Do guns make us more safe?

I am too old to kick your ass now so YES guns make me feel like it's still an even fight.
What does this have to do with the erroneous perception that guns make us safer?

(It seems you are looking for an argument.)
Nope. Originally I bought my firearms to hunt. Didn't like that so much, but I liked shooting so I switched to target shooting instead. Peaceful, law abiding uses of firearms.
1) I actually do known more - a LOT more - than most of you.
You've yet to show it though, please try harder.
Do you also think your doctor, lawyer, and accountant are condescending because they know more than most people in their areas of expertise?
They have their Degree's,where's yours. Trust me, I don't accept a Professionals word without their credentials. I've yet to see yours.
2) Where you live, whether you are safe, and what you have or don’t have, do not concern me.
I don't want armed idiots moving into an area of a safe society, bringing their fear mongering. So yes I have right to be concerned.
3) It would be a wonderful thing if people could learn how to mind their own business again… instead of trying to have their way by feigning concern for others. That really is the most vile form of busybody.
Then keep your opinions to yourself, and I would do the same. You were the one who posted this originally, don't get in a fit because I replied.
4) If you are happy to be unarmed
Where did I say I was unarmed? Go back and re read for understanding. I said there was no crime, you seem to think no crime happens because people are armed.
I already know and I don’t really care.
Yes, we can see how you don't care, your post say it all the time...*chuckles*
Stalking victims, domestic violence victims, residents of high crime neighborhoods
So, when was the last time you were stalked? No domestic violence in your family right? ( if there was, you'd be the first suspect anyhow, you know being male and all). High crime neighbourhoods, like you live in one of those.....Fucking fear mongering, is all.
One thing I notice from those who are extreme 2A supporters is that the primary concern is for themselves and their guns regardless of the cost to others and society as a whole.
One thing I notice from those who are extreme 2A supporters is that the primary concern is for themselves and their guns regardless of the cost to others and society as a whole.
No different than those that refused to wear masks. Their way or no way
One thing I notice from those who are extreme 2A supporters is that the primary concern is for themselves and their guns regardless of the cost to others and society as a whole.
I know YOU ain't lookin out for me, honey. Neither is anyone else. I hope you will never have to have that revelation one day.
One thing I notice from those who are extreme 2A supporters is that the primary concern is for themselves and their guns regardless of the cost to others and society as a whole.

Unsurprisingly, a lot of them are the same individuals who advocate for continuing to produce ridiculously overpowered ICE personal vehicles despite the cost to others and society as a whole.

It a “fuck the world” mentality on steroids.



Unsurprisingly, a lot of them are the same individuals who advocate for continuing to produce ridiculously overpowered ICE personal vehicles despite the cost to others and society as a whole.

It a “fuck the world” mentality on steroids.



Well you know everyone is psychologically bent to you.
I know YOU ain't lookin out for me, honey. Neither is anyone else. I hope you will never have to have that revelation one day.

You've made two assumptions about me based on how you think, darlin'. I think you may want to rethink that.

I am already fully aware of the "I got mine" crowd.

As to why you feel the need to condescend... whatever. I'm really not in the mood to deal with the male ego.
I have many guns. I like my many guns. I regularly go to a range shoot my many guns. I like doing that so much that I taught my kids how to safely handle and maintain guns. By the time they were 10 I had them on a range learning to shooting with me. They each enjoyed it so much I know another gun for each of them. My wife didn't like guns, I took her to a range to do some shooting with me. Now she has a couple guns.

People are bad. Guns are not bad. They are tools with a variety of uses, and yes SAFETY is one of them. I'm in my 40s and I've owned a gun since I was my early teens. In all that time I've only ever had to draw my gun on another person twice. Both times the other person who clearly did not legally own their gun drew theirs first. Lucky neither time did I have to pull the trigger, dealing with the extra bs afterword would have been annoying. My gun was out, aimed and ready to fire before they even knew I had one. Both times situation quickly de-escalated when my gun came out aimed at them. With them being locked up afterword of course. I'd gladly pay that fine for drawing a weapon in public again too. Being alive means that I can.

Do I want to take a life? No. Will I let some idiot with a gun kill my family, myself, or someone else around me? No. Will I take the life of said idiot that uses a gun threateningly around me. If I have to, absolutely.

