Welcome new folks, passersby and friendly types of all varieties (Part II)

First of all I want to welcome all the new people to the BDSM Forum. It is so nice to see all of you!

Let's see... about me. I am a 48 yo female bi maso switch. NOw that is not what I was a year ago, but how things have changed in a year hanging out with a bunch of pervs! :D

I am involved in a long term relationship with Himself and have been for over a year now.

Oh and I have this thing for developing crushes on lesbian Dommes, althought I consider myself bi.

There have always been aspects of BDSM in my past relationships, I just never knew they had a name.

I am glad to have stumbled on to this forum when it was part of the "How To" forum. That was back in the days of what we call the "Mother Thread".

So welcome to all!!!
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Congratulations on the upcoming wedding Caroline! Mine is in 3 months so I am still in the "oh my god is everything planned, what do I need to do now" phase but I can't wait for the excited not stressed phase.
It's so nice to meet all of you guys. Since I don't know much about the lifestyle it really surprises me when you guys talk about being in a 24/7 situation or having part time subs. I had heard of that and read some books like that but I never thought people really did that, what a pleasant surprise. How do you meet people who are interested in the lifestyle?
Felicia4411 said:
How do you meet people who are interested in the lifestyle?
Felicia, that's a good question. This is an intro thread, though, and we're all kinda trying to keep it focused in that direction.

However, please feel free to take your question and begin another thread with it. Additionally, you can do a SEARCH on this forum and see if you can find some of the other things we've talked about with respect to finding other kinky people. I'm assuming you're talking about skin-to-skin, daily life people, right?
I am reposting parts from the other thread with additions at the bottom:

I am 33, married, BBW. I consider myself bi-currious, but with no expectations of it moving beyond that point. I am obviously not that new to Lit and I have been lurking on this board for awhile. BDSM is very new to me and I am wrestling still with many of the labels, but I think the best way to describe me for now is as a bottom.

My husband is not interested in the lifestyle at all. OR, at least he is not interested in being Dom. I tend to be the "dominant" personality in our marriage and so that extends to the bedroom as well (sigh).

My experience then is limited. I have played with another in rl - just bondage. I liked it immensley. I have had some online experiences that have truly opened my eyes to some things. I can tell you that my nature is submissive and I get much pleasure knowing that I am pleasing my partner. The pain aspect scares the hell out of me though, truth be told.

Hmm, what else?? Why am I drawn to BDSM? Well, on one level the sensuality of it appeals to me. On another I long to have a partner that I can trust so completely and am then able to submit to him fully.


Recently I had a revelation. I am a strong, independant woman - I have to be given the circumstances of my marriage. I am proud of myself that I can be that way, but I do not think it is natural for me. I need a stronger person in my life to keep me balanced. I believe that without it my life has been in chaos. Before recently I had trouble seeing the value of 24/7 D/s. Now I am begining to understand.
I apologize, I didn't even think about the fact that I was posting a question in a get to know each other thread. I'm new to the whole message board thing so you'll have to excuse my mistakes from time to time. Thank you for the recommendations on where to get an answer though.
Thought I'd add myself here...

...since I've actually never done this on the other thread.

I'm a 37 yr. old hetero woman, never married, and no skeletons in the closet. ;) BDSM is something somewhat new to me. Not new in the sense that I realize now I always fantasied in ways that tended towards the submissive, most of my life.

So, I'm exploring my sub side at the moment. I have no interest in S/M. Also, I'm more interested at this point in my life in having a full relationship with any partner. Love, you know, commitment, that whole shebang. ;) Play partners aren't for me. And no online Dom's. I'm only attracted to a D/s relationship sexually -- and only in a fairly non-ritualized way.

Or er, well, -- I was. I don't really know what the hell I want right now. Or what I feel comfortable with. I just had to take an emotional and physical step back, for the moment, from the one relationship where I was beginning to explore this -- and that was just a relationship that happened serendipitously.

I explored and crashed through *a lot* of sexual boundaries with the last two men I was involved with this summer. Before them, I knew I enjoyed sex with a kinky edge to it -- I just let myself get involved partners who didn't help me to feel confident about my sexuality (actually, they did a lot to knock it down -- but I think that's my responsibility -- I chose to be with them in the first place) -- or I simply was going through l-o-n-g periods of time when I wasn't dating at all.

Anyway, I discovered a lot about myself this past summer. All good, and it happens that the men I've been involved with I met through LIT. The last one, someone who posts occasionally to this board. He's a wonderful, special friend, and I'm very happy he's a part of my life.

