🫧Chloe's Curiosities Captivated🫦

Going to toss my two cents in here…
Please, always feel like you can 🥰 I love an open dialogue, and a lot of this talk is raw, vulnerable, real, and just generally avoided going to deep on here.
I’m very self conscious of my tummy. I have been for as long as I can remember, and even more so since having two c-sections. I’ve hidden it from view— my own and my partners’. I’ve angled my body in photos, looked away from mirrors, turned when changing my shirt, and moved his hand when it rests there.
Oh, goodness. I cannot imagine what having children or c-sections would do to my already fragile image of my body. Thank you for sharing that here. I know this is going to sound like platitudes, but it's not... women who have some kind of physical sign left behind on their tummies from what they went through by creating life, that only enhances your beauty in my eyes. I can't do it. I don't want to have kids, but I also can't have them. The women that choose to do this, I always find to be the best, fiercest, most gorgeous women I know. Part of why I never wanted to get pregnant, is a lot of what you're saying is your mental aftermath. Even if I could, I wouldn't. It's a selfish thing of me to say, but I've been fighting with the way I view my body my whole life. So, I can't fully empathize with where you are coming from, but I do understand what you are saying.
Loving my body is my work, my journey, my responsibility. It doesn’t rest in my partner’s hands. But the support that I crave is to be seen and desired and loved, just as I am.
Yes girl, yes!
I don’t want him to listen when I tell him not to look. I don’t want him to move his hand when I try to shift it off me. His willingness to bend to my insecurities tells the damaged part inside my mind that I’m right—I should be ashamed, he doesn’t like that part of me either, he’d rather not know that part of me.
Ok, yes. This is so hard. Your partner wants to respect your feelings, space, boundaries, etc. And I love when he does. But, yes, when he pushes past the words I'm saying to get to the root of what I'm feeling in those moments of insecurity, rather than letting me sprial into it, that's when I feel most seen, most cherished. And, it's unfair to them to just have to know that in those moments. But, dialogue. In the times outside of those raw ones, being honest about what you need, telling him to not let you disappear inside yourself, it can begin to make all the difference.
I want him to insist on seeing me. I want him to praise and kiss and touch, and to let me know that regardless of how I feel about myself, that’s not how he sees me.

I don’t need confirmation in my fear and shame. I need confirmation in my worth.
🫂 Speaking directly to my soul!!!!
(And to answer the gif tax-
One of my favorite places to be kissed is on my forehead.)
Oh, thank you for the gif tax and for coming in to share!!! I love forehead kisses too!
Well, I only just made it 🤭 you do not suck though!!!! And thank you, and thank you for stopping in 🥰

Although, you still owe the gif tax as highlighted in my Welcome 🤪
Wow... Okay.... I don't take that kind of thing lightly... that might take me a little while to find the right one. But, I will. 🥰 🥰 🥰
That's staggering for me, having seen what you've posted. And yeah, I know what you post is "curated", but still. The raw material still has to be there, and that raw material is you.
🥰 it is me. But, yea, the insecurities persist.
I... do? 😵‍💫🤪

You do realise that I'm generally going for anywhere from "funny" to "Okay, Peter's lost his mind. Again." don't you?
Yes, I do know 🤭 but you also are just wonderful presence who cares about the conversation at hand
Oh, yeah I mean I know that! That's my favourite kind of people! My kind of people (with all that that implies).
Woooooo! Weirdos 🤪😂😝
And you did it anyway. What a brat :rolleyes:
Yes, I am. It's one of my better qualities 🤭
It's not just the antici...
. (oh come on, you know how this is going to end!)
Yup. Should have seen this coming 😂
There's also the, well I won't be able to describe it properly, but the emotion it releases, the *kick* in... well what for me might well be my prostate, but that's probably not the case for you! I've had far too few first kisses in my life. On the other hand... would I want more? Yes. No. I... everything would be different if I had. I would be didifferent.
I know what you mean. One day, there will be one last first kiss. I think I'll know when it happens, and it will be just... ah... the sweetest last first kiss 🫠
Oh no. Now look what I've done... 🫨

And after the first kiss? More kissing...

Always more kissing!!! And yes, look what you've done 🤭 you genius giving me such a wonderfully great idea!
Well, it's got so old it's not really a joke any more, more like one of those inside not-jokes that couples say to each other. I think. I really hope she doesn't think that I think she's boring.
I'm sure she doesn't. I can't imagine anyone thinking you are boring. Although, I get it. I sometimes worry about being boring, for like a split second... then I really look at myself and I'm like "ahh, I hope I'm not the most annoying and obnoxious person ever!"
Ha. She, and I for that matter, are very much not talkers. We're both quiet.
I think that can be really nice. I am learning how to be quiet, and be okay being quiet together.
Really though, being able to relax around someone so completely is not something that comes with everyone. Only really with one other person (long gone), for me, in... I don't know. 40+ years.
I have a hard time relaxing with just me as company! Being relaxed around/with that one person... yea, I can think of only two. And one of those more than the other.
That other person was quiet too. We could both be doing our own things, on opposite sides of the room, but we'd just look up occasionally, connect glances, smile, and all the communication was in that. Not quite telepathy, but damn it was close.
I love those silent communications!!

