Who are you?

Hello I’m 29 , I’m bi but I tend to lean more towards the same sex. I live in Oregon.
an intorduction of sorts!!!!

hmmm...30 year old bisexual (masochistic switch...more sub than domme with women...vice versa with men; not that i like them nearly as much) from the state of WV (only a few miles from the MD/ VA borders....anything else i should add????
Im Christa, Im 35 and I am a lesbian. I am a Domme, used to do it as a pro.I still play BDSM scenes with guys but sexually just with women.
My submissive/girlfriend Molly may be coming by here soon.

I'm Summery, 33 yrs old. Honestly don't care for having any kind of label attached to me. Much prefer to say I am a sexual being. But, if you had to label me, I am a very sensual, intense (straight, for lack of a better word) woman, have a boyfriend, but some women fascinate me. I have had my share of sexual experimentation with women, but have never experienced a LTR with one. I have several bdsm kinks about me, but am not practicing a bdsm lifestyle. Adventurous, and open minded enough to whatever experience may come. Makes life more interesting that way.
I'm 29,

female with a propensity to dress up as a boy a whole bunch at one point, more of a thing for lipstick and heels these days....

I'm a connoiseur of the whole gender gamut. If you force me to pick a label, I'm queer. If you force me to pick a SM affiliation, I'm a Top.

I like to write, paint, beat the willing participant, and cook.

I am, much to my constant amazement, engaged to a lovely bisexual biological boy in the most perverse open-marriage-to-be anti-marriage that I ever could have dreamt up.
Etoile said:
You hit the nail right on the head. Bingo, exactly. Some people call it omnisexual.

Sorry my page wasn't behaving right, Trish! It's kind of cluttered up with scripty stuff. I can send you the essay in a PM if you want.

Thank you Etoile ....... a friend already did just that for me. I'm glad, it was a good read. Thank you for the offer.

Goodness, since I took part in the mini-highjack I guess the polite thing to do would be at least introduce myself.

I'm Trish, a 37 (soon to be 38) year old stay at home Mom. I'm another one that isn't exactly comfortable with labels but for reasons that have to do with another area of my life. If I had to choose, I'd say that I'm bisexual although I've never been with a woman yet. I've gotten flack for that before and been told I'm only 'curious' until I've had that exeprience. I don't agree. I knew I liked boys before I had my first kiss, I don't see where this is any different.

My first fantasies were about females but 'thanks' to the way I was raised, that all got repressed and shoved aside. It's only been in the last year or so that I've even told my husband. I'd like to say he understands but I can't. I can say he's tried to and that's good enough for now.

I came very close to actually finding someone but when we finally met, the chemistry just wasn't there at all for me. I'm not looking for someone to just explore with. I'd like to find someone that could be part of my life long term.

Just meeting with another woman has had an interesting affect on my marriage. Not a good one but an affect none the less. I'm still sorting through it all.

OK, enough of my ramblings ......... it's good to meet all of you!

Hi, I'm kotori, I'm 46, separated, born in Ireland, grew up in northern New Jersey. I like women, mostly. Also, Andreina is sexy, that is all.
Who am I...
hmmm 20 year old female from canada..
whos bf is from the US...
I'm disabled and bi curious....
No experience with women but would like to one day....
I've only had one partner.. and thats the bf...
I like some kink in my sex......
Hi, I'm James Blandings, or JB for short. That's a scene name I've used in BDSM for so long that sometimes I forget it's not my real name!

Among this crowd, I'm sure someone knows it's origin.

I'm 48 years old. I live in Ferndale, Michigan, the queerest town in the MidWest.

I am bisexual, and in BDSM, a switch. My first sexual relationship was with an older man when I was a teenager, and I have since had LTRs with both men and women, as both a Dominant and a submissive. Right now, I am in the early stages of a relationship with a wonderful Domme, who is anxious to incorporate my bisexuality into our play time.

I'm looking forward to meeting new people here, and getting reacquainted with some old friends as well.
Hi James! *hugs*

It's good to see you here.

MissT, 38, bi and and in NY.

In terms of bisexuality, thus far, it is a new experience for me and I enjoy my sweet submisive lady who makes my blood run hot!

Yes, I am a "switch" in BDSM terms, as well.

:eek: ;) :devil:

24 y/o as of the moment bisexual woman on disability
stay at home mother of 1 young baby 5 mos old...who's the best baby around...
Sexuality: Still questioning...

Loves: This forum my 10th post! Um...I like doing Live Journal...


James Blandings said:
Hi, I'm James Blandings, or JB for short. That's a scene name I've used in BDSM for so long that sometimes I forget it's not my real name!

Among this crowd, I'm sure someone knows it's origin.

If the name doesn't ring a bell by itself, your location is a dead giveaway!;)
I'm Vixie, often called Lilith. I am a student, graduating next year, wth a history degree. I plan on changing fields to go into criminology and criminal psych. I've KNOWN I was bisexual for the last 3 years, and immediately came out about it, seeing no point in hiding it. I was raised Catholic, but no longer follow the religion. I am a switch in the BDSM lifestyle, but I prefer the role of submissive than of Domme. And I have only experienced being Domme to women, not men.

I dig watching men together, I dig watching women together, and I miss the touch of a woman.. it's been over two years...
I'm 26, somewhere in WV, US.
If I have to use a label...It would be bisexual. Sometimes I lean more towards men, other times its women. I find that when reading erotic stories or watching porn....or looking at erotic photos... that it's all about women. Never had a ltr with a women...yet. Who knows, might consider it if the right woman came along.
I am a married heterosexual woman who presently finds herself very attracted to a woman I work with. I feel like a teenager with a crush when I'm around her.

So what does that mean?

I'm 'Am' i used to think i was bisexual but reading this thread it turns out i'm pansexual, go me :)
i'm bugga, otherwise known as angelik when online...
23, bi, i recently realized that i've been having homoerotic fantasies since i was about 7, if not earlier.

i love women, i am in love with a woman. she doesn't know though. she used to live down the street from my house but she moved so now i don't see her anymore... but i like men too, they have their uses ; )
I am a 21 (22 this weekend) year old lesbian. I came out to my family about 9 months ago. I just celebrated my 8 month anniversary with the love of my life... well, kinda celebrated. My baby is in the military :( .... so we wrote each other letters. I am so upset. She called today and I wasn't here. I feel so bad that I missed the message. I would have given anything to talk to her. It is really tricky to be dating a woman in the military. I can't imagine how hard it is for her; having to play the pronoun game, not being able to speak openly, always wondering if someone knows.... it sucks. Soon we'll be together again. I can't wait, she is an angel.
Hi, I'm Tammy. I'm 23 and live in central jersey. As far as labels go, I would pick one if I could but right now I'm just too confused. I've been in a relationship with an amazing women for almost 10 months now but before her I only dated men. Looking back on the past 10 months and really my whole life, Im probably a lesbian but I dont think Im ready to let go of the romantic life I had with men nor am I willing to say that Ill never date a man again. So right now the only real label I can use is confusion.