Secret Crush Service and Matchmaking Support

I may be one of the few humans left that hasn't seen a single episode
I've seen more than I want to.
not my kind of show...ive never watched the office either...couldnt get past the 2nd episode...*ducks incase flying debris is headed his way*
I agree, after 2 episodes it gets worn out.
Just not when you are sitting at the table by me at a restaurant.
We have our first anonymously submitted answers to the crush survey who’s asked to have their answers posted…….

  • Who is your crush - bry1313 and Ordinary Person
  • would you like it to stay a secret - No
  • would you like a message to them letting them know someone is crushing - Yes
  • would you like that message sent by me as a PM or in the thread - In The Thread
  • why do you like your crush - I feel like they would be really good at angry sex

What a great crush response… !!

Looks like this thread is finally coming to fruition.

Hopefully more people post their crushes!!!