But where I go from here now in terms of relationships and continuing to explore my sexual identity...I haven't a clue. I'm kind of burned out on involvements for the moment.

I would say, perhaps life has given me the opportunity now to slow down and process all I've been through in the last few months. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. (That was a lame attempt at trying to look at the glass half full, lol.) ;)

I live and have dealt with clinical depression on and off for about 20 yrs. The last nine being the most difficult. So, self-esteem is an issue for me. Another reason I'm *tremendously* cautious with myself that my attraction to submission be based on my uncovering my sexual power and strength. I have no question that it is. But I want to always be wary of being in a relationship where the emotions play into where I'm vulnerable rather than supporting my belief in myself.

So, believe me, lol -- I chose "Persephone" purposely. No one who's been through depression and come out of the dark side into the light of day again can miss that allusion. Besides, I was born in the spring. So it's natural that I'm Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld. (I've just yet to find my Hades, lol.) ;)

What else, I'm a native New Yorker. Oh -- I've been a professional in the field of fundraising for the arts most of my adult work life. I'm a Special events professional. (This reminds me that CarolineOh and I have to "talk" catering one of these days...) ;) I burned out in this career -- I'm trying to work my way back using my experience into a similar career, and eventually go to grad school and do something -- completely different, lol. Perhaps be a counselor or a therapist.

So that's my CV. ;)

Ah, yes -- and I'm known for my verbose posts. I wasn't like that on the GB, lol, but this is more the "real" me. Ask anyone who knows me via PM's or emails and they'll tell you. ;)

Perse :rose:
Re: Thought I'd add myself here...

Persephone36 said:
...since I've actually never done this on the other thread.

I'm a 37 yr. old hetero woman, never married, and no skeletons in the closet. ;) BDSM is something somewhat new to me. Not new in the sense that I realize now I always fantasied in ways that tended towards the submissive, most of my life.

So, I'm exploring my sub side at the moment. I have no interest in S/M. Also, I'm more interested at this point in my life in having a full relationship with any partner. Love, you know, commitment, that whole shebang. ;) Play partners aren't for me. And no online Dom's. I'm only attracted to a D/s relationship sexually -- and only in a fairly non-ritualized way.

Or er, well, -- I was. I don't really know what the hell I want right now. Or what I feel comfortable with. I just had to take an emotional and physical step back, for the moment, from the one relationship where I was beginning to explore this -- and that was just a relationship that happened serendipitously.

I explored and crashed through *a lot* of sexual boundaries with the last two men I was involved with this summer. Before them, I knew I enjoyed sex with a kinky edge to it -- I just let myself get involved partners who didn't help me to feel confident about my sexuality (actually, they did a lot to knock it down -- but I think that's my responsibility -- I chose to be with them in the first place) -- or I simply was going through l-o-n-g periods of time when I wasn't dating at all.

Anyway, I discovered a lot about myself this past summer. All good, and it happens that the men I've been involved with I met through LIT. The last one, someone who posts occasionally to this board. He's a wonderful, special friend, and I'm very happy he's a part of my life.

But where I go from here now in terms of relationships and continuing to explore my sexual identity...I haven't a clue. I'm kind of burned out on involvements for the moment.

I would say, perhaps life has given me the opportunity now to slow down and process all I've been through in the last few months. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. (That was a lame attempt at trying to look at the glass half full, lol.) ;)

I live and have dealt with clinical depression on and off for about 20 yrs. The last nine being the most difficult. So, self-esteem is an issue for me. Another reason I'm *tremendously* cautious with myself that my attraction to submission be based on my uncovering my sexual power and strength. I have no question that it is. But I want to always be wary of being in a relationship where the emotions play into where I'm vulnerable rather than supporting my belief in myself.

So, believe me, lol -- I chose "Persephone" purposely. No one who's been through depression and come out of the dark side into the light of day again can miss that allusion. Besides, I was born in the spring. So it's natural that I'm Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld. (I've just yet to find my Hades, lol.) ;)

What else, I'm a native New Yorker. Oh -- I've been a professional in the field of fundraising for the arts most of my adult work life. I'm a Special events professional. (This reminds me that CarolineOh and I have to "talk" catering one of these days...) ;) I burned out in this career -- I'm trying to work my way back using my experience into a similar career, and eventually go to grad school and do something -- completely different, lol. Perhaps be a counselor or a therapist.

