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Interesting fact about men

About 87% of all the information stuck in my brain is weird facts. That’s why I’m so great to have in a quizzo/pub quiz team. Otherwise...I’m useless for truly practical things!

The median time for men to achieve orgasm during intercourse is 6 minutes within a range of 4 to 11 minutes.

One of my favorite bits of advice is "Some people serve as nothing more than a bad example."

What bad example have you learned from OR have you been anyone else's bad example?

Early in my career I had a bad manager - he was a perfect example of how not to manage a team. I took a lot of lessons from him on how not to work in a team, which combined with the positive lessons I took by watching good managers to make me a much better manager.

On the personal side, I have, unfortunately, known a lot of people for whom alcohol and drug use has been the classic slippery slope that took them down dark paths. Consequently, I am very much a non-drug user and non-drinker and I rarely associate with either for the simple reason that it brings a level of pointless drama into your life, no matter how much they think "it's no big deal", they pay a price - both in money and relationships. I've known a very, very few truly "casual recreational users" who kept it positive.

On the sexual relationship side I've known a lot of people who let the spark die from inattention. If the sexual component of your life really matters to you - act like it does, don't play power games with it, don't use it (or the withholding of it) as a method to settle or continue other disputes.
I seriously disagree with that statement. I typically last for at least an hour. The problem is that women get bored with me and want to start shopping for shoes. :rolleyes:

What makes Lit unique and keeps you coming back?

It's a tiny peek into strangers brains and lives. So, for me, the curious and voyeuristic side. Every now and then a great discussion breaks out. Additionally, there is a design thing that I like - most social media (all social media) is designed for the short attention span of simple things very frequently, just meant to be consumed and not contemplated. I like the slower pace and deeper concentration that manifests itself here.
It's a tiny peek into strangers brains and lives. So, for me, the curious and voyeuristic side. Every now and then a great discussion breaks out. Additionally, there is a design thing that I like - most social media (all social media) is designed for the short attention span of simple things very frequently, just meant to be consumed and not contemplated. I like the slower pace and deeper concentration that manifests itself here.

That's about the best explanation I've read.
The people. Witty banter. It’s a time filler. Where else can you talk about kitchen appliances one moment and kissing after a blowjob the next?

I was just about to say something exactly along these lines. It's a one-stop shop for a wide range of interests, yes, including sex, but by no means limited to sex.
I was recently riding along with a friend who was visiting me for the weekend. We went by a nearby church, and I made up a story about the minister's secretary going down on him, just because my friend and I bullshit each other all the time. He looked at me with mock astonishment, and I explained to him that there's no one else around here that I get to talk to that way. That's pretty much the way I feel on Lit. It nourishes my filthy mind, and yet the people here still encourage me to behave decently.
ICT I have felt so cold for the last several hours that my balls may have left me and moved to Florida. Oh, wait, there they are! Right where I left them!
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ICT I have felt so cold for the last several hours that my balls may have left me and moved to Florida. Oh, wait, there they are! Right where I left them!

I live in Florida. If that happens again I'll look for them. Hopefully they are big so easy to find.
I was recently riding along with a friend who was visiting me for the weekend. We went by a nearby church, and I made up a story about the minister's secretary going down on him, just because my friend and I bullshit each other all the time. He looked at me with mock astonishment, and I explained to him that there's no one else around here that I get to talk to that way. That's pretty much the way I feel on Lit. It nourishes my filthy mind, and yet the people here still encourage me to behave decently.

I like that reasoning. Cool story, bro.
Thinking that my hours-long bout of hiccups only ended after I told myself to go shoot myself in a field. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but it worked for me. :rolleyes:
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Just an easy question today...

Do you belive in God? Have you always believed the way you do?

Just an easy question today...

Do you belive in God? Have you always believed the way you do?

I do. That being said, I don't think this is an "easy question." I'm a Christian minister, but the exact scope and shape of my beliefs is best described as "it's complicated." But in short, I believe in a force of goodness far greater than what we can see. I think the biblical teachings of Jesus give us a window into that goodness, even if that window is often distorted or corrupted by human biases. And my beliefs are definitely not the same as they were when I was 10, 20, or 30 years old.
I do. But I stay away from organized religion. Too many years of uncaring, phone-it-in pastors. Like Fara, I was raised Catholic. Now I just try to be a good person, treat others with kindness, and try to end the day having helped at least one person.

Just an easy question today...

Do you belive in God? Have you always believed the way you do?

Yes, I do. I've had some issues with organized religion and internal power plays but have come to understand the nature of that and its avoidance. I very much like the concept of spirituality and how it is incorporated into other religions and substance abuse treatments.
Define God.

I have been clean 34 years through a 12-step program. Half those steps have a reference to a God of my understanding. I doubt I would be clean if I didn't somehow work those steps adequately. It isn't a 6-step program.

So my answer...yes...I believe in a God. But I can 100% guarantee it isn't your God. That doesn't mean I think your concept of God is wrong. It just is wrong for me.
I believe I have always been searching for God. I think this is true of everyone, even those that say they don't believe in God. It is the journey...not the destination.

My understanding of God changes all the time. Just as my journey does. Case in point...what is God's will? For me...it is me being ok with me. If I am ok with me...I have fulfilled God's will for me for the day. If I am not...if I question myself...or know I could have behaved differently or better...then tomorrow I will work towards fixing that.
I believe I have always been searching for God. I think this is true of everyone, even those that say they don't believe in God. It is the journey...not the destination.

My understanding of God changes all the time. Just as my journey does. Case in point...what is God's will? For me...it is me being ok with me. If I am ok with me...I have fulfilled God's will for me for the day. If I am not...if I question myself...or know I could have behaved differently or better...then tomorrow I will work towards fixing that.

It is touching to read people’s insights about such things. Thank you.

Just an easy question today...

Do you belive in God? Have you always believed the way you do?

By chance, I stopped by and saw this. *waving hi* 🙋🏽*♀️
Yes, I do. At times, my faith wavered, but I always came back to my original thought. I believe in God because of my relationship with who I know Jesus to be and what I implement in my daily life. I don’t have to be involved in a church to claim allegiance. For me, it’s all about my relationship with God and how I treat others.

Holy rollers are known to exclude others and be extremely judgmental. It’s not my job to be judge and jury, but to show/be the fruits of the spirit to EVERYONE (especially myself) in my daily walk. I do get rolled up in the dirt sometimes. It keeps me humble. This is why I should not be so quick to judge others.
What makes Lit unique and keeps you coming back?

The ability to meet people from all over the world. To make friends and hold them strong and dear. I also revisited writing poetry. There are things present to keep my mind busy for amusement, for escaping or when I can’t sleep.

Just an easy question today...

Do you belive in God? Have you always believed the way you do?

Nope. Never have. I think one of the beautiful aspects of being raised (not orthodox) Jewish is that you’re engrained with a good bit of skepticism - questioning is expected and encouraged. One of our main texts is essentially people debating. I do, however, believe in strength of my community and enjoy the rituals. I find our holidays grounding and many of the allegories relevant. But God? Once you’ve seen ovens at concentration camps or the piles of human hair cut off on display at the Holocaust museum in DC, all you can see is the evil done in the name of (or, against?) religion.
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