There's been a lot of anxieties, stress, sadness, depression, insecurities, and more on Lit recently. I have even touched on some in here with some of y'all. But, I love this piece. It's so true.

I have one tattoo. I got it at 20. I'll go into that another time. But, this piece is so simple yet profound, and definitely a contender for a potential new tattoo.
Ok, yes. This is so hard. Your partner wants to respect your feelings, space, boundaries, etc. And I love when he does. But, yes, when he pushes past the words I'm saying to get to the root of what I'm feeling in those moments of insecurity, rather than letting me sprial into it, that's when I feel most seen, most cherished. And, it's unfair to them to just have to know that in those moments. But, dialogue. In the times outside of those raw ones, being honest about what you need, telling him to not let you disappear inside yourself, it can begin to make all the difference.
Recently, my little treasure and I were discussing a body image issue that I have. It's well known many women deal with at least one body image issue - it's not right, it shouldn't happen, it's just how it is. But many men do as well. I would feel confident in saying that these issues arise from internal sources as much, if not more than external ones.

When my little was trying to speak positivity to me, I told her, "If you are allowed to feel uncomfortable about part of your body, then I have the same right." We went on to discuss that we aren't going to let our insecurities define us, that we can motivate and encourage each other to make improvements in our lives to address these insecurities, but that at the end of the day - what we each felt insecure about was validated, but not a feeling shared by the other. We don't see each other by our faults, but by our personas - our characters.

Of course I have the hottest little one on Lit - that's no secret, but that's only a part of who she is and she is far more valuable than what her physical body can provide.

As for your gif tax - I don't want to say this speaks to me as my favorite. The only favorite I have is my little one, beyond that, I like a lot of everything.

So here's one that speaks to me a bit:
Recently, my little treasure and I were discussing a body image issue that I have. It's well known many women deal with at least one body image issue - it's not right, it shouldn't happen, it's just how it is. But many men do as well. I would feel confident in saying that these issues arise from internal sources as much, if not more than external ones.
Men definitely do! I never wanted anyone to feel excluded from that conversation. I know there are things ranging from scars to hairlines to weight to penis size to nose to many many more than I know men have struggled with. The internal dialogue we have over our insecurities, no matter the gender, I definitely believe stem from external sources first.
When my little was trying to speak positivity to me, I told her, "If you are allowed to feel uncomfortable about part of your body, then I have the same right." We went on to discuss that we aren't going to let our insecurities define us, that we can motivate and encourage each other to make improvements in our lives to address these insecurities, but that at the end of the day - what we each felt insecure about was validated, but not a feeling shared by the other. We don't see each other by our faults, but by our personas - our characters.
This was just perfect. Yes! I had a similar conversation recently. Just because I see someone as attractive, doesn't mean that they don't still struggle with the flaws they see on themselves. We are allowed to feel our feelings, but we are also allowed to show someone how beautiful of a person we see them as. Both have validation without taking from the other.
Of course I have the hottest little one on Lit - that's no secret, but that's only a part of who she is and she is far more valuable than what her physical body can provide.
That's no secret at all 😏 I concur. But, she was my friend far before I knew anything about her physically. And the beauty of her soul only enhances her physical beauty.
As for your gif tax - I don't want to say this speaks to me as my favorite. The only favorite I have is my little one, beyond that, I like a lot of everything.

So here's one that speaks to me a bit:
I love that. That one definitely speaks to me. On the counter, the leg wrap (a personal fave), the intimate caresses before giving into the kiss. Wonderful contribution 😍

And thank you for stopping in and being vulnerable with us here ❤️
When my little was trying to speak positivity to me, I told her, "If you are allowed to feel uncomfortable about part of your body, then I have the same right."
I loved your outlook on this during our conversation. It was the first time I’d taken a step back and saw this scenario through the lens you’d shown. And you were so right.

For me, I try so much to be a positive person for myself, my loved ones, and others that I naturally try to lift people up to see the best parts of themselves. I love seeing people happy. It makes me happy to see others happy, confident, and being their best selves.

So to see your pov was eye opening to me and spoke volumes. I, too, have my insecurities and would want others to understand mine in the same right.

Thank you for helping me to see a different view point. 💋🥰
that we can motivate and encourage each other to make improvements in our lives to address these insecurities,
You’ve got me for all the things! Your biggest supporter! 💋
but that at the end of the day - what we each felt insecure about was validated, but not a feeling shared by the other.
I liked this because it made room for validation and care together!
Of course I have the hottest little one on Lit - that's no secret, but that's only a part of who she is and she is far more valuable than what her physical body can provide.
Ha! You MTK, and biased! 🤪💋
I ❤️ nerding out with you!

