The seven types of Playgrounders

I thought it was going to be a take on "7 Habits of Highly Effective ______" by Stephen Covey.

Also, I'm now hungry for gummi bears.
I need to go re-read the list, I don't know if you forgot the pot stirrers, the puppy dogs and those that, for whatever reason, announce in a 20 line post that they are leaving lit, only to show back up a couple weeks later.

Did you cover all those?
I just came across reading this thread, trying to catch up on so many. This deserves to be BUMPED! It is a gem of hilarity!:D
You forgot the 8th type...

My type...

The Perfectly Imperfects...

( huge smile )
Yea!!! I'm a normal. Wait...what? I'm 98% wrong?

OK. I'm a horndog. And just one time...I was a fake, but that was only to answer the blowjob questionnaire about sucking about 1,000 dicks.

And I want to be in the last group. :D
Just one more conspiracy theory for you all . . .

Could it be that C5MiGuy is just another IHC alt?

The ultimate irony, even though I don't believe it. :eek:

I need to go re-read the list, I don't know if you forgot the pot stirrers, the puppy dogs and those that, for whatever reason, announce in a 20 line post that they are leaving lit, only to show back up a couple weeks later.

Did you cover all those?

It does appear that there are a few missing. Perhaps he'll amend it with another seven types.
I'm admittedly a sad mix of desperate and horndog, with (hopefully) sprinklings of normal.

I'll keep being that way too.
Better than anything I could have ever posted. So true. Thank you for my own catagory but I still haven't gotten a creepy PM yet.

As for whoever said my Alts. Just to respond I have 2 others. My original Stilts31 and IloveClowns which is obvious that is it.

I would love to know who AltAlyssa is. Or whatever that person is. They are pretty good.

As for these new catagories people are spitting out it is funny to me. I think those that come back as a new person and act nothing like they did before even though we know who they actually are should be a catagory in itself. Along with those who use fake Avs and claim it is them.

Funny fucking stuff man.

Yea!!! I'm a normal. Wait...what? I'm 98% wrong?

OK. I'm a horndog. And just one time...I was a fake, but that was only to answer the blowjob questionnaire about sucking about 1,000 dicks.

And I want to be in the last group. :D

You pretty much encompass all 7 my friend.

By the way who is AltlyssaQ? Do you know?
What's up man? How are you? Seriously who is the person. I swear on my unborn child it isn't me. We need Angela Lansbury

I have no idea since I don't concern myself with Alts. I just assume, like GatorGurl and Aquagal, that all Alts are either HungDavid or InOvalOffice. And honestly, who cares?

I don't get bothered by it. I only talk to people I believe are real anyway. I don't need people who have to imagine themselves to be someone else. It would be difficult to get very far with me anyway unless you have lots and lots of time for my boring drivel. The fakes wander off long before things get spicey.

Angela Lansbury is decidely un-sexy. Can we get a hotter detective, like Callie Duquesne from CSI Miami?
I have no idea since I don't concern myself with Alts. I just assume, like GatorGurl and Aquagal, that all Alts are either HungDavid or InOvalOffice. And honestly, who cares?

I don't get bothered by it. I only talk to people I believe are real anyway. I don't need people who have to imagine themselves to be someone else. It would be difficult to get very far with me anyway unless you have lots and lots of time for my boring drivel. The fakes wander off long before things get spicey.

Angela Lansbury is decidely un-sexy. Can we get a hotter detective, like Callie Duquesne from CSI Miami?

Oh I am not concerned in a negative way. I think it is funny is all. As for sexy detectives I am thinking of Dennis Franz or that lovely ginger David Caruso.
I'm glad you bumped this, IHC. I missed it the first time around! Good reading here. Lit is such an educational website, really.
I missed this the first time around! I almost choked on my cereal while reading. This is too funny. :)