🙈🔮 Naughty Confessionals 🔮🙈

I confess I talked my friends father to go into the restroom like he had to pee while his son was showings and flash his 10" cock. His son loved it
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Wait, is this like when people reply-to-all on work emails asking to be removed from the distribution list, and then someone else replies to all to say please don’t reply to all. And then someone else replies to all to say they’d like to be removed too….

I confess that I hate that.
I confess that my one goal when logging into LIT is to catch a glimpse of the High Priestess of Sexiness in MrsP .... of course I'll have to beg forgiveness for being a perv. Oh well something for next time to confess. 😘😘😈🤣
I hide the break room remote.

They always put the news on! We see enough fucked up shit throughout our day we don’t need the fucken news on!

And one sociopath puts on Dr. Quinn medicine woman on a loop!
In one of the breakrooms, the tv is on Music Choice, rotating from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Today it was on Seasonal.

I walked in with several of the mid-level coders singing along. LOL
I truly love edging. Not sure if this really counts as a confession so I’ll add that while I edge, if it’s not to porn or Erotica, it’s usually to thoughts of coworkers.
I enjoy sending naughty pics of me pleasing myself while me and my sexting partner talk dirty. I know…pretty tame.
Mrs P, I confess that I have been sexually attracted to my best friends wife for years. I often masterbate to her. My attraction to her get significantly more intense when she drinks. I’ve caught myself trying to sneak a peek of her panties when she gets drunk while she wears a dress. When she hugs me I feel her chest against mine. My arms wrap around her and gently squeeze her, making sure it’s never inappropriate. I ignore the chemistry and keep my inappropriate thoughts and feelings to myself; I always will.
So in our gym we practice posture/movements as a class before we delve in the WOD. So naturally any form of squatting in fun for me to watch but this one time we were doing front squats and the girl in front of me wearing black leggings squatted and next thing I know it’s sheer when she squatted and she was wearing fuschia coloured panties and that’s go without saying that I stared at her butt for as many squats we did together 🫣😉
So in our gym we practice posture/movements as a class before we delve in the WOD. So naturally any form of squatting in fun for me to watch but this one time we were doing front squats and the girl in front of me wearing black leggings squatted and next thing I know it’s sheer when she squatted and she was wearing fuschia coloured panties and that’s go without saying that I stared at her butt for as many squats we did together 🫣😉
I suspect nearly everyone reading your post would have done the same. I admit Lit is a bit of a biased sample that way.