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What's a weird fact you randomly know and how have you acquired this strange information?

OK... a pig's orgasm can last a very long time - 30+ minutes, up to 90. I remember reading this, but I don't know where.

A male echidna has a 4-headed penis, but only 2 heads are used at any one time. This I read when there was some vet-lead animal junk hashtag on twitter many many many years ago.

There's a kind of sea slug that has both male and female organs - when mating, they attempt to stab each other (in the head?) and the one who achieves this fertilises the other. This I read in some science article, probably when the behaviour was discovered.
Since we're on animal facts some octopus species hunt with schools of fish along the ocean floor and when the fish do something that the octopus doesn't like.... the octopus punches the fish in the face.

It's hilarious.

Videos on YouTube.
Since we're on animal facts some octopus species hunt with schools of fish along the ocean floor and when the fish do something that the octopus doesn't like.... the octopus punches the fish in the face.

It's hilarious.

Videos on YouTube.

Does an octopus have octopussy?? Inquiring minds and all....

What's a weird fact you randomly know and how have you acquired this strange information?

About 87% of all the information stuck in my brain is weird facts. That’s why I’m so great to have in a quizzo/pub quiz team. Otherwise...I’m useless for truly practical things!
About 87% of all the information stuck in my brain is weird facts. That’s why I’m so great to have in a quizzo/pub quiz team. Otherwise...I’m useless for truly practical things!

lol, you're the most practical person I've ever met.
But, I was waiting for you to find this thread. C'mon, drop some mad knowledge on us!

I'll add:

* Trilobozola, creatures with tri-radial symmetry, appear to have existed (based on fossil records) only during the Late Ediacaran period. This is something I think I heard on the amazing PBS Eons youtube channel.

* Bees, along with some other insects, have 5 eyes. Bees can also detect ultraviolet light. No idea where I learned this.

* When you see a blue butterfly, that blue colour is probably not actually a pigment, it's more likely caused by a physical structure on the wings that absorbs all light except blue, which is reflected. This was another youtube discovery, but I'm damned if I can recall where.
Problem is, so much of my useless knowledge just randomly pops up. I don’t know it’s useless until you point out how random and useless it is!
Problem is, so much of my useless knowledge just randomly pops up. I don’t know it’s useless until you point out how random and useless it is!


I kick ass at Jeopardy. But ask me something useful or pertinent and you might as well ask a rhino to do AP Calculus. 🙄
Since we're on animal facts some octopus species hunt with schools of fish along the ocean floor and when the fish do something that the octopus doesn't like.... the octopus punches the fish in the face.

It's hilarious.

Videos on YouTube.

Oh! I saw a documentary about them recently. It’s hard to believe they are from this planet.

What's a weird fact you randomly know and how have you acquired this strange information?

I know way too many weird facts, make me nervous and I will often start awkwardly blurting them out for no reason whatsoever. I cannot remember how I acquired them in most cases though, likely reading random non fiction as that is my preferred reading material. If I read the word echidna, I will remember that the echidna and duck-billed platypus are the only two still remaining mammals that lay eggs. I know this because it just happened. Scorpions glow under UV light. I installed some old window units while my central system was being replaced. One was near a black light. I turned on that unit, a scorpion flew out, it glowed, so I looked up why. It is the a substance in the hyaline layer of their exoskeleton, but scientists are not sure exactly the purpose. Interestingly enough, if they have just molted, they do not glow until the layer hardens. Also, the fossils glow millions of years later, and if you preserve a scorpion, the liquid will eventually develop the glow too.

What's a weird fact you randomly know and how have you acquired this strange information?

Two things pop to mind. First, birds can see in the electro-magnetic spectrum, so the world looks entirely different to them - what they see is not what we see. Second, birds that appear to us as the color blue are in fact, brown. The construction of their feathers causes a bending effect (due to a translucent coating) in the visible light spectrum. Birds are awesome. And weird. I learned this reading a bird book.

Which brings me to an amusing thing I saw somewhere last week.

Angel: "These humans are turning out pretty cool. We should give them electro-magnetic vision, so they can flawlessly navigate their world."
God: "Nah. I'm saving that for the pigeons. Fuck I love pigeons!"
My head is full of useless information, most of which I picked up along the way without remembering when or how. But here's one I remember:

RL Stine, before he wrote his Goosebumps series, paid the bills by writing the jokes for the Bazooka Joe comics in gum wrappers.

Mental Floss Amazing Fact Generator.
My head is full of useless information, most of which I picked up along the way without remembering when or how. But here's one I remember:

RL Stine, before he wrote his Goosebumps series, paid the bills by writing the jokes for the Bazooka Joe comics in gum wrappers.

Mental Floss Amazing Fact Generator.

I actually read those wrappers! Whatever happened to Bazooka Joe? He cost me a couple of my baby teeth!

One of my favorite bits of advice is "Some people serve as nothing more than a bad example."

What bad example have you learned from OR have you been anyone else's bad example?

One of my favorite bits of advice is "Some people serve as nothing more than a bad example."

What bad example have you learned from OR have you been anyone else's bad example?

My actions in the past has been a bad example. I'm trying to learn to let go and not be bitter. I know I'm improving, but people make it difficult. Just because something is difficult, not going to stop me from improving

One of my favorite bits of advice is "Some people serve as nothing more than a bad example."

What bad example have you learned from OR have you been anyone else's bad example?

I'm a bad example whenever I log in here.

Yet, here I am. :rolleyes:

But seriously...I learned a lot from watching bad examples around me. I learned to stay away from drugs. To stand up to assholes, especially the racist and sexist fucktards I grew up surrounded by (outside my family). To be myself because the people around me were so fake and consumed with appearances, and fuck that.

What makes Lit unique and keeps you coming back?

I think it has much to do with the fact that I can say anything I want here, but there are also people here who continue to teach me to try to be respectful and polite, even when I don.t feel that way. I consider it a good thing,

What makes Lit unique and keeps you coming back?

I usually cum in the front not the back, but Lit interests me because there are many people who share the same (or similar perversions) there is great humor, good times, lightheartedness and sexy fun to be had here. Unique and interesting people are everywhere on Lit and it’s just silly, goofy, horny fun.

Does an octopus have octopussy?? Inquiring minds and all....

I've heard, not through personal experience but from certain Japanese websites, that the tentacles of an octopus can be quite, umm, stimulating.
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