ASSHAT AWARDS: Even more of the Best of the Worst PMs & emails received

A PM doubling down after I (nicely, really!) pointed out the first one came across as creepy.
Just the worst. I had that a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, why not just graciously accept that as a woman, I have to judge things by different standards? And also, he needs to know that asking where in New England I am as the first & only communication is not a good ice breaker 🙄

My PMs have been okay lately. *knocks on wood*
I guess me calling out skirt chaser a few weeks ago shrunk some sticks.

Lol, mine are generally good… I don’t know if people actually read my profile & that keeps most away, or if I’m just off putting to most creeps. I could have just ignored the initial PM from this guy but was feeling generous 😂
The men who send a PM dick pic right away don’t know how to do an open. What fucking idiot can’t even do an open?

Approaching a women with a PM isn’t difficult. It’s only difficult because you’re a pussy. Women want to be seduced, just not by losers.

Sounds like a pretty dicky thing to do.

Not to mention ballsy also.

Seduction should be more like a sincere art.

Not a porno audition.
Of course it does. If you turn PMs off, you can't get asshat PMs. If you 'friend' someone and they send you one, you delete it, and take them off the 'friend' list which means they can't send more.

It also means I can't make new friends... which is part of the point of PMs
Of course it does. If you turn PMs off, you can't get asshat PMs. If you 'friend' someone and they send you one, you delete it, and take them off the 'friend' list which means they can't send more.

But how does someone introduce themselves if your PMs are off and they aren't on your friends list?
You can introduce yourself in public and make known your honorable intentions.

Of course, people can simply delete unwanted messages but then they would have anything to complain about.
So, you don't lock the doors on your house or car?

Two different issues. One is people feeling entitled to be shitty to strangers (let’s be honest, mostly women or fem presenting people) online where they’re anonymous. The other is wrapped up in socio-economic problems mostly, though probably also some people just being shitty in general.
And you have the privilege of securing your PMs if you should choose to accept.
I’m curious why you don’t like the idea of assholes being held responsible

Responsible for what? Walking through an open door in a community hall and tacking a note on a bulletin board?

You can lock the door, or you can piss and moan. You have the technology. You can make it better, stronger, more personalized.
Dude. Where have you been?
Not for a long time. We can’t even change our profiles. We can’t get people who make threats banned. Ignore is a joke.

As for jaF0, I will continue to admire from afar.

Words on a screen

Not bombs from the sky
And then some people find ways around the buddy list or turned off PMs: they send messages via the feedback function on my stories. Very crafty! Here’s one from this morning:

“I thought we were going to become friends. Chat, get to know each other, and then maybe who knows? Isn't that what we said?”

No name either, only an email address from where it was sent, meaning I have no way of telling him off (presumably it’s a he) without giving away my own email address thus giving him yet another way to contact me. Gah!!
Spoken like a person who gets to be on the internet without regular threats of violence that have to be taken seriously because this shit 100% carries into the real world for women and femme-presenting people.

Tonight's episode of 'Male Privilege'

My real name isn't Lincoln Duncan and I'm going to assume that your real name isn't Vail Indigo. We are all anonymous. So unless you post your real name or any other personal information, you probably have no real danger from "threats of violence."
Again, because it has never been an issue for you, you don’t know what you are talking about. But I’m glad that you are showing your disdain for the experiences of women.

As far as I know, you could be a 400lb guy sitting on his bed in his mother's basement. I could be a woman. I'm going to assume that a lot of the profiles with female names are guys. Maybe you should be more concerned about them than you are with male-sounding names who engage in civilized conversation.