Do guns make us more safe?

And the greater the suicide rate.

The gun was only the tool, mental illness was the driving force that led to the suicides.

Take away the gun and the suicide will still occur, they will just use another method.
The gun was only the tool, mental illness was the driving force that led to the suicides.

Take away the gun and the suicide will still occur, they will just use another method.
Not likely. The gun is the easiest, which makes the decision easier. Using another weapon is more difficult, likely providing more of a pause between decision and execution....the more time, the more likely they will change their mind.
An armed society is a polite society. Loot the cities that have the strictest gun control and you see the most violence. Criminals go no obey laws. That is kind of the definition of criminal. I have been in situations where the person knew I was armed and immediately changed their attitude and left. I have no doubt if they were sure I was unarmed they would have reacted different. As much as liberal hate to admit men and women are physically different. The average woman isn’t as strong as the average man. A firearm is an equalizer. I have never had to draw my firearm in self defense.
An armed society is a polite society. Loot the cities that have the strictest gun control and you see the most violence. Criminals go no obey laws. That is kind of the definition of criminal. I have been in situations where the person knew I was armed and immediately changed their attitude and left. I have no doubt if they were sure I was unarmed they would have reacted different. As much as liberal hate to admit men and women are physically different. The average woman isn’t as strong as the average man. A firearm is an equalizer. I have never had to draw my firearm in self defense.
Real world data contradicts your claim. Gun deaths are higher per capita in places with lax gun laws.

More guns = more mayhem and death.
They make me more safe.

1) I have fired everything from a BB gun to an M1 tank and have used guns since I was a child. Unlike most of you, I know what I’m doing.

2) I live in a place where everyone is armed, or presumed to be, so we don’t have any crime… but we do get the occasional bear in the yard.

3) Whether the rest of you feel safer or know what you’re doing isn’t anything I can affect so it’s not my concern.
Wow, no crime. How do you do it? Population 5?

Please share a zip code so we can see this “we don’t have any crime” for ourselves.
An armed society is a polite society. Loot the cities that have the strictest gun control and you see the most violence. Criminals go no obey laws. That is kind of the definition of criminal. I have been in situations where the person knew I was armed and immediately changed their attitude and left. I have no doubt if they were sure I was unarmed they would have reacted different. As much as liberal hate to admit men and women are physically different. The average woman isn’t as strong as the average man. A firearm is an equalizer. I have never had to draw my firearm in self defense.
I have seen several links in this thread to data and research that disagrees with your statement. have a study that proves those wrong and you right? You wanna come play at the adult table...bring the proof
I live on a remote mountaintop and the population near us isn’t much as everyone out here has lots of acres.

From my back deck I look across three ridge lines. At night, in all that space, there are only a dozen lights. Out front, less.

So yeah. No crime here, much less the “gun violence” that is the subject of the thread.

The county has one small city and even there the crime rates, violent and all other types, are significantly lower than average.

As for where? Forget it. We’re not looking for any new neighbors.
Sounds miserable. You have my sympathies.
I live on a remote mountaintop and the population near us isn’t much as everyone out here has lots of acres.

From my back deck I look across three ridge lines. At night, in all that space, there are only a dozen lights. Out front, less.

So yeah. No crime here, much less the “gun violence” that is the subject of the thread.

The county has one small city and even there the crime rates, violent and all other types, are significantly lower than average.

As for where? Forget it. We’re not looking for any new neighbors.
That is what the last guy said...yet violent crime in his county was 122. That is 22% higher than nationwide average. Drugs are the bitch. But cool. Stay there. We don't want don't want us.
I live on a remote mountaintop and the population near us isn’t much as everyone out here has lots of acres.

From my back deck I look across three ridge lines. At night, in all that space, there are only a dozen lights. Out front, less.

So yeah. No crime here, much less the “gun violence” that is the subject of the thread.

The county has one small city and even there the crime rates, violent and all other types, are significantly lower than average.

As for where? Forget it. We’re not looking for any new neighbors.
So not really the guns causing the lack of crime- the lack of people causes the lack of crime.

I’m perfectly happy where I am, not looking to move.
People are ALWAYS the cause of crime. All crime. Pretending otherwise is politically convenient, but only encourages more crime.
Sure have the ability to do more with guns to help them. Protection is one thing, but most don’t really need them for that. They just feed their ego.

People are the ones who attack classrooms of kids, but if it was a butter knife it wouldn’t last long. That’s the gun part of this.
There are a lot more options than guns and butter knives. That you chose that pairing, and that you discount people wanting to protect themselves in favor of ego, reveals your inability to have a serious discussion or thought process about guns.


Goodbye, that seems to be your pat answer every time your points are debated.
There are a lot more options than guns and butter knives. That you chose that pairing, and that you discount people wanting to protect themselves in favor of ego, reveals your inability to have a serious discussion or thought process about guns.

