Do guns make us more safe?

No WE are NOT the problem. Your need to stereotype all gun owners as criminals or mentally ill is the problem. Coincidentally that attitude is why you never accomplish anything to stop gun violence.
Someone makes a comment that if a law was passed, the law-abiding would comply. You react with a comment about those people being criminals or mentally ill reveals much about yourself.
"gun deaths have reached an all time high"..... hmmmm, gun deaths, not mass shooting deaths. we're going to agree to disagree. good day & best of luck using that asshat/moron to sound persuasive.
You seem to be under the erroneous assumption that the problem with guns in America is limited to mass shootings.

You are choosing to take a singularly narrow perception.

You had the opportunity to take on new information and instead you decided to shoot the messenger. There is no agreeing to disagree. I can neither agree nor disagree with anyone who disregards pertinent information which is used to form the basis of their opinion. That's just stupid.
I feel the 2nd amendment is an unamendable amendment handed down to Americans by God.
The 2nd Amendment has been amended already, several times. There was a time when it applied to regulated militias but no more.

It was handed down by men who were very clear that superstition should have no part in law or government.
No WE are NOT the problem.
Yes you are,why? Because you don't think you need to address the issues. Because there is 2A,you sit back and think that "right" will not disappear. Got news for you. Your enshrined rights are only valid if the majority agrees. There was a time when people thought alcohol would wouldn't get banned, and guess what, it did.
our need to stereotype all gun owners as criminals or mentally ill is the problem.
I didn't stereotype anyone. You claimed to be a law abiding gun owner. Then when asked a hypothetical, you failed to answer you would follow the law. You own that response Hitch.
Coincidentally that attitude is why you never accomplish anything to stop gun violence.
lol what fucking gun violence. You guys have more mass shootings a week now, than Canada has ever had, since before we were even a country!!
The 2nd Amendment has been amended already, several times. There was a time when it applied to regulated militias but no more.

It was handed down by men who were very clear that superstition should have no part in law or government.
And I wish that more of our lawmakers yesterday and today would use the Jeffersonian Bible, or better yet, none at all.
I said this in context to Goodgirl’s original post. Predicting how I felt the line of thinking Goodgirl would eventually take when Adrina, to my lament, AGAIN posted useful information and mildly entertained the racist (and it IS racist, but folks just can’t see it nor stop) “Chicago” murder BS almost each and everyone uses to bolster their position. And then Goodgirl proved me right when she picked up her silly self righteousness and ran away crying home.
You and I aren’t disagreeing - I’m using your post to call her out again just in case she’s still reading, while knowing that someone else new will say the same things again later.

The Science Is Clear: Gun Control Saves Lives​

By enacting simple laws that make guns safer and harder to get, we can prevent killings like the ones in Uvalde and Buffalo
The science is abundantly clear: More guns do not stop crime. Guns kill more children each year than auto accidents. More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members. Guns are a public health crisis, just like COVID, and in this, we are failing our children, over and over again.

In the U.S., we have existing infrastructure that we could easily emulate to make gun use safer: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Created by Congress in 1970, this federal agency is tasked, among other things, with helping us drive a car safely. It gathers data on automobile deaths. It’s the agency that monitors and studies seat belt usage. While we track firearm-related deaths, no such safety-driven agency exists for gun use.

During the early 1990s, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began to explore gun violence as a public health issue. After studies tied having a firearm to increased homicide risk, the National Rifle Association took action, spearheading the infamous Dickey Amendment, diverting gun research dollars and preventing federal funding from being used to promote gun control. For more than 20 years, research on gun violence in this country has been hard to do.

The Science Is Clear: Gun Control Saves Lives​

By enacting simple laws that make guns safer and harder to get, we can prevent killings like the ones in Uvalde and Buffalo
You admit that the US has lacked government funded studies of the problem!
Absent your biased and convenient science I would imagine that the next best thing to do is to then compare the US to other industrialized and democratic countries like the UK, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Germany and come back and tell me how they handle this made up gun issue.
You bleeding heart libs and your so called facts!

Guns making Michigan safe: Some crazy in camo uses his 2A right to shoot up police cruisers. Send for moar gunz!
This guy is not your average gun owner. He is at the very least a criminal and potentially mentally ill. But keep spewing how law abiding gun owners are the problem. With the amount of law abiding gun owners and the amount of firearms and ammunition in private hands if we were the problem there certainly would be far more violence and blood shed that there is.
Yes you are,why? Because you don't think you need to address the issues. Because there is 2A,you sit back and think that "right" will not disappear. Got news for you. Your enshrined rights are only valid if the majority agrees. There was a time when people thought alcohol would wouldn't get banned, and guess what, it did.

I didn't stereotype anyone. You claimed to be a law abiding gun owner. Then when asked a hypothetical, you failed to answer you would follow the law. You own that response Hitch.

lol what fucking gun violence. You guys have more mass shootings a week now, than Canada has ever had, since before we were even a country!!
I could debate everything you posted here but I will simply ask this. Why in the fuck do you canadians care so much about what happens in the US? Like I said before, my guess is the vast majority of Americans couldn't possibly care less about what happens internally in canada.
I could debate everything you posted here
You've debated fuck all. You had your chance to show you're what you claim,and Tom made you fail miserably.
Why in the fuck do you canadians care so much about what happens in the US?
Because your fucking handguns are flowing across the board into the hands of criminals up here. They come from dumbfuck gun owners who don't store them properly, or store robberies or a hundred other sources.

That and I care about innocent children being mowed down before they even had a chance to live. That is why I care, borders shouldn't matter when were talking innocent children being killed needlessly and you fucking should care too!!!
Like I said before, my guess is the vast majority of Americans couldn't possibly care less about what happens internally in canada.
Yes I know you're all a bunch of self center pricks who only care about themselves. You're a case in point. Law abiding,only until you disagree with the law....

Oh and I should point out, we have our guns too, and there isn't a huge amount of mass shootings. Why would that be? Hmmm care to think on that. I'll bet my 20 that they are safer than yours, harder to access than yours, and NONE of them are for DEFENCE. We have police for that!!
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This guy is not your average gun owner. He is at the very least a criminal and potentially mentally ill. But keep spewing how law abiding gun owners are the problem. With the amount of law abiding gun owners and the amount of firearms and ammunition in private hands if we were the problem there certainly would be far more violence and blood shed that there is.
So first you prove you have zero concert of what the word "average" means (he's a white male in camo gear). Then you pretend that threatening to be a bigger problem means somehow you aren't a problem already. Yikes
You've debated fuck all. You had your chance to show you're what you claim,and Tom made you fail miserably.

Because your fucking handguns are flowing across the board into the hands of criminals up here. They come from dumbfuck gun owners who don't store them properly, or store robberies or a hundred other sources.

That and I care about innocent children being mowed down before they even had a chance to live. That is why I care, borders shouldn't matter when were talking innocent children being killed needlessly and you fucking should care too!!!

Yes I know you're all a bunch of self center pricks who only care about themselves. You're a case in point. Law abiding,only until you disagree with the law....

Oh and I should point out, we have our guns too, and there isn't a huge amount of mass shootings. Why would that be? Hmmