who determines what poetry gets published at Lit?

Or like a Faber.

Got your omegas and your deltas, couple niedermeyers, dean wermers, a flounder and a pinto and a bluto and a marmalard... the omegas willingly suffered grooming processes so to become productive members of society, but the animal house deltas, though they'd probably not contribute much to any society anywhere, had a whole lot more fun, which they would have had none of without the omegas' sacrificial acceptance of the bullet, so to perpetuate an orderly world that the animal house deltas could destroy and so on...

something like that

(it was a thank you)

Thank you.


Say you should listen to that link I just gave Lauren, too. It's really tasty. It makes me want to dance, but really I have to go make stock for gravy lol. Maybe I'll dance while I'm doing that. eagleyez can't possibly think I'm any nuttier than he already does. :)
WARNING: opinionated remark appears hereafter. Readers beware!


Self-aware prose poetry needs to go to hell.

Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of that around, lately, and always written by someone who's judging a poetry competition. It's real cool-dude stuff and much more difficult to stay interested in than if it just relaxed and became the dull prose it really is.
Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of that around, lately, and always written by someone who's judging a poetry competition. It's real cool-dude stuff and much more difficult to stay interested in than if it just relaxed and became the dull prose it really is.

Mediocrity is always much more prevalent than really bad writing.
Or like a Faber.

Got your omegas and your deltas, couple niedermeyers, dean wermers, a flounder and a pinto and a bluto and a marmalard... the omegas willingly suffered grooming processes so to become productive members of society, but the animal house deltas, though they'd probably not contribute much to any society anywhere, had a whole lot more fun, which they would have had none of without the omegas' sacrificial acceptance of the bullet, so to perpetuate an orderly world that the animal house deltas could destroy and so on...

something like that

I love that you can be deep and funny at once.
I'll fly over specially

I advise saving your money and just enjoy the fantasy.

Really, I can understand cb's concerns. If you were serious and highly capable as the samples she's shared indicate to no doubt be, and you became aware that Lit was yet another venue where poetry was studied and shared and submitted and read, of course you would wonder about officially posting some of your own, and out of pure natural innocence would want to know how stringent the guidelines might be. How high is the hurdle?

Then you see there are no real hurdles and very few guidelines, and then you see that, because of Lit's very long reach across the great human landscape which includes virtually all sorts, some of those sorts, in some seasons many of them sorts, get a whiff of those loose guidelines and they come and take full advantage of them. So when you check out the submissions to see what environment you will be offering your hard-thought poetry that your heart sweated virtual blood into, and you see jizz oozing out of buttholes... well, that might make you think twice about submitting poetry because you're thinking, "if this what constitutes poetry on Lit, then why should I submit mine that I sweated and struggled so sorely with?"

I would say you still should. Maybe just a couple, feel things out; if there is still too much discomfort having them too near those with jizz oozing out of buttholes, then you could send in a Thanks but No Thanks deletion and... and then you'll know how you feel about it.

But I suspect cb could very well stake out some very readable word space.
Say you should listen to that link I just gave Lauren, too. It's really tasty. It makes me want to dance, but really I have to go make stock for gravy lol. Maybe I'll dance while I'm doing that. eagleyez can't possibly think I'm any nuttier than he already does. :)

listening now
thanks to this snazzy new laptop
got a lot of catching up to do
so many audio links that I couldn't so easily go to
but was too embarrassed to admit...

Still can't quite get comfortable typing/writing on it but the other stuff is incredible.

and it just finished. Very cool. Thank you.
Or like a Faber.

