Comments That Make Your Day

I just received this one and it kind of blew me away, to the last installment of my 8-chapter incest series:

Stunningly brilliant story, start to finish. I cannot count how many times it made me cum explosively all over my chest and stomach. After chapter 1, I read the rest of the chapters always naked and hard, cumming at least twice during every chapter, incredible. And with each chapter my desire and hunger for my cum grew, and I scooped up as much as I could find and swallowed it blissfully, in a kind of erotic trance. Nothing like it ever.
This is the kind of comment that isn't just pleasing, but truly makes your day.

The comment is on my Summer Lovin' story, The House on Hippie Hill

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 6.39.34 PM.png

The reference is to characters in The Adventures of Ranger Ramona. Both stories involve an age gap lesbian relationship. I kept that in mind while writing the new story. The personalities of the characters are very different but the reader is correct in noting a basic similarity.

But what made my day was the small detail that they noted about the older woman living in a "villa uphill." In both stories, they do, indeed, live on hills. For the reader to notice and remember that minor similarity is truly impressive.
My Summer Loving story Buckshot Ranch just got a few comments.

Absolutely loved this!

Beautiful story! Wished you would have gone on a little further and gotten into their married life and possibly children. But it was a beautiful story!

Wonderful story. Loved it. Thank you.

Wow what a lovely story, definatly worth 5 *****. Thank you. Keep the comming.

First class writing!

Strange doings in the modern West. Great story
This could stand as a WIWAW. It came in an email through the site and was not attributed to a specific story. But it truly reflects why I write what I write.
I am both proud and so humbled.


Hi, I’ve been reading your stories a bit now and I just felt like I had to reach out. I’m a trans woman in my thirties, out in some capacities and closeted in others. I’ve been transitioning for a while but the world seems to get more hostile as days go by, not less, which makes it feel a bit like being trapped in a box that is filling with pressure and squeezing the life out of me.

Then I found your stories. They’re hot for sure, and well written, but the worlds you craft have space for trans people to exist and flourish, take space and have acceptance and love. I often find myself reading when not horny, taking in these beautiful stories and characters, reveling in a world that seems so much kinder. It’s also helped me realize the extent to which I need to step out, to find something like that for myself, which I can’t do when I’m hiding.

I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. Being trans can feel like a curse, and drain hope right out of you, as I’m sure you know. After what feels like my whole life of hopelessness, I finally feel hopeful. I’m genuinely grateful, thank you.

<text removed for reasons>

Wishing you the best, Monica.
Another nice comment on Buckshot Ranch. This one I really like because when I wrote the story I had no idea what a guest ranch would be like. To know that they enjoyed the memories I generated is a real kudo for what I imagined.

Loved the story. My family runs a working guest ranch, and have for the last 60 years. Thanks for the memories.
Thanks so much for sharing your work with us. Good job!
Really off topic but I don't know where else to post this, but this is an active group.
Due to a e-converstation with another author, I have checked and Literotica's 0 hour seems to be 5:30 hours behind GMT.
Now that isn't any time zone, but is approximately solar time for Chicago (that is falling between timezones 5 and 6).

Note: I reserve the right to be (proved) wrong.

FYI At 10:12 BST my latest story had been published 3 hours ago. At 10:35 BST it had been published 4 hours ago. At 11:08 BST it had been published 4 hours ago.
A couple readers are currently churning through all my stories, adding Faves and the odd comment each day.

One is going chronologically and has reached my last year's Crime and Punishment story, Image Nine Point Four:

"...your writing has forced me to think, which makes this story a success."

Mission accomplished!

"It’s clear that you spend some time on research on your subject matter unless you’re simultaneously a cell biologist, an engineer, a policy expert, a gay man, a butch, a femme, and an amazingly kinky person."

I feel slightly outed, given only one of those is definitely inaccurate...

"It’s been a pleasure reading through your body of erotica and I look forward to continuing to explore your oeuvre."

Ooh, I've got an oeuvre!
Well're not even slightly kinky.
But on the basis of mutual exclusivity there are only three candidates, but possibly two, but I'm not sure if the definitions of a butch and a femme have variations that don't occur to me. YMMV!
Some nice comments this morning.

Buckshot Ranch Summer Loving Contest entry.

Extremely well written romance. A real fun read!!!

Great story with a clever twist


Just another grate story, realy enjoyed this one.
5 ***** Thank you.

Well Done Again:
You have a very nice way of writing characters and developing them concisely and succinctly. You also manage to explore sentimental themes without getting maudlin of too saccharine. You thread that narrow gap very neatly. Good story, well written.
My personal favourite:

"It's been done a thousand times before. Nothing interesting here. Boring. Oh, and no tags is just plain rude. If you want people to read your stories give them a reason to at least look."

I like the way they're so angry about not being able to find my boring unoriginal stories 😄
My personal favourite:

"It's been done a thousand times before. Nothing interesting here. Boring. Oh, and no tags is just plain rude. If you want people to read your stories give them a reason to at least look."

I like the way they're so angry about not being able to find my boring unoriginal stories 😄 🤦‍♀️
Another nice email on Buckshot Ranch:

I grew up on a farm in south Texas. I just finished reading Buckshot Ranch. I loved it. And I was fascinated with some of the fantasy. But you wrote the story so well that I chose to just believe it all and enjoy the personal interactions and wish I could be involved. Thank you for a great feel good story that made me happy. Thanks
A few more nice comments on Buckshot Ranch. (Running over 90% positive)

Beautifully done!!! 😍

What a fantastic love story. 5*. I hope you feel there is a second chapter.

To enjoy a story like this you have to accept it's reality ... read it adding in a little of your own imagination and just enjoy. As some have commented about a 2nd chapter ... I also agree the characters deserve a little bit of a longer life before they close up the ranch and fade from the reader's enjoyment.

Wonderful story. It was a great feel good read. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
5 stars as always. Now just waiting for the conclusion of this war with the Werewolves and Vampires that we’ve yet to see. My sister’s a vampire is my favorite and I still wanna see how their story ends
Over on My Friend's an Alien!, part of the "My Sister's a...!" fantasy series that starts off with a bit o' fun and quickly spirals out into fullblown fantasy world adventures...

It's so very much fun, when you draw the audience in with a promise of sex... And then get them fully invested in every other aspect of the story.