Cock Map

I had a trying day, so did a little searching for weird cryptic sex book covers.

As I do. 😝

Seems I put Sea Monster Sex as the search term, instead of Sea Monster Sex Book.

Let me just say, DON'T DO THAT

That's like when your parents tell you no. You must now instantly have to go do it. :p
Emergency palette cleanser. :oops:

I did not stay long enough to answer this question.

I also don't know that I could judge the answer to this question. 😂

I was outta there like the wind!
I was going to make a fart joke, but then the gay tentacle porn reloaded in my brain and they're inextricably linked now.

Side question; do y'all get farty after some back door action?
It's been my experience that a sad cock is universal, across all regions.