Sex & Shenanigans

And with all that brain power… he can’t figure out how to type “I” instead of “i”. 🙄🙄

*** not even bothering to run, just outright laughing right where I am ***
oh no...i claim that too lazy to follow unnecessary rules or grammar and are just as likely to misunderstand me using proper grammar and punctuation as you are me speaking internet chat text 😋 i said...i took the time and effort to google what makes bourbon bourbon so that the ladies question was answered with the correct information...its something i do constantly...while i will apologize for it, i will do it again...i believe in any discussion the CORRECT information should be i consider it part of my neurodivergence? yes, yes i used to it?😋
Nah, I know that if they really wondered they could search it themselves.

But don't worry, I'm explainy too ...
Nah, I probably would have missed part.

But I am more an Irish fan myself. Redbreast 14 year, because I am pretentious, but only pretentious enough.
If I am drinking that, it has to be Bushmills Irish Whiskey. 🥰🥰🥰

I used to say it was all that Irish in my DNA, then Ancestry sent an “update” saying I am 35% Germanic… what? They didn’t tell me they were just making shit up on the fly! I mean, what are they anyway? Covid “experts”?? Fucking fiction writing bitches!
I haven't, no! Never been a die hard Rockstar fan. You on a nostalgia-gaming binge? ☺️
I can't remember how it popped into my head. But if you ever do, there's a hilarious clip parodying it on funny or die.
While I love Rockstar, I fucking hate the RDR and GTA online communities. I'm hyped about GTA 6 though
On your and a couple other people's recommendation I dove back into Fallen Order and it is pretty spectacular
I can't remember how it popped into my head. But if you ever do, there's a hilarious clip parodying it on funny or die.
While I love Rockstar, I fucking hate the RDR and GTA online communities. I'm hyped about GTA 6 though
On your and a couple other people's recommendation I dove back into Fallen Order and it is pretty spectacular
fallen order is great...even just the main story...though there is a ton of side stuff to do
fallen order is great...even just the main story...though there is a ton of side stuff to do
One of the things that was irritating me was the whole 'go back to the same planet 5x and all the enemies have respawned' thing. But I am enjoying the story and I crossed a point where I finally can progress relatively easy. Getting the 'increase lightsaber damage' boon was incredibly important. Also finding some stim pack upgrades
One of the things that was irritating me was the whole 'go back to the same planet 5x and all the enemies have respawned' thing. But I am enjoying the story and I crossed a point where I finally can progress relatively easy. Getting the 'increase lightsaber damage' boon was incredibly important. Also finding some stim pack upgrades
umm, if you google it, because youve already been to the planet, you can get the double sided lightsaber before youre suppose to be able to...should be on youtube...anyway, both games are great once you are powerful enough...they get to be really fun and the surprises are worth the story.
I can't remember how it popped into my head. But if you ever do, there's a hilarious clip parodying it on funny or die.
While I love Rockstar, I fucking hate the RDR and GTA online communities. I'm hyped about GTA 6 though
On your and a couple other people's recommendation I dove back into Fallen Order and it is pretty spectacular
Oh I've never tried playing them online. I couldn't get into RDR at all... nor any GTA after 3. They're a bit too testosterony. Had some fun doing insane stunts in 5 but, never played through the campaign. 6 is looking promising with a female MC for the first time though, so I'll give it a shot ☺️

Fallen Order is awesome though! Enjoy! Has one of the greatest missions ever. Kept me literally at the edge of my seat going "no! No nOn onN on come on come on come on come on nOnonon".
umm, if you google it, because youve already been to the planet, you can get the double sided lightsaber before youre suppose to be able to...should be on youtube...anyway, both games are great once you are powerful enough...they get to be really fun and the surprises are worth the story.
I have the double-sided but I don't like it as much as the single. Unless there's large groups of enemies
i will give you lit bucks...and you will like it
I’m so glad he’s not on the Vikings anymore