So that's my CV. ;)

Ah, yes -- and I'm known for my verbose posts. I wasn't like that on the GB, lol, but this is more the "real" me. Ask anyone who knows me via PM's or emails and they'll tell you. ;)

Perse :rose:

Someehow I get the feeling you are always "real".

Re: Re: Thought I'd add myself here...

Ebonyfire said:

Someehow I get the feeling you are always "real".


Hey Eb!

Yep, well, lol, sometimes a little too "real"

I'm just a complex gal. ;)

P. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Thought I'd add myself here...

Persephone36 said:

Hey Eb!

Yep, well, lol, sometimes a little too "real"

I'm just a complex gal. ;)

P. :rose:

I am simple myself. But I like real, and I like complex.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thought I'd add myself here...

Ebonyfire said:

I am simple myself. But I like real, and I like complex.


Ah, but you have a complex mind -- and that is one cool thing.

I like direct, straightforward, and non-judging -- you're all those things -- in spades.

That's why we get along, lol.

What was that thread you had about opposites attracting, lol...;)

Perse *snicker* :rose:
Bi curious female Domme, entered the lifestyle not too long ago and loving every second of it. 34 years old - hypomanic, intense and happy about where I am. I have some R/L experience and a lot of reflections. Just started a trial LDR with another Lit member: s aka luvsubbbbb.

redelicious said:
I I tend to be the "dominant" personality in our marriage and so that extends to the bedroom as well (sigh).

I hear ya, sister.

I tend to have, um, quite a presence myself.

I need a man who is "bigger" than me.
Rubyfruit said:

I hear ya, sister.

I tend to have, um, quite a presence myself.

I need a man who is "bigger" than me.

PBW puffs up his chest... "Me big man... me large man... me manwhore... "
he said as he trailed green goo from the bathroom to the bed.


P. B. Walker said:

PBW puffs up his chest... "Me big man... me large man... me manwhore... "
monster666 said:
he said as he trailed green goo from the bathroom to the bed.


LOL... damn that goo... can't get rid of that shit... LOL

PBW "trust me it's not sperm... lol"
Glad to see you laughing instead of swinging, big guy. Fights between big guys always hurt - and not in a good way.

P. B. Walker said:

LOL... damn that goo... can't get rid of that shit... LOL

PBW "trust me it's not sperm... lol"
Welcome Andreina.

You are going to get along well here.

Andreina said:
Andreina, 22 years old, single, European commuter, currently based in the middle of nowhere at the back of beyond.

Re: Lurking

Welcome. Don't be shy, we don't bite as long as it's on your hard limits list.

Um, you initials are s_m. Don't mind some if the women here call you "lucky bitch". It's a term of endearment, trust me.

silken_mystery said:
Well, I have been lurking around the BDSM board for awhile. Just recently decided to come out of lurking. Guess I worked up the courage... and what a good place to as well huh?
Hiya, dixi. Welcome again!

dixicritter said:

I look forward to getting to know more of you. I love this board for the knowledge I have gained here and will continue to glean the information that I crave.

MzC, I'd welcome you, too, but I think the only welcome you want from me is my ass in the air. Hello. Well, on second thought, WELCOME!

MzChrista said:
Reintroducing me.
I am a 35 y.o. Domme from Meeeeechigan. I am les in my sexuality but like playing with men as well as women.
33 yr old male married switch.

I am VERY dominant in my everyday life. My Dominat personality is different froom my day to day domineering personality. My sub side is yet again another personality.

I have had a long time interest in BDSM and may share more of my experinces as I grow more comfortable here.
I'm glad, lovetoread. Welcome. (Oh, btw, you are leaking)

lovetoread said:
Hello,how are ya'll?

I am a 30 yr old sub,who recently figured out what life is supposed to be.
Re: me.....

Hiya Sierra, sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted with your Master. Those things are never easy.

Thanks for dropping in on the new thread to aquaint yourself with the newer folks.

SierraMoon said:
Hi, i'm sierra...
Welcome, Hot4Heels.

I don't remeber a foot fetish thread. Maybe you'd like to start one? Or maybe I am assuming a bit much thinking you have a foot fetish!

Hot4Heels said:
33 yr old male married switch.

I am VERY dominant in my everyday life. My Dominat personality is different froom my day to day domineering personality. My sub side is yet again another personality.

I have had a long time interest in BDSM and may share more of my experinces as I grow more comfortable here.