How does it make you feel when...

PM's are good to get....I find that, if I want to get mail, I've got to send mail....funny how that works....usually no dust in the mailbox, but rarely enough good mail to make opening it really, Belle, what do you like to correspond about???
mbb308 said:
PM's are good to get....I find that, if I want to get mail, I've got to send mail....funny how that works....usually no dust in the mailbox, but rarely enough good mail to make opening it really, Belle, what do you like to correspond about???

Hmmm...i understand how the send mail get mail thing works...i send out plenty of mail...<grin>...and my correspondence ranges from the very innocent 'hello how are you' to the very naughty 'do ya wanna'...<giggles> just depends on the friend...

i put out this thread a few weeks ago as just a curious thought, not trying for anything but to get how others one said, she never has the problem, and others have dust building or are junk mail kings...was simply curious...and i know people have lives, everyone does, whatever ones definition of 'having a life' is...and i was just wondering how difficult it is to press the reply button and type a line or two when one is online...? especially when you know, one is online...nothing big or major, it was just my curiosity...and i appreciate all the responses this got...~smile~

Re: Re: Re: How does it make you feel when...

spankableBelle said:

<giggles> Thank you...

i have an email account that i rarely use anymore since it's mostly just junkmail and spam...however on those really lonely days, it's better than nothing...;) ...and i can pretend that someone cares about me enough to truly want me to subscribe to all those XXX sites and buy some

i shall keep your sexy shoulder in mind though...most definitely...

And...oh yes, thank you for hug...Mmmmm...:kiss:

*hugs Belle again*
I know what you mean belle...and don't, or PM...
spankableBelle said:

Hmmm...i understand how the send mail get mail thing works...i send out plenty of mail...<grin>...and my correspondence ranges from the very innocent 'hello how are you' to the very naughty 'do ya wanna'...<giggles> just depends on the friend...

i put out this thread a few weeks ago as just a curious thought, not trying for anything but to get how others one said, she never has the problem, and others have dust building or are junk mail kings...was simply curious...and i know people have lives, everyone does, whatever ones definition of 'having a life' is...and i was just wondering how difficult it is to press the reply button and type a line or two when one is online...? especially when you know, one is online...nothing big or major, it was just my curiosity...and i appreciate all the responses this got...~smile~


I prefer the mid-range type mail, once one has gotten to know the other....starting at disrobing is a bit silly in my book, but some would call me be it....actually, responding is you said, write a couple of lines, and hit "send"....and we wonder what the secret is....not going to worry about it, either....I've had a couple good e-mail swaps in the last 2 days or so, and of the real-life load of stuff, too....makes me appreciative of this old dumputer, too....nice to be able to help....
spankableBelle said:
...your email inbox has been empty for days and days and days?

Does it make you sad? Feel unloved? Feel forgotten?

Does it make you angry? Frustrated? Irritated?

Do you just not care one way or the other? you say, 'well fine...nothing from anyone, nothing from me?' (even though you have sent emails anyway...) <giggles>

Or am i the only one with an empty box? (not sure if pun was intended, or not... ;) )


Hi Belle!!:rose: x24

Does it make me feel sad: Sometimes
Feel unloved: Sometimes
Frustrated: Yes. Because i make a point to send emails out to "touch base" with people..and 2 weeks go by, and still no word..i mean hell..even if it's a "Hey how are you, wishing you well" 2 line type email..atleast i know someone gives a damn.

Sometimes RL kicks in and people get busy, and that's understandable, but i guess i look at it as, it takes just a few seconds to type an email to let someone know thier being thought of.

I hope you swing by funone's no sex thread..we have a great time talking about all sorts of things!!

See you soon;)

:heart: :kiss:
