😎 That Feeling When...

TFW you touch a woman ass very lightly causing her to itch it and you are amused but she isn’t.
TFW you place your palm on the back of her head - in public - and she presses her head firmly against the palm...
TFW you catch a fish you know is a good one. Feeling it fight and having to work him in. Then seeing a silver flash in the water.
TFW you've finished mowing the lawn and your arthritic knees are all like "You can't move now, bitch. Suck it!"

And I can respond with, "Got this nice chair right here on the outdoor patio, who needs to move, fuckheads?"
TFW you slept just 4 hours after the nightshift, but something woke you up and you can't fall asleep again cuz the sun shines straight into your face.
TFW you’re just taking your first sip of coffee and everyone is all up in your personal space and you’re NOT a morning person.