😎 That Feeling When...

TFW you forgot you left the water running in the pool topping off the water level
TFW...you've tried multiple times and have come to the realization that it's time to give up and let go because the situation does not spark joy.
TFW your numbers hit and you win hundreds of millions in the lottery only to wake up in your bed and realize it was only a dream.

….you’re waiting to do a bit of dick diving in to her deep grotto…without a chute….full speed to the bottom….and you both will deal with the impact when you hit…..

And you have been kept waiting while she gets dressed….

P.s. my time dragging Lady….try naked.
Clothes don’t do you justice anyways.

Even if they are thoughtful sluts….
They are still…at their core…just sluts. ❤️
TFW I’m in my rubber wetsuit loading our kayaks on the truck after a day on the water and my wife is watching all of the fisherMEN bringing in their boats. She turns to me with a smile and says “You really are more like one of the girls, aren’t you?” 🤣🥰