What's the worst PM you've ever got?

Sounds like he did you a favor.

But how horrible for you to try and get a diatribe in response. Ugh.
Yeah it was a couple of months ago and one of the first people that PM me. I was a little confused about his behavior but i was glad he revealed his true self because I wouldn't want to talk to someone like that anyway. There's plenty of abusive men irl I don't need to talk to abusive men online too 😂
Yeah it was a couple of months ago and one of the first people that PM me. I was a little confused about his behavior but i was glad he revealed his true self because I wouldn't want to talk to someone like that anyway. There's plenty of abusive men irl I don't need to talk to abusive men online too 😂

There's not enough time for men with tiny egos. Good on you 💪
The women keep trying to E-Bone with me, I'm not a piece of meat, I'm a person dammit !!
Well, sorry. Next time I will remember to drop lines about "what a deep connection we have" and compliment your eyes or something.

I got a crap PM with an ultimatum: “If you’re friends with them, don’t expect to be friends with me.”
Yeah, sayonara, bitch.
hahaha. Do ultimatums ever work? If someone said that, even if I wasn't that friendly with the other party, I'd become friendlier with them. How is anyone supposed to not resent that?
I don't do much PMing these days (well maybe a bit), but I recall prob around 2003 (under a different username) I had become quite friendly with a woman. I thought we were sort of online friends and had shared a couple of photos, nothing even sexy. I was in graduate school at the time and had to take a few months off Lit and other places while I worked on my thesis. When I came back I messaged her and apologized for being away and out of touch..nothing personal etc. She responded by ripping me a new one, told me to fuck off, and said I must be a complete idiot for thinking we even had a 'thing', "I wasn't her boyfriend' (not that I ever thought I was), and don't ever contact her again :). The whole thing was bizarre. I tread lightly around here these days. :)
Did you let her know you were going to be away? Maybe you triggered her but that is definitely an intense response. Yikes!
I don't do much PMing these days (well maybe a bit), but I recall prob around 2003 (under a different username) I had become quite friendly with a woman. I thought we were sort of online friends and had shared a couple of photos, nothing even sexy. I was in graduate school at the time and had to take a few months off Lit and other places while I worked on my thesis. When I came back I messaged her and apologized for being away and out of touch..nothing personal etc. She responded by ripping me a new one, told me to fuck off, and said I must be a complete idiot for thinking we even had a 'thing', "I wasn't her boyfriend' (not that I ever thought I was), and don't ever contact her again :). The whole thing was bizarre. I tread lightly around here these days. :)
I can see both sides of this one.

Mismatched expectations are a recipe for disaster. When paired with poor coping and communication skills, it's explosive.
In hindsight I probably didn't? So perhaps there was a misunderstanding about the online expectations of our relationship. But I can't fully recall..so yeah...there's that.
Yeah for sure. I was just having this conversation with someone yesterday. While there are no expectations and people may not owe explanations to someone they talk to everyday/often I do think it's good habit and sign of healthy communication to let the other person know if they'll be away for longer than usual.
If I did do that back then (and honestly I don't remember) it's not something I would do now (being old and wise and all...). I did a lot of dumb shit when I was younger. I mean I still do dumb shit but I have more of a conscience about my dumb shit these days.
Haven't we all! Same. Especially during grad school, one rarely thinks about someone else's feelings 😬
Some cockwobble thinking I was a woman. He didn’t write again after I told him my cock was bigger than his tiny, oddly shaped winkie.
It was all in text speak, so I have no idea what it said. When I replied that I needed it translated, he told me to Fuck off.
I simply sent an unsolicited PM to someone I thought I might click with, as I am wont to do, and he was outraged. 'Did I PM you first?' was his response amongst less friendly dialogue - so it was OK for him to contact me unsolicited but not the other way.
One of the first pms I got when I joined was


Ummmm…… yeah I may have ignored that. Like put in some effort! Especially when my profile can answer 2/3 of that request.
I mean I’ve answered something as simple as a “hi, how are you?”