The seven types of Playgrounders

I've been gone for a really really long time.... but this is really the best thread that I could have come back to!

Love it!

I think I may have actually snorted whilst reading the painfully accurate categories!
These mostly define men. I'd love to see his version defining women. There are the scorned women and also women markers. Watching women mark their territory on some guy is funny business.

Yes, I bumped an old thread. Blah blah.
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Women who profess their undying love with someone different every month.
The woman who throws a ladylike fit when her fake AV isn't universally loved.
Is there one for someone who states that the mind is more important then starts a pic thread?
Funny thread.

What about the drama queens who have to let everyone know they're leaving Lit for a while/indefinitely/forever ? And then they always come back. At least once or twice. And let everyone know they're back.

Do I really care if they were here, when they were here, if they're leaving, if they left, if they're back ?? No.

I'm still trying to figure out why there's ONE person at Lit who keeps doing this, and yet manages to get his profile deleted after every departure. When supposedly, nobody's profile is ever deleted here. Hmmmmm....