to whom you're replying. This is a gangbang and mistakes may be made. I threaten nobody. I have been persecuted and jailed and forced to protect my privacy. Cops protect me and don't want me starting trouble.

The world knows who I am. That's the main reason I have to be discreet. Butch on the streets, femme in the sheets, as my tough dyke domme says.

If you feel threatened by me I apologize sincerely. This isn't sub dirty talk. I want to stay on Lit.

Have a nice day. Let me know if you need anything. Don't be offended but re the post it would be nice to hear some reBUTTals to my arguments sted complaints.

( . )( . )
I stress that any strong language employed by me is purely rhetorical. As I say, cops know me. I have no history of stalking or of violence, possess no weapons, keep my location undisclosed, and won't do personal meet ups IRL. When Litsters learn of my life as "male" they will understand.

I was offended by the claim that identifying Adolf as a socialist was a right-wing trope, and overreacted. Doubtful that I will post on these matters on Lit after this. I came to Lit to escape the increasing instability of the political world and my own anxieties about the future, and to encourage self defense by hos.

( . )( . )
I stress that any strong language employed by me is purely rhetorical. As I say, cops know me. I have no history of stalking or of violence, possess no weapons, keep my location undisclosed, and won't do personal meet ups IRL. When Litsters learn of my life as "male" they will understand.

I was offended by the claim that identifying Adolf as a socialist was a right-wing trope, and overreacted. Doubtful that I will post on these matters on Lit after this. I came to Lit to escape the increasing instability of the political world and my own anxieties about the future, and to encourage self defense by hos.

( . )( . )

Newsflash - no one here cares about your real life issues.
Newsflash - no one here cares about your real life issues.
Whatever. But nobody? Some have been notably supportive. And there's plenty of complaints about people's IRL issues here. This can't all be fantasy. But that's fine. I'm just starting out here and trying to learn. Civility is a struggle these days.

( . )( . )
Whatever. But nobody? Some have been notably supportive. And there's plenty of complaints about people's IRL issues here. This can't all be fantasy. But that's fine. I'm just starting out here and trying to learn. Civility is a struggle these days.

( . )( . )

Lol. NOTHING on this website is real.
So you say. It would surprise me to learn that EVERY post is fantasy. Most seem veridical. If this is a pure fantasy site I have no business here. I have fantasies in print for years under my dead name. I can manage my fantasy life quite well, thank you.

I regret that I was rude to you but I feel you are pushing this with me. I did specify in my snippy post that I didn't know the sequence of comments. I haven't checked back but as I recall I began my nastygram with the phrase "if these comments are directed to me."

It seems to me that both of us overreacted here. Threatening me with having me banned doesn't seem cool. And speaking in the name of the whole community to claim none of us cares about each other, and nobody cares about me, a victim of repeated sexual assault and a defender of all women and gay men. I have handed out 100 free maces to women.

I don't intend to respond further to your arrogant comments. You have the attitude of a mean cop. An inquisitor. I don't know about any incidents in the history of Lit. The site was crucial to me coming out years ago. But I underwent a great deal of cruel treatment after that. I actually avoided the site until I felt I had to speak about the experiences of trans hos.

We are marginalized. We don't understand ourselves. We don't advocate for ourselves. I want to change this and confess to hoping Lit would be an appropriate medium for this endeavor.

Is it possible you claim all this is fiction because the world of sex bothers you and you need to feel safe? I can make you feel very safe, but

You should take yourself less seriously. I have a distinguished background in journalism and public affairs, from which I walked away. If such experiences don't belong on this site I misunderstood the ethos of the site. But I think your aggressive attitude would seem to me to hide something else. I am a sub but not, at this point, your sub.

I should have checked your handle. As a "loose canon extraordinair," i.e. a sexually promiscuous Christian religious law authority and skydiver, you have much more power than I ever had.

"Resist much, obey little." -- Whitman


Have a nice day. Rilly! IRL.

( . )( . )
Especially your "career"

That you would say this shows you either know nothing about my past or are someone from my past intent on harming me. Don't overstep. Maybe you just don't like not knowing everything about everybody that crosses your path.
I never supported Trump. Is this you?

Between grafs 5 and 6 I attempted to post this:

One luv, honey.

( . )( . )
Fascism being leftist is real.

Reality vexes you. You are an überhater. Very sad. I guess you are bereft of ❤️ IRL. Obviously my ho magic failed with you. But I responded to others' texts. I didn't start this.