Got your omegas and your deltas, couple niedermeyers, dean wermers, a flounder and a pinto and a bluto and a marmalard ...

something like that
ok, I'm grinning

Mediocrity is always much more prevalent than really bad writing.
^ truth

Out loud?
duh - no. beam it out, scotty, and see who's up to receiving transmissions :)

I advise saving your money and just enjoy the fantasy.

think that goes for most fantasies, to be honest

Really, I can understand cb's concerns. If you were serious and highly capable as the samples she's shared indicate to no doubt be, and you became aware that Lit was yet another venue where poetry was studied and shared and submitted and read, of course you would wonder about officially posting some of your own, and out of pure natural innocence would want to know how stringent the guidelines might be. How high is the hurdle?
erm, get your tongue outta your cheek, matey, and I can do fluff poetry quite easily too. I'm no lolly blue stocking and don't take myself too seriously. ever. :cool:

Then you see there are no real hurdles and very few guidelines, and then you see that, because of Lit's very long reach across the great human landscape which includes virtually all sorts, some of those sorts, in some seasons many of them sorts, get a whiff of those loose guidelines and they come and take full advantage of them. So when you check out the submissions to see what environment you will be offering your hard-thought poetry that your heart sweated virtual blood into, and you see jizz oozing out of buttholes... well, that might make you think twice about submitting poetry because you're thinking, "if this what constitutes poetry on Lit, then why should I submit mine that I sweated and struggled so sorely with?"
hmm, maybe I need to do a jizz-pom. As for the virtual boodsweat and tears- well, actually I enjoy writing and find it's very relaxing :eek: Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong! :eek:
p.s your use of sorely there is noted for its comedic qualities. *nods*

I would say you still should. Maybe just a couple, feel things out; if there is still too much discomfort having them too near those with jizz oozing out of buttholes, then you could send in a Thanks but No Thanks deletion and... and then you'll know how you feel about it.
So, basically, suck it and see, right? :D I think this is kind of where I may be going anyway. The thread was to bring the topic into the forum for open discussion, for my own information and for anyone else out there reading the responses.

But I suspect cb could very well stake out some very readable word space.
don't you go gettin' all suspicious on me now. I'ze a good girl.
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I advise saving your money and just enjoy the fantasy.

Really, I can understand cb's concerns. If you were serious and highly capable as the samples she's shared indicate to no doubt be, and you became aware that Lit was yet another venue where poetry was studied and shared and submitted and read, of course you would wonder about officially posting some of your own, and out of pure natural innocence would want to know how stringent the guidelines might be. How high is the hurdle?

Then you see there are no real hurdles and very few guidelines, and then you see that, because of Lit's very long reach across the great human landscape which includes virtually all sorts, some of those sorts, in some seasons many of them sorts, get a whiff of those loose guidelines and they come and take full advantage of them. So when you check out the submissions to see what environment you will be offering your hard-thought poetry that your heart sweated virtual blood into, and you see jizz oozing out of buttholes... well, that might make you think twice about submitting poetry because you're thinking, "if this what constitutes poetry on Lit, then why should I submit mine that I sweated and struggled so sorely with?"

I would say you still should. Maybe just a couple, feel things out; if there is still too much discomfort having them too near those with jizz oozing out of buttholes, then you could send in a Thanks but No Thanks deletion and... and then you'll know how you feel about it.

But I suspect cb could very well stake out some very readable word space.

We could always go back to masterpainting classes :D
We could always go back to masterpainting classes :D

well there ya go

how easy we find ourselves pulled in this direction and then yanked over in that direction, but when we find ourselves facedown weary we recall the blissful and peaceful and strife-free strolls and sups that masterpainting is... a happy return to the folds where one could plunge themselves into all that masterpainting is, masterpainting all the daylong and the nightlong, ne'er a need of naught else, for there is never nothing to masterpaint about
hmmnnmmm and I once 'masterpainted' for hours in private and publicly on the messageboard

Seriously though, since you brought it up I've set it as a priority destination. It was a good thing to do. So easy to get off track... but really there's no end to the little paintings in that world.

and back to the original question: I think it would be important to observe a differentiation between the story world here and the poetry world. The poetry side is easily far more forgiving to the dabbler/experimenter/tinkerer than is the story side, where the pressures to write to suit the tastes and expectations of larger crowds is a bit stronger and the works that don't comply can receive some rather brutal opinions.

