ASSHAT AWARDS: Even more of the Best of the Worst PMs & emails received

So, there's no reason to have locks on your doors at home, right? Because it's the bad guys' fault for coming into your house, so there's no reason to make any attempt to protect your self, home or family.

Are there people who do bad things out there? Yes, of course... and as of right now, that lead people to adjust their behaviors to feel more secure (whether or not those behaviors actually make them more secure is a different topic).

However, and I'm going to bold this so you don't just read the first paragraph and think you've "won" we are still able to talk about what the root causes of those people doing bad things are and how to change them. We're also allowed to bring awareness, as I think VI or Fara said, to the problems, which is what this thread is about. The more voices join in, the more it's shown as a problem and the better chance we have at finding a solution to the root cause

Edited to add: just as another point - by your logic, if I forget to lock the door one night (because I am human and make mistakes unlike you, who seems to believe you don't) it would be my fault for being robbed or murdered in my bed. Right?
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For anyone offended by this thread, a great solution for you is to put the author of the thread on Ignore. The thread will vanish and you won’t see it in the forum feed anymore. Voilà! It’s THAT easy.

Just click on the author's name and the drop down menu should have the option: Add PorkWarrior to Your Ignore List, click that and it’ll bring you to your Ignore List. Just save the list and all your headaches will just vanish.
Millions of people vote for one candidate and millions of people vote for another. No one can understand why someone would vote for one or the other even though there is constant media coverage. Some people around here argue that they are right, and the rest would understand if we just believed they are right.
Yep, ain't nobody usin' the V word here 'ceptin' those claimin' to be 'em.
Betcha' all got them Fakebook accounts too dontcha'?

What Is a Logical Fallacy?

Logical fallacies are flawed, deceptive, or false arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning. There are two main types of fallacies:

A formal fallacy is an argument with a premise and conclusion that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
An informal fallacy is an error in the form, content, or context of the argument.

Red Herring

A red herring is an argument that uses confusion or distraction to shift attention away from a topic and toward a false conclusion. Red herrings usually contain an unimportant fact, idea, or event that has little relevance to the real issue.

Red herrings are a common diversionary tactic when someone wants to shift the focus of an argument to something easier or safer to address. But red herrings can also be unintentional.
It wasn't a PM but there was a guy -

He kept insisting on defending and explaining himself unnecessarily.
He insisted on having the last word no matter how much worse it made him appear.
He wasn't reading comments to engage, understand or empathize.
He had the overwhelming urge to be RIGHT about everything amd didn't understand no matter how many times and ways he restated his opinion it wasn't going to change anything.

Assets abound. 🤷*♀️
Smart ladies make me wet.


It’s amazing how many times I see women point out a problem, and in this case we found a solution for venting (this thread) and men still come around to tell us we’re doing it wrong. :rolleyes:


This whole thing reminds me of a recent thread in Talk.
I officially love the women in this thread.

And I wish I was surprised by the men.

Same. You all rock hard!

Oh, that they did.
Not that this guy deserves it for his lack of knowledge about women, but, yeah. I can name a few…

Exactly. I can think of a couple I would have dealt with if I had that authority. But willful ignorance isn’t cause enough.
It’s been an interesting day on Lit. I don’t hang out here as I’m sure you know. A female friend of mine suggested that I check out the drama. I spend my time in the politics forum arguing with right-wingers, racists, and misogynists. The politics forum isn’t much different except that it doesn’t have a moderator who is biased. What I encountered today was posters with female names who may or may not be lesbians but who are clearly biased toward men. I’m sure that they have their reasons. The bias is no different from racism with posters fabricating reasons for expressing their bias. The funny thing is, that they play the victim in a forum where the moderator is equally biased.

I won’t be back, if you want to talk with me, I’ll be at the politics forum.
It’s been an interesting day on Lit. I don’t hang out here as I’m sure you know. A female friend of mine suggested that I check out the drama. I spend my time in the politics forum arguing with right-wingers, racists, and misogynists. The politics forum isn’t much different except that it doesn’t have a moderator who is biased. What I encountered today was posters with female names who may or may not be lesbians but who are clearly biased toward men. I’m sure that they have their reasons. The bias is no different from racism with posters fabricating reasons for expressing their bias. The funny thing is, that they play the victim in a forum where the moderator is equally biased.

I won’t be back, if you want to talk with me, I’ll be at the politics forum.

Those are all definitely words.

BTW, my inclination was to delete the misogynistic mansplaining, but as it doesn’t violate Lit TOS, my apparently biased ass didn’t take any such action. Mods have personalities and independent thought, and we are certainly not required to like everyone, agree with anyone in particular, or stay neutral. You’re wrong and you’re continuing with the last word crap. Meh. Enjoy the GB and the Political Board. This one is better off without you.
Meanwhile, nobody paid any attention to my grievance this morning about asshats sneaking in through the story feedback backdoor. I was actually quite upset when it came through.
Meanwhile, nobody paid any attention to my grievance this morning about asshats sneaking in through the story feedback backdoor. I was actually quite upset when it came through.

I read that while on a break at work and then got distracted everything else, so glad you commented again.

That is a crafty way for the asshats to force their message through. :( I can’t fathom why they think it’s necessary to send message like that. Are you able to block them?
I read that while on a call. I’d never had it happen, but that it could made sense. Assholes are like mold, they get in everywhere

I read that while on a break at work and then got distracted everything else, so glad you commented again.

That is a crafty way for the asshats to force their message through. :( I can’t fathom why they think it’s necessary to send message like that. Are you able to block them?

Finally some sympathy. Lol. Thank you both. Sorry to be so whiny but it really bothers me. I have a suspicion it might be someone who got kicked off my buddy list. I think I would have to block the entire feedback function, which I don't wish to do because some nice comments do still trickle in even though my stories are so old.