As for your gif tax - I don't want to say this speaks to me as my favorite. The only favorite I have is my little one, beyond that, I like a lot of everything

I love and relate to this message so hard.

The power is one he holds over me and my heart. One that can dominate me in the bedroom. One that makes me excited for every little message or phone call even if it's something silly. One that makes me weak at the knees with a single look or stern voice. One that melts me with every sweet thing said.
Then, the patience...
The patience of knowing how to use said power. The patience of how to deal with my emotional outbursts. The patience that comes into play with my bratty antics and teasing. The patience to handle me and all of my trauma.

"It's not your house...it's your honesty". I value honesty above all other traits. Where you live, what you live in, that matters not. What you tell me, what you don't, the communication, I see it. I hear it. I know when something is being held back. I know when you are being vulnerable. And that matters. All of it.

The jeweled watch versus just wanting time... I'm so far from materialistic. I don't need gifts. I just need your time. We don't have to be doing anything crazy, or anything at all. Just being. I want the long, hard conversations. I want the silly little antics. I want the snuggles while we are watching TV or playing games. I want your hand in mine when I need to cry. I want it all. I need that time.

The temporary things can break, get lost, lose color and value. But forever, with that person, that cannot be replaced.
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I love and relate to this message so hard.

The power is one he holds over me and my heart. One that can dominate me in the bedroom. One that makes me excited for every little message or phone call even if it's something silly. One that makes me weak at the knees with a single look or stern voice. One that melts me with every sweet thing said.
Then, the patience...
The patience of knowing how to use said power. The patience of how to deal with my emotional outbursts. The patience that comes into play with my bratty antics and teasing. The patience to handle me and all of my trauma.

"It's not your house...it's your honesty". I value honesty above all other traits. Where you live, what you live in, that matters not. What you tell me, what you don't, the communication, I see it. I hear it. I know when something is being held back. I know when you are being vulnerable. And that matters. All of it.

The jeweled watch versus just wanting time... I'm so far from materialistic. I don't need gifts. I just need your time. We don't have to be doing anything crazy, or anything at all. Just being. I want the long, hard conversations. I want the silly little antics. I want the snuggles while we are watching TV or playing games. I want your hand in mine when I need to cry. I want it all. I need that time.

The temporary things can break, get lost, lose color and value. But forever, with that person, that cannot be replaced.
I hope this is okay to share here… but one of the things I miss about losing the love of my life to cancer, was the closeness and connection we had. We could be out and about and see something, and just look at each other and burst out laughing. Not a word spoken, but a shared funny, just for us. 🥹🥹🥹
I hope this is okay to share here… but one of the things I miss about losing the love of my life to cancer, was the closeness and connection we had. We could be out and about and see something, and just look at each other and burst out laughing. Not a word spoken, but a shared funny, just for us. 🥹🥹🥹
Omg yes, Brenda!!! Of course it's ok to share that here 🫂🫂🫂 oh girl, I'm so sorry you lost your love to cancer. But everytime you tell me something about y'alls relationship, I know just how special it was ❤️ those silent looks, that connection and closeness, that's what we all hope for. And you had it. And that's beautiful

I love poetry and stories surrounding the lore of Persephone and Hades. It's not your typical love story, but it's the best one from Greek Mythology. There's so much darkness, but also so much light and life. That's life. You can't only know and see the good in people and love them wholly. You have to see and know those darker parts too. Only then can you get lost in the depths for a while, knowing that y'alls light will help you breach the surface again.
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This image is so profound to me. Aftercare is something I've learned is so necessary in any relationship, D/s or not. It looks different for every individual and couple as well. To see him carrying her, and her draped in his arms, shows just how powerful play sessions can be.

Who knows what they were doing before, that doesn't matter. What does is he is ready to go decompress with her. Nurture her while they come down from Domspace and subspace together.

How does that look for them? A drawn bath, holding each other in bed and talking, watching a mindless show together with her on his lap? The list goes on. Him taking care of her, her allowing him to, that's what's important here.

We are on an online site, so aftercare looks differently for many of us than it would if we could be with our partner in the physical. It makes it no less important. Maybe even more important. Make that time to have that space after play. You both need it.

For many, the bite pictured here probably seems like too much, too hard. For me, I see a man momentarily losing his control in his need to taste, mark, claim his girl. And on that inner thigh 🥵 love bites are something that are absolutely high on my list.

There are many ways for a Dom/Daddy to show his claim over his sub/little/pet. Collars, rings, necklaces, bruises, bites, etc. I do love them all, but the bites and bruises are always temporary, meaning, he has to do them again and again, and even in different spots 😈