ASSHAT AWARDS: Even more of the Best of the Worst PMs & emails received


I miss a day and look what happens!

Now tell me I haven't been on a "sex site" and "porn board" for the last 5 years! WTH?

I miss a day and look what happens!

Now tell me I haven't been on a "sex site" and "porn board" for the last 5 years! WTH?

Sex site!?!

PORN board!?!?!

Why I never!

I just came for hockey scores.

Well, that and the sex. And the porn of course.
This isn't really an asshat PM, but it is a slightly frustrating exchange. I match with this guy who's profile contains the sentence "I'm a little different to most....but in a good way."
Me: "So what makes you a little different to most?"
Him: "My music taste I guess...and the way I look at things"
Me: "OK ... that's fairly vague."
Him: "Well maybe I'm vague was a fairly broad question..."

Like, wtaf? If you're going to put these enigmatic statements in your profile that are obviously designed to reel people in to see what hidden depths you have, at least have *something* to back that up with.
Wow! I go away for a week or two and the thread, that was pretty consistent for years, all of a sudden goes to hell. Who the fuck are these two guys and what do they want HERE?! Sure, they can think that their dicks, and by extension their dick pics, is what is missing in every woman's life, but why come talk about it here of all places?
Wow! I go away for a week or two and the thread, that was pretty consistent for years, all of a sudden goes to hell. Who the fuck are these two guys and what do they want HERE?! Sure, they can think that their dicks, and by extension their dick pics, is what is missing in every woman's life, but why come talk about it here of all places?

Annie! Glad you made it by. Sorry this is what greeted you.
Meanwhile, nobody paid any attention to my grievance this morning about asshats sneaking in through the story feedback backdoor. I was actually quite upset when it came through.

What I would like to know is: Did you ever get any response on this Dee?
Just to lighten the mood: a couple days ago I did it! I sent an unsolicited dick pic. To a guy. A dom at that. Not my dick, not even my pic, and not my dom, but still. And it was in the FB messenger, i e. using my real name, his real name, all that. Had to check five times that I am sending it to the right person, not my mom, my kids, a parent of a student. There is surprisingly long list of my FB contacts that I did not want to get that picture, probably everybody except him LOL
He took it well, got my point of why I sent it in the first place, but I still wish I could have seen his face when he opened the image.
Just to lighten the mood: a couple days ago I did it! I sent an unsolicited dick pic. To a guy. A dom at that. Not my dick, not even my pic, and not my dom, but still. And it was in the FB messenger, i e. using my real name, his real name, all that. Had to check five times that I am sending it to the right person, not my mom, my kids, a parent of a student. There is surprisingly long list of my FB contacts that I did not want to get that picture, probably everybody except him LOL
He took it well, got my point of why I sent it in the first place, but I still wish I could have seen his face when he opened the image.

:D :D :D
Okay, folks. I have officially found the worst one-handed typist this morning after posting a pic on my amateur thread:

Subject line: i need to suck on thos pirced tits
Message content: wana tie you uo and pul and suck on thos pirced tits mmm while finger fuck your ass
I received this delightful number when I posted my face pic. The one with the PJs and the recently lotioned shiny face.



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“I would rape your face I GUESS.”
That’s the part that makes me go WTF?

Lol. Now I am interested in the requirements that would move the messenger from “I guess” to “most definitely”
I would most definitely rape your face if it was a full moon? Like what are the deal breakers here?
I think that was the first PM that really made me feel uncomfortable here. The other, very few, asshatty PMs I've gotten have been just stupid, but that message after having posted my pic was just... Yeah, not nice.

I quite like the theory that it depends on the phase of the moon wether he'd rape my face or not. Maybe he's a biodynamic face rapist. 🤷🏻*♀️
I think that was the first PM that really made me feel uncomfortable here. The other, very few, asshatty PMs I've gotten have been just stupid, but that message after having posted my pic was just... Yeah, not nice.

I quite like the theory that it depends on the phase of the moon wether he'd rape my face or not. Maybe he's a biodynamic face rapist. 🤷🏻*♀️

I hate to hear that it actually bothered you. That’s not a good feeling. Please don’t let something like this steal your time and energy.
They aren’t worth it.
I think that was the first PM that really made me feel uncomfortable here. The other, very few, asshatty PMs I've gotten have been just stupid, but that message after having posted my pic was just... Yeah, not nice.

I quite like the theory that it depends on the phase of the moon wether he'd rape my face or not. Maybe he's a biodynamic face rapist. 🤷🏻*♀️

I’m sorry, seela!:rose:
Sometimes it’s the timing that throws you for a loop.
Yeah, timing mattered here greatly…

Making fun of the dude is dandy, clearly an idiot. And I’m okay, just not likely to post any pics or anything too personal for a while. :)
Well. Now I’m even more pissed.

Wanna hear something?

I had planned on starting a “12 days of booby Christmas” thing literally the next day when I got the PM and decided it’s not worth it right now. It was 12 days to Christmas then. :)

Next year!
Wanna hear something?

I had planned on starting a “12 days of booby Christmas” thing literally the next day when I got the PM and decided it’s not worth it right now. It was 12 days to Christmas then. :)

Next year!

Well Asshat, I hope you’re proud of yourself!
I hate to hear that it actually bothered you. That’s not a good feeling. Please don’t let something like this steal your time and energy.
They aren’t worth it.

You mean well but the reality is that we deal with threats like this and many of us have actually been assaulted. While it seems we should be able to just roll our eyes and move on, we can’t. If we get hurt it’s our fault. If we take precautions we’re paranoid.

Seela, please PM me the name of this potential rapist. I’ll gladly spread the word to anyone who wants to know who to be wary of. Fucking disgusting piece of shit deserves a name and shame in public but we’ll do what we always do. Share and block out the shrivel-dicked asshat.
You mean well but the reality is that we deal with threats like this and many of us have actually been assaulted. While it seems we should be able to just roll our eyes and move on, we can’t. If we get hurt it’s our fault. If we take precautions we’re paranoid.

Seela, please PM me the name of this potential rapist. I’ll gladly spread the word to anyone who wants to know who to be wary of. Fucking disgusting piece of shit deserves a name and shame in public but we’ll do what we always do. Share and block out the shrivel-dicked asshat.

You mean well but the reality is that we deal with threats like this and many of us have actually been assaulted. While it seems we should be able to just roll our eyes and move on, we can’t. If we get hurt it’s our fault. If we take precautions we’re paranoid.

Seela, please PM me the name of this potential rapist. I’ll gladly spread the word to anyone who wants to know who to be wary of. Fucking disgusting piece of shit deserves a name and shame in public but we’ll do what we always do. Share and block out the shrivel-dicked asshat.