( . )( . )
So you say. It would surprise me to learn that EVERY post is fantasy. Most seem veridical. If this is a pure fantasy site I have no business here. I have fantasies in print for years under my dead name. I can manage my fantasy life quite well, thank you.

I regret that I was rude to you but I feel you are pushing this with me. I did specify in my snippy post that I didn't know the sequence of comments. I haven't checked back but as I recall I began my nastygram with the phrase "if these comments are directed to me."

It seems to me that both of us overreacted here. Threatening me with having me banned doesn't seem cool. And speaking in the name of the whole community to claim none of us cares about each other, and nobody cares about me, a victim of repeated sexual assault and a defender of all women and gay men. I have handed out 100 free maces to women.

I don't intend to respond further to your arrogant comments. You have the attitude of a mean cop. An inquisitor. I don't know about any incidents in the history of Lit. The site was crucial to me coming out years ago. But I underwent a great deal of cruel treatment after that. I actually avoided the site until I felt I had to speak about the experiences of trans hos.

We are marginalized. We don't understand ourselves. We don't advocate for ourselves. I want to change this and confess to hoping Lit would be an appropriate medium for this endeavor.

Is it possible you claim all this is fiction because the world of sex bothers you and you need to feel safe? I can make you feel very safe, but

You should take yourself less seriously. I have a distinguished background in journalism and public affairs, from which I walked away. If such experiences don't belong on this site I misunderstood the ethos of the site. But I think your aggressive attitude would seem to me to hide something else. I am a sub but not, at this point, your sub.

I should have checked your handle. As a "loose canon extraordinair," i.e. a sexually promiscuous Christian religious law authority and skydiver, you have much more power than I ever had.

"Resist much, obey little." -- Whitman

As should be obvious, no one cares about who/what you are IRL. Constantly attempting to trade on your credentials (which you claim to have walked away from and therefore abdicated) doesn't make the grade. Again, no one cares. Who you are here is based on how you present yourself.

You haven't managed to do that very well.


Have a nice day. Rilly! IRL.

( . )( . )

That you would say this shows you either know nothing about my past or are someone from my past intent on harming me. Don't overstep. Maybe you just don't like not knowing everything about everybody that crosses your path.

I never supported Trump. Is this you?

Between grafs 5 and 6 I attempted to post this:

One luv, honey.

( . )( . )

Philthy Phil is an Alt used for nothing more than shitting on everyone and everything Lit. Ignore it.
As should be obvious, no one cares about who/what you are IRL. Constantly attempting to trade on your credentials (which you claim to have walked away from and therefore abdicated) doesn't make the grade. Again, no one cares. Who you are here is based on how you present yourself.

You haven't managed to do that very well.

Philthy Phil is an Alt used for nothing more than shitting on everyone and everything Lit. Ignore it.
I shit on lying trumptard fags like you and you're butthurt about it.
I have infinitely less reason to pay any attention to these bits of fecal matter on my stiletto than to be concerned about my safety.

I have no incentive to prove anything to anybody. Argue with my writing, not with an imaginary fetish doll you want to think is me.

Women and passionate men like me. That's enough.

Silly Phil doesn't have even the merest concept of what walking away from a career means or how I might have abdicated anything or what that word even means.

Who cares, indeed?

I made the grade in Life School a long time ago. I get enough likes and loves on Lit to disregard his detention-hall spitballs.

He is coprolalic, it seems. I am sure he ❤️ scat. I don't. Hitler did. National socialists as they are.

I have never written a word in support of Trump. I am a faggot. But glam. My butt is hurt today because I get fucked. Not for any other reason.

Sharpy Harpy can't spell loose "cannon" or a pretentiously borrowed word in French.


I am a ho but would reject these scrubs. Illiterate hillbillies who never got a decent piece of ass aren't worth a charity fuck. Even as a rachmones.

( . )( . )
These two dumbass crackers can't keep their bullshit straight. Silly Phil and Sharpy Harpy say that nothing is real on a site that posts news articles and polemics about science and history. Both are befuddled by my refs to my past and post crass insults as if they were omniscient.

I get the site has a history as a fantasy medium but I perceive that the various crises in Americs of the family, sex, religion, politics, pedagogy, etc. intrude when people ask for advice.

IRL experiences underpin Lit's existence..
These two dumbass crackers can't keep their bullshit straight. Silly Phil and Sharpy Harpy say that nothing is real on a site that posts news articles and polemics about science and history. Both are befuddled by my refs to my past and post crass insults as if they were omniscient.

I get the site has a history as a fantasy medium but I perceive that the various crises in Americs of the family, sex, religion, politics, pedagogy, etc. intrude when people ask for advice.

IRL experiences underpin Lit's existence..
You sure are one stupid son of a bitch, we can't take that away from you, that's for sure. Lol
Lol. Next time read who was being quoted and replied to before you decide to go off on a tirade against the world which doesn't care about you or your trumpeting.

BTW, threats will only get you banhammered faster than Busybody's newest incarnation.
Shut the fuck up, Derpy. You're the worst culprit of this dipshittery.
Just read my words as written and it will prevent you from falling victim to further embarrassment, Derpy.
These two dumbass crackers can't keep their bullshit straight. Silly Phil and Sharpy Harpy say that nothing is real on a site that posts news articles and polemics about science and history. Both are befuddled by my refs to my past and post crass insults as if they were omniscient.

I get the site has a history as a fantasy medium but I perceive that the various crises in Americs of the family, sex, religion, politics, pedagogy, etc. intrude when people ask for advice.

IRL experiences underpin Lit's existence..

Tired of your self flagellating for attention gig, g'bye.
Wow! What an accusation! Attention-seeking exhibitionism by me on a site dedicated to describing floods of cum.

Sharpy, you and Silly are the Beavis n Butthead of Litsters.

It's simple. I am a brilliant writer. And I have a great rack. You are guttersnipes panhandling for pennies. You appear to be lifelong virgins, attempting to undermine a forum for sexual freedom.

I'm bitchin' -- your twitchin'. Are you alive? Or are you dead?

Thanks for leaving. Seems that'll make lots of Litsters happy. Run off by a sleazy tranny ho [me]. Keep on Hitlerin'.

Stevie Winwood was 16 or so when this came out. A true cock god.

I'd rather suck the decomposed penis of the dead Winston Churchill than read another word from you two hobos.

( . )( . )
If these hateful, stupid, and transphobic slurs are directed to me:

1. The post took less than an hour to write. As a male I established myself as an expert on this, lecturing in the world's universities. That you are incapable of respecting me shows that you are a Stalinist, i.e. a Red Fascist. I have dealt with fakes like you all my life.

2. Look at my pic. If that is an old man I have accomplished something historic. Not a drag queen. No more than 5% photoshopped, done by a Madonna colleague at a fashion show. Post your pic. Let's see how you look.

3. The right doesn't quote Trotsky. They don't quote Reich. They never heard of Heiden.

4. So, GuLag guard [correct spelling; you don't know what the word means.] Do know the Russian language? I do. Read all the Bolsheviks starting with Lenin. And you?

5. I posted this because:

A. You're full of utter bullshit and deserve a nonviolent intellectual slapdown. Look up the word "intellectual" in between playing video games and drinking cheap beer. You never met one. Also IRL I worked with Noam Chomsky. Look him up. He doesn't do death metal. I am sure that's your preferred music.

B. Reich coined the term "sexual revolution" and deserves to be better known. I am a sex revolutionary. And because I am antifascist. Here's my song:

C. You cannot reply to me by answering a single real point I have made. Want a real fight? Say something. Now. I need the practice beating ass. I don't top but can make an exception for you. I service ugly men. You're ugly in your being. You have no heart and no soul. You are a total product of capitalism, living in the Matrix and not even aware of it.

Typical leftwat. Not even an asshole, which is something that generates pleasure. Definitely a twat.

( . )( . )!
You think you look like a woman because you got implants? lmao

You look like a tard. :)
What evidence do you have that I have implants, Dr. Mengele? I don't. I was born this way. Please don't cut me!

Better a tard than a turd. Seems my intellectual tranny beatdown on you hurt. I could look like a kangaroo but I still know more about socialism and fascism than you can learn if your cockroach ass survives 1,000 years.

No, dumbass, I win!

Your operation: https://images.***********AJbGKcPjiDz4hn7f7

( . )( . )
Dear Phil

I know you are lonely. I sympathize. And I appreciate your discerning eye. Yes, I'm a tart. In fact, I'm a ho. Men like to fuck me. And I enjoy them.

( . )( . )
But sadly, my tits are bigger than yours, without surgery. More like surfery, i.e. lots of sex with surfers. You're jealous -- attached is a pic.
Read the quotes, in his own words he labeled himself as a Socialist.
National Socialist German Workers Party.

National is inclusive, like gay.

Socialist is PC, like lesbians.

German is finally vague, like bis.

Workers shoulder the burden, like trans hos.

Party is neo-Bolshie, i.e. supercontrolled and supermanipulated, like...

Just sayin'.

( . )( . )