I learned long ago I don't have the hide for it and the stuff I like to write just doesn't come across in that world; but I enjoy doing it, so it's always a hotter inner struggle whether to submit fiction/prose here because it means wading into a busier and louder nightclub in hopes of finding one or two potential readers on the sidelines, who might feel as uncomfortable as I in that place.

For those of us who struggle with some high levels of sensitivity the poetry side is far more comfortable because of the smaller population where there aren't the crowds who so vociferously try to push you into their expectant molds. So now there's more of a kicked back feel and the continuum is easier to see, and you see that full frontal vulgarity is on one end and super duper artsy fartsy obscurity is on the other, and there's more freedom to go to which point on the continuum any given mood seems to lead to.

I'm certain I'll think of a better way to word this before the day is out.
Seriously though, since you brought it up I've set it as a priority destination. It was a good thing to do. So easy to get off track... but really there's no end to the little paintings in that world.

and back to the original question: I think it would be important to observe a differentiation between the story world here and the poetry world. The poetry side is easily far more forgiving to the dabbler/experimenter/tinkerer than is the story side, where the pressures to write to suit the tastes and expectations of larger crowds is a bit stronger and the works that don't comply can receive some rather brutal opinions.

I learned long ago I don't have the hide for it and the stuff I like to write just doesn't come across in that world; but I enjoy doing it, so it's always a hotter inner struggle whether to submit fiction/prose here because it means wading into a busier and louder nightclub in hopes of finding one or two potential readers on the sidelines, who might feel as uncomfortable as I in that place.

For those of us who struggle with some high levels of sensitivity the poetry side is far more comfortable because of the smaller population where there aren't the crowds who so vociferously try to push you into their expectant molds. So now there's more of a kicked back feel and the continuum is easier to see, and you see that full frontal vulgarity is on one end and super duper artsy fartsy obscurity is on the other, and there's more freedom to go to which point on the continuum any given mood seems to lead to.

I'm certain I'll think of a better way to word this before the day is out.

Actually, I think that wording just about sums it up perfectly. It's fresh in expression, uncontrived and insightful. What more do you want?
I made one foray into the story side it went through first time (with I might add additional help from an editor bcause my punctuation stinks) but I din't really want to go down that road again. I can rabbit on till the the cows come home (yes very animally I know!) but setting it all out as a story is a bore as far as I'm concerned. I've loads of ideas for stories perhaps I should get me a ghost writer lol
I made one foray into the story side it went through first time (with I might add additional help from an editor bcause my punctuation stinks) but I din't really want to go down that road again. I can rabbit on till the the cows come home (yes very animally I know!) but setting it all out as a story is a bore as far as I'm concerned. I've loads of ideas for stories perhaps I should get me a ghost writer lol

Yes I'm aware of your foray. But I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean by 'rabbit'. You mean like rambling? That's what I like to do, ramble. Which is apparently a story-writing no-no. I mean just go and check out what people get scolded for in the story feedback section. Usually the technicalities, the nuts & bolts. Paragraph length, 1st person or 3rd person, don't spend too many words describing people or settings and such, must have a plot, must have beginning, middle, and end... for starters... oh and watch the ellipses... the ultimate goal in mind being to attain a red H or at least prevent back-clicks. Which is fine. And that's that world. Some do it that way well. I'm not one of them.

But I like to fuck around. That's the thing: there's very little tolerance for fucking around because fucking around risks violation of those guidelines and if you dare present your fuckaround stuff on Lit as 'stories' then prepare ye for the imminent scolding, sometimes scathingly worded.

Or you could break it up in smaller sections and maybe a few lines, and call it poetry even though they aren't really poems. That's the way I decided to go and much stress was removed.

And again, hearkening to the OP.... I had a rather rambly and admittedly tangential addition to the zigzag thing that I was going to submit as a 'story' and even let it be in Pending for a few hours. But then I came to my senses, and asked myself, "why? why put something like that here? There's no real point." So I deleted it and plan to go with the smaller pieces, and averted great anxieties.
hmmnnmmm and I once 'masterpainted' for hours in private and publicly on the messageboard
and was it a masterpiece? :devil:


So now there's more of a kicked back feel and the continuum is easier to see, and you see that full frontal vulgarity is on one end and super duper artsy fartsy obscurity is on the other, and there's more freedom to go to which point on the continuum any given mood seems to lead to.

