😎 That Feeling When...

TFW you should be asleep.
But you had important things to do.
Like gaze into the middle distance and zone out.
And the cat decides now is the exact time to play.
And you could never say no to that ball of chaos.
TFW their Zerg rush has shattered your defenses, your carriers are scrap and last two Archons are about to be toast. So they jump in chat to gloat just in time to hear four, that's right motherfucker FOUR, "Nuclear Launch Detected" prompts.

And as their damnable insect lairs die in a blaze of incandescent justice they realize you raised a Dark Archon and snurched a Terran SCV like 20 minutes ago, and now have an entire Terran tech tree waiting to crush their pathetic dreams of conquest.

Have some siege tanks, bitch.

TFW he brings out the writer, editor, and being each other's inspiration/muse in the terms of writing.
TFW someone decides you're best friends and doesn't really give you a choice...

Yes, totally agree, they arrive for a cup of tea with your face on a t-shirt.
TFW the breakfast burrito seemed like a great idea and it was delicious, but now I want to do nothing.
TFW you cannonball the water and get the full cold shock outta the way.

Damn shrinkage.