The Old Republic: A new Era (limited spaces) *OOC*

Okay. Seeing as how I've now been effectively placed in charge, and we have an opening or two, I'm going to allow for other players to apply to this thread, perferably of the female kind (we have enough testosterone running around as is).

Note however, that just because you apply, it doesn't mean you'll get accepted. I want quality writing here.

TO APPLY: Send me two PMs with the words "Star Wars App" in the subject line; in the first PM include a bio for your character, and in the second, the first post you would put up in IC for your character if you were accepted. SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT! The better you can write, the better your chances of being accepted. ANY PMs WITHOUT THE WORDS "Star Wars App" IN THE SUBJECT LINE WILL BE REJECTED WITHOUT THOUGHT!

And just a reminder: this forum is non-sexually oriented, which means that story and plot is top priority in the threads here, with sex scenes being few and far between, but not unwelcome. If you want a sex themed thread, go to the Sexual Roleplaying Forum, next one down. There is a reason why there are two separate forums. If you apply for this story, your character better be capable of doing more than sex play.
Well actually Satans_Monkey is a close friend of mine so I'd like to ask that if he can deliver a non force user character that it take the place of my smuggler. Since Iroshort is out I really have no idea what to do with the Bimm for now so I may as well drop him out.

Also, if I drop the Bimm I can focus on getting Arlissa into the story (let's face it, the IC thread hasn't moved much and having people suddenly appear helps things happen).
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Okay. Satans_Monkey is welcome to reapply with a non-Force user using the method I laid out above.

And I'll be writing my IC post and putting it up later tonight.
thanks for that i'll be working on a new PC in the next few days just need to wait for an idea to hit me (characters that are forced never fully work out for me) War we'll try ad catch up soon (either PM or IRL) and hammer some stuff out.
DK, would you like to take on the role of the gang members on Dantooine for the purposes of interacting with both my character and your Jedi? Don't bother making a bio for any of them, they won't live long enough for it to be worthwhile. Just give them some individual names, a gang name, and possibly a hangout in town that Jodo could find.

It's taking a little longer to write out this IC post than I thought, so it's not likely to come out tonight, despite what I said earlier.

Edit: Guess I was wrong again. Had a burst of creativity and got the post done.
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Sorry for the delay, but RL got real busy for me of late. I'm still going to put up a post, but I'm not sure when; hopefully within the next day or two.
Just a little bit late, but post is up. Put in a little break in the action. We can fast forward a day or two if you want.
Name: Leo Darkstalker

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Race Attributes: ...

Occupation: Fallen Jedi

Appearance: Mid eye level sandy blonde hair, light blue eyes, 6'5", 170 pounds, mid muscular build more streamline than bulk. Pic below for his armor.

Weapons: Dual Black Lightsabers, throwing knives, dual assassin blasters.

Character Background: Leo was take at a very early age, as are all candidates for the Jedi program. He was trained in the use of the lightsaber and wielding the force in the years he was trained under his Jedi Master. Unfortunately his master was slain by a Sith Lord, and Leo slew him with his own lightsabers. Shaped much like all other lightsabers, these had a rare crystal inside that turned them a black color with just a hint of red in the core. Leo returned to the Jedi Enclave that he and his master stayed at, but he found it burned to the ground, it's occupants slain.

His master was given a proper burial, Leo did it himself. Due to his training, Leo was skilled enough to be considered a Jedi Master. He lost his faith in the Jedi Order, however, and so he wandered, catching rides to different planets aboard starships that may or may not have known he was even there. He was a Fallen Jedi, clad in the armor and mask of the Sith he had slain. He served no master, no lord. He went where he wanted, when he wanted, and took on bounties to earn his money. He never knew his full name. Only his first, Leo. He gave himself his last name, Darkstalker, as that was what he did. He had trained as an assassin in his free time, making him a deadly combatant. He has gained a cold personality from what he does, and very rarely shows his emotions.
You gonna put up something for your Jedi, DK? I'm thinking that Aagh will drop by the cave during his downtime and leave a message if you have nothing in mind for the Jedi do to in the mean time.
Alright, I'm going to be a tad upset if this thread dies right after I join.

And also: DK has been gone for a while. Not sure when he'll be back.
I've seen DK on just about every night, so he's around. It's my understanding that he's busy with work and/or he's experiencing Internet difficulties.

Either way, the thread may sleep for a bit, but it won't die anytime soon.
I'm around guys, when I don't post with a specific character I don't have plans for that character at the moment.

So Jedi if you have an idea for me please help me out with a plan and I'll write up a RP for my Jedi Character

Leo...don't think I'm gone. I'm like your virtual shadow...there when you're not there LMAO :D :D :D
It's not so much a plan for your character as it is something for him to respond to. Like I said, Aagh will probably wander by the cave, figure that the Jedi would be coming by on occasion, if he isn't hiding in there already, and leave a calling card of sorts for the Jedi to find. And then we go from there.
Well, thats dissapointing. I was looking forward to an active SW thread. Guess not, then.

I will wait patiently, however.
I didn't say it would be inactive. I just said it would sleep for a bit, which means that there might be stretches of at least a week where nothing happens. We all have lives to tend to, and those lives come first. But don't worry, this thread will keep moving. I too want a SW thread that is active.
Without a doubt we all have lives, but something like this requires a certain amount of commitment.

At any rate, I'm glad that it will be continuing.