I'm certain I'll think of a better way to word this before the day is out.
seems to me you worded it pretty well :D

I made one foray into the story side it went through first time (with I might add additional help from an editor bcause my punctuation stinks) but I din't really want to go down that road again. I can rabbit on till the the cows come home (yes very animally I know!) but setting it all out as a story is a bore as far as I'm concerned. I've loads of ideas for stories perhaps I should get me a ghost writer lol
you can rabbit? I don't beLIEVE it ::p:

Yes ... just go and check out what people get scolded for in the story feedback section. Usually the technicalities, the nuts & bolts. Paragraph length, 1st person or 3rd person, don't spend too many words describing people or settings and such, must have a plot, must have beginning, middle, and end... for starters... oh and watch the ellipses... the ultimate goal in mind being to attain a red H or at least prevent back-clicks. Which is fine. And that's that world. Some do it that way well. I'm not one of them.

But I like to fuck around. That's the thing: there's very little tolerance for fucking around because fucking around risks violation of those guidelines and if you dare present your fuckaround stuff on Lit as 'stories' then prepare ye for the imminent scolding, sometimes scathingly worded.
Considering how tight they are with construction over on the AH, I wonder why most of the material seen never reflects that. Once again the dross dominates and is studded by those well-written stories that are like a breath of fresh air to a reader who writes or reads lots.

Guess there's a need for a fuckaround forum :)
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Considering how tight they are with costruction over on the AH,I wonder why most of the material seen never reflects hat. Once again the dross dominates and is studded by those well-written stories that are like a breath of fresh air to a reader who writes or reads lots.

Guess there's a need for a fuckaround forum :)

Construction. That's the word: construction. Thanks. A story should fit one of four or five blueprints. If it doesn't, you'll be punished. Here on the poetry side construction/structure is like one of many options one can choose to focus on or to largely ignore.

I've more than once pined for a category that was sort of in between; may or may not contain story or plot and may or may not be real poetry either, but something someone might get a kick out of for who knows what possible reasons.

But it's set up the way it is set up and we are given the choice whether to minimally comply or comply all the way.

*there is the novel/novellas category, maybe not a bad place to throw down a wandering ramble.
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Construction. That's the word: construction. Thanks. A story should fit one of four or five blueprints. If it doesn't, you'll be punished. Here on the poetry side construction/structure is like one of many options one can choose to focus on or to largely ignore.

I've more than once pined for a category that was sort of in between; may or may not contain story or plot and may or may not be real poetry either, but something someone might get a kick out of for who knows what possible reasons.

But it's set up the way it is set up and we are given the choice whether to minimally comply or comply all the way.

*there is the novel/novellas category, maybe not a bad place to throw down a wandering ramble.

Western story has to have beginning, middle, end. Beginning has to determine the end, threads are opened at the beginning to be wrapped up nice and snug at the end, all problems are solved by the end. Postmodern stories try to step outside the arc, but there aren't any I can think of that I'd recommend. Sometimes I try writing stories without conflict, but then no one wants to read them. Hero's journey and all that. Any erotic story devoid of conflict is usually just categorized as pornography, descriptions of sex instead of plot. Some of the early greek novels don't rely so much on the linear arc, conflict to resolution. Boo.
I made one foray into the story side it went through first time (with I might add additional help from an editor bcause my punctuation stinks) but I din't really want to go down that road again. I can rabbit on till the the cows come home (yes very animally I know!) but setting it all out as a story is a bore as far as I'm concerned. I've loads of ideas for stories perhaps I should get me a ghost writer lol

The last time I attempted prose fiction was nearly 40 years ago in a 'generic' creative writing class. That story sucked! My poetry can be up and down, but at least has something (at least for me, although there's often a noticeable gap between what I write and what I had envisioned). I keep my prose on the technical side (geology, software development). There I am sometimes too terse, assuming the reader knows what I know.