What Are You Nosey About Today?? šŸ¦

Iā€™m nosy about red flagsā€¦
Do you heed them or ignore them or what does it depend on?

I heed them. But I am slow to jump to conclusions as well. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, until it becomes all too obvious what their intentions and/or motivations truly are.

I was having this exact conversation earlier. I usually heed them but I am actively ignoring a bunch of them right now.


So what prompts ignoring them for you?

Lonelywife was thinking it was pretty with big boobs for me. lol
Iā€™m nosy about red flagsā€¦
Do you heed them or ignore them or what does it depend on?

Ok, so... I'm not sure I'd even recognize them. I don't seem to really get people. My instincts suck. And I'm not sure that unless it's right in my face in neon that I'd even catch it. Certainly not without probably excusing them in some way.

*feels super naive and hides*

I was having this exact conversation earlier. I usually heed them but I am actively ignoring a bunch of them right now.

So, what context has led you to make the choice to actively ignore them? Does ignoring them make you feel anxiety? Is it thrilling?

*peels back the layers*
I'm curious, maybe nosey about your thoughts on your own question. ;)

Iā€™d like to say I need them, but sometimes I donā€™t. If weā€™re talking relationships, it depends on how much I like them and want it to work out. In the past I have turned a blind eye to things I knew I shouldnā€™t have. I base a lot of things off of feelings and emotions sometimes. Iā€™ve been getting better about not doing that, but Iā€™m a work in progress.

Itā€™s sometimes easier for me to look at someone elseā€™s situation and point out the obvious red flags than it is to recognize them in my own life.
Iā€™d like to say I need them, but sometimes I donā€™t. If weā€™re talking relationships, it depends on how much I like them and want it to work out. In the past I have turned a blind eye to things I knew I shouldnā€™t have. I base a lot of things off of feelings and emotions sometimes. Iā€™ve been getting better about not doing that, but Iā€™m a work in progress.

Itā€™s sometimes easier for me to look at someone elseā€™s situation and point out the obvious red flags than it is to recognize them in my own life.

I think we're all a work in progress in some form or fashion. I remember the way I used to be years ago and how life has changed me in many ways. The old me (maybe 20 years ago or so) is definitely not the same as the me now. Life has shown me things to work on and I have. Life has also shown me weaknesses that I have yet to overcome.

I remember an ex-employee once told me that on the surface I look more intimidating than I actually was. I am still working on changing that to an extent.
In this instance, hope? The person.

That ultimately, the risk is there with or without the flags. It leaves me scared. Risk is scary to me whatever the context.

It's the leaving myself open that hurts the most.
You open up to someone and it comes back to bite you in the ass in a bad way.
Any wonder I hide a bunch.
Iā€™m nosy about red flagsā€¦
Do you heed them or ignore them or what does it depend on?

I am totally clueless, person-to-person-wise. I tend to take things at face value. For example, I worry about conversing becoming less not as a basis for suspicion, but a development I would hope to work through.
So I am nosey...is the stereotype that women like a "bad boy" or that guys like a certain type of woman just stereotype? Or is there something to it?
So I am nosey...is the stereotype that women like a "bad boy" or that guys like a certain type of woman just stereotype? Or is there something to it?

I wouldnā€™t say I like bad boys, but Iā€™m definitely attracted to someone who is confident and who can keep me on my toes. I have zero tolerance for a wimpy man.
Also Iā€™m high as a kite and and have recently seen a very VERY small man walk across my bedside table and tried to squash him with my finger so, take what I say as seriously as you like right now.

*Gasps* You tried to murder the tiny man?

How are the hallucinogens going, by the by?
Iā€™m nosy about red flagsā€¦
Do you heed them or ignore them or what does it depend on?

May be I'm blind, ignorant, dumb, whatever, I take people at face value, where respect is given, it's returned, where people are kind, it's returned, I call a spade a spade, and lots of people don't like that I've learned.
I'd like to think that most people are straight up, but I guess not. I can't say that I've seen to may red flags may be a couple, and I certainly hope I haven't given any, if I have I apologize profusely.

I won't lie, and if I say something, it's because I mean it, I'm not gonna say something if I don't mean it, or say something, because I think it what someone wants to hear. I just don't buy into that crap. My Boss hates me cause I'm like that, tell it like it is, good or bad, but that's just me.
Being truthful and honest, is what I respect most in people.
If you don't like what I said or did, say so. It costs nothing to be fair and honest.

I'll just shut the fuck up now. :eek:
Iā€™m nosy about red flagsā€¦
Do you heed them or ignore them or what does it depend on?
I used to be really bad at facing anything when my red flag alarm went off. I would ignore it and just hope that it went away. That led to a few false friendships and a very unhappy marriage. So now, if something doesnā€™t feel right I challenge it. This is only when it concerns my direct relationship with the person or those close to me.
I used to be really bad at facing anything when my red flag alarm went off. I would ignore it and just hope that it went away. That led to a few false friendships and a very unhappy marriage. So now, if something doesnā€™t feel right I challenge it. This is only when it concerns my direct relationship with the person or those close to me.

This. I used to ignore things so much, but now I want more out of life. I met someone almost five years ago, who became very important to me, and absolutely anything that appeared to be a red flag - I asked questions. I did my absolute best not to have doubts, not to stay open and risk hurt if a red flag appeared. I wanted everything smoothed out. Unfortunately it didnā€™t make things as smooth sailing as I had hoped. I now use the same approach with others, with better results. But if I donā€™t have a connection, or care about someone, then I ignore the red flags because there wonā€™t be an ongoing relationship/friendship and they just donā€™t seem to matter.

The staff member who lied to me about an incident, and when I viewed the cctv and saw with my own eyes that she was lying, then continued to lie to my face. Red flag. I donā€™t care, thatā€™s on her and her conscience. I took the appropriate workplace action, but I donā€™t pay much attention to things she says anymore.

Yesterday I had a friend stand me up for attending an appointment with me. Iā€™ve been dropped and let down a lot, so that was an immediate red flag. I asked if I could phone her, and talked it out verbally, where there was no chance of misunderstandings via text message.

So it depends on the connection and how important the person is to me. But challenging red flags doesnā€™t always work, as it hasnā€™t with the one person I wanted it to work out with more than anything.

ETA: I had someone ask me just today whether they have ever mistreated me. In the past I would have backed away from such a conversation, but today I said yes, you did. And now we are talking it out, at the same time Iā€™m typing this. Iā€™ve had enough hurt and BS in my life that I will no longer let things go, ignore red flags. I try to talk everything out. (Iā€™m going to add, doesnā€™t always work though.)
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