I really do like my guns. That being said if someone could figure a way to remove ALL other guns from the world and prevent more being made then I'd be more than happy to be the last one in line to turn my guns over to witness their destruction. I do have other more fun hobbies afterall
I have many guns. I like my many guns. I regularly go to a range shoot my many guns. I like doing that so much that I taught my kids how to safely handle and maintain guns. By the time they were 10 I had them on a range learning to shooting with me. They each enjoyed it so much I know another gun for each of them. My wife didn't like guns, I took her to a range to do some shooting with me. Now she has a couple guns.

People are bad. Guns are not bad. They are tools with a variety of uses, and yes SAFETY is one of them. I'm in my 40s and I've owned a gun since I was my early teens. In all that time I've only ever had to draw my gun on another person twice. Both times the other person who clearly did not legally own their gun drew theirs first. Lucky neither time did I have to pull the trigger, dealing with the extra bs afterword would have been annoying. My gun was out, aimed and ready to fire before they even knew I had one. Both times situation quickly de-escalated when my gun came out aimed at them. With them being locked up afterword of course. I'd gladly pay that fine for drawing a weapon in public again too. Being alive means that I can.

Do I want to take a life? No. Will I let some idiot with a gun kill my family, myself, or someone else around me? No. Will I take the life of said idiot that uses a gun threateningly around me. If I have to, absolutely.

I really do like my guns. That being said if someone could figure a way to remove ALL other guns from the world and prevent more being made then I'd be more than happy to be the last one in line to turn my guns over to witness their destruction. I do have other more fun hobbies afterall
I think you're really talking about penises here.
The article beings with the false premise that people are "wrong" when t hey believe guns make them safer. It then tries to bootstrap that position into fact.

Some facts:

Guns don't make you "safe" they make it less likely that you're going to be a helpless victim. You may still be a victim, but you're not a helpless one.

Guns aren't the #1 killer of children in America. You only get the total number cited if you include adults and suicides. Remove those and you see the real numbers aren't even close to auto accidents. And, while suicide by gun is a problem, it's not the gun's fault that someone is mentally ill enough to take their own life. Thus, at the core mental illness is a larger killer of American's than guns.

In the end, the argument does what all progressive arguments do. It twists facts to support a preconceived conclusion and then manipulates the narrative to make it appear to the STUPID AND GULLLIBLE that it's true. The problem is that it's not true and anyone who looks out the window should be able to understand that without guns the bad guys will rule the world and there will be no peace anywhere for anyone.
Well you know everyone is psychologically bent to you.

Not at all.

adrina specifically identified EXTREME 2A supporters as having a problem.

I concur.

I actually am a 2A supporter, just not EXTREME.

Banning the manufacture, importation, and distribution of certain weapons and accessories, along with more robust oversight / documentation of gun sales and more stringent requirements for gun ownership, are not “extreme” demands from the sensible gun regulation crowd.

If America starts enacting reasonable gun laws now, a significant reduction in the availability of EXTREME guns and accessories could be achieved in short order. A significant reduction in the number of unfit / unqualified people “legally” purchasing / possessing guns could also be achieved in short order.


The article beings with the false premise that people are "wrong" when t hey believe guns make them safer. It then tries to bootstrap that position into fact.

Some facts:

Guns don't make you "safe" they make it less likely that you're going to be a helpless victim. You may still be a victim, but you're not a helpless one.

Guns aren't the #1 killer of children in America. You only get the total number cited if you include adults and suicides. Remove those and you see the real numbers aren't even close to auto accidents. And, while suicide by gun is a problem, it's not the gun's fault that someone is mentally ill enough to take their own life. Thus, at the core mental illness is a larger killer of American's than guns.

In the end, the argument does what all progressive arguments do. It twists facts to support a preconceived conclusion and then manipulates the narrative to make it appear to the STUPID AND GULLLIBLE that it's true. The problem is that it's not true and anyone who looks out the window should be able to understand that without guns the bad guys will rule the world and there will be no peace anywhere for anyone.
Fake news. Which is your Constitutional Right of course (especially if you're trying to overturn the Constitution).
If they would just enforce the laws on the books now.

Not good enough for all the reasons that have been clearly explained to death.

I specifically said “America” because there is a need for federal standards.

