Cock Map

It's been my experience that a sad cock is universal, across all regions.
It better not be sad if it's in my ass. 🤣
Oh! I don't think we've had giant sentient spider sex before.

Also, ewwww.

My brain is 🫠
I think the weirdest porn type book I've ever read was vampire sex. It was ick. I couldn't finish.
Emergency palette cleanser. :oops:

Sea Monster sex disturbs you, but ghost tentacle sex is a palette cleanser? 🤔

This might be up your, ahem, alley. :p

What?! 😳

Sometimes it’s like you don’t even know me.
I’d much rather get plugged by the ghost. 😜 would I know. Haywire and cock don''t belong in the same sentence
Found this while done a rabbit hole. Not exactly thread relevant, nor sexual, but as all the images seem to find their way here, I give you -

The Victorian Map of a Woman's Heart


Is it me, or do we seem vanity heavy. :p
For contrast, the male version.

Note how much more practical and less frivolous are our counterparts.

(My favorite region is the Wall of Dread of a Woman's Tongue. :p)

Holy -

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Whist searching for an erotic cover to make it up to @hotwords229_A for my fail on Pleasing the Tentacle Warden ( :p ) I ran across this little gem of an article.

Teratophilia: Do You Have a Monster Fetish?

Which was informative, until I reached the Alien Egg Fetish. I mean . . . I have recovered from my first learning of tentacle porn, but alien egg fetish?

Okay. Working on the horrified judg-y thing. 😂

So, took a deep breath and waded back in, for about three paragraphs. Enter the Ovipositor, a . . . toy. To help you fulfill your alien egg fantasies. Ooze is . . . mentioned.


Nope, nope, nope, nope.


No more erotica internet searches for me tonight!

Possibly ever.


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