"You Might Be Too Good For Me If....."

YMBTGFMI you have enough self-control to buy Christmas chocolates, and not eat the damned things several weeks before...
I do not think you ever have to worry, as what you mentioned is just not possible.
  • Easter bunny
  • Unicorns
  • Not eating chocolates that lay around the house
The above are all fictitious.

However, perhaps you meant the more appropriate:

YMBTGFMI you have the self-control to not buy me Christmas chocolates when I beg you for it, because you know I would eat it all in a single sitting like the chocolate piglet that I am.

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If you are a good person…then you are too good for me as I’m the devil in disguise 😈 💋
I mean, no one is too good for me (a fact verified by my mother), but I am beginning to think this ability to fold a fitted sheet is kind of cool.