😎 That Feeling When...

TFW you know you're going to spend the day apologising for not working yesterday, even though you were in hospital.
That feeling when you hit or add to that ignore list because someone who hasn't a clue on the whole not interested, haven't been in months and I am tired of the harassment.
TFW you just don't have any energy and can barely move, but there is adulting that needs attention.

Fuck my life.
TFW you are in public and you notice someone who's so sexy and alluring that you start feeling the start of your arousal...and there's no way to hide it...
TFW you've been working all day on one of the tedious parts of your job and finally got it done... So, you can now move on to the anxiety-filled part of it... 🙄
TFW you almost cry because you thought you forgot to pack your lunch before work, but then remembered you packed it earlier because you knew you'd forget it on your way out because you're tired as fuck today.