Not really a debate. You don’t need a semi automatic weapon. Period. A hand gun, maybe. I can see that if you were looking for protection.

I’m perfectly safe carrying nothing. Have never had an issue.

You might we be worried about bear, and that works for you. Hope it’s not a tank you are using for your deterrent.

But, it’s your choice to own guns- but don’t just be glib and say the guns play no part in the crime.

Would you prefer a butcher knife? Ohhhhh…

Maybe they could bring spoon? (It would hurt more… pour guy of gisborne)

And yes, how many guns do you need to protect yourself? Versus how many do most have? Needing multiple safes (while good for family safety- kids can get into trouble without that) to lock up your guns, a bit too far of what it is needed.

But please enjoy your mountain top, don’t try to inject your false equivalence of guns/crime on the rest in the real world.

Have a great day mountain man.
Real world data contradicts your claim. Gun deaths are higher per capita in places with lax gun laws.

More guns = more mayhem and death.
That is why cities like Chicago and Baltimore are such peaceful utopias to live in!! You know what is great about the USA. We can all have different opinions. And my options of protecting myself and family are protected by the Constitution!! God Bless America. And our founding fathers who had the foresight to right the 2nd amendment. “Shall not be infringed!!” So feel free to post signs in your yards saying gun free zones, and that you support gun control. I will post my NRA signs and we will see whose house is most likely targeted by criminals. Who guess what. Will have guns.
That is why cities like Chicago and Baltimore are such peaceful utopias to live in!! You know what is great about the USA. We can all have different opinions. And my options of protecting myself and family are protected by the Constitution!! God Bless America. And our founding fathers who had the foresight to right the 2nd amendment. “Shall not be infringed!!” So feel free to post signs in your yards saying gun free zones, and that you support gun control. I will post my NRA signs and we will see whose house is most likely targeted by criminals. Who guess what. Will have guns.
Anecdotes about Chicago and Baltimore are not evidence. Statistically both cities are safer than rural Alabama. The second amendment is not absolute; that's why it's constitutional to restrict all sorts of weapons for all sorts of reasons.

You're much more likely to shoot yourself or a member of your own family with one of your guns than ever shoot a criminal.
Anecdotes about Chicago and Baltimore are not evidence. Statistically both cities are safer than rural Alabama. The second amendment is not absolute; that's why it's constitutional to restrict all sorts of weapons for all sorts of reasons.

You're much more likely to shoot yourself or a member of your own family with one of your guns than ever shoot a criminal.
You have no fucking idea of what you are talking about, keep drinking the hemlock
Bad night for the pieces of shit...their Leader became the first ex-president to get a mug shot...and they are showing so much anger in threads like this.
I was once going by an elderly woman who was being attacked by two big dogs. At the time I did not carry and when another guy stopped to help out, he had some firewood in the back of his truck, and so we clubbed the dogs off her with pieces of wood. She spent months in intensive care and had a dozen surgeries, but miraculously survived. From that day forward, I said I would never be without something to prevent suffering like that.

In my own house, I had someone come in at 2 AM. I sleep with one eye open anyway, heard them and got to my shotgun in time. The police said I was well within my rights to shoot the man, even though I did not have to resort to that. Seeing me with a shotgun was enough for him to leave.

I make a living with livestock, and if you have livestock, you have sickstock, and sometimes they need to be put down. Equally there are predators like coyotes that like my livestock to be deadstock. If you have ever seen a coyote eat the back quarter off a calf and have it slowly die, you will understand why shooting them is human as at is in making money from farming.

But anyone who says a semi-auto rifle is not needed, has never had to deal with coyotes. They are wily, and often quite a few yards out. You won't get a second shot off with a bolt action, a shotgun does not have the range, and taking them out depends on who happens to be home. An AR-15 however is ideal. It has a low enough kick so my daughters can use it, reaches out to 300 yards, has multiple shots, and with a variety of ammo types can be used as an all around gun. In fact, its the most popular rifle in the USA because its like our forefathers flint-locks above the mantle... a great, do-all family rifle.

I have a ton of guns in this house, but most often times, I grab an AR-15 to do what needs to be done just because it is so versatile.

Yep, all my guns have killed something, but I am not a suburbanite that gets a new dog every ten years. My farm has hundreds of animals born, not to mention the thousands of wildlife that are born every year on the hundreds of acres of land that I got. Because of that, my life has an immense amount of life and rebirth, but sadly with so much life, comes a need for death. People in suburbia and urban areas will just never understand that, but then they also have less responsibility. It is why they move out here, and on average, move back within 7 years. Its the responsibility that it takes to live out here that they cannot handle.
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