I'm guessing those would be US stats? The picture is a bit better where I live, thanks to a decade of Gardasil vaccination. (The change in overall HPV rate isn't huge, but that's because Gardasil specifically targets four strains that are relatively rare but much more dangerous than the more common strains; that should improve further with a switch to 9vHPV.)
How does a partner avoid being that kind of asshole, though?
Most people who have HPV don't know they have it. Doctors don't recommend routine testing for women under 30, standard tests don't pick up all strains, and there is no approved test for HPV in men... and condoms are not 100% effective at preventing HPV transmission.
Short of life-long monogamy, it's hard to see how anybody can guarantee they're not passing on HPV.
This. Most people with HPV have no symptoms at all, and if they don’t get check ups regularly, it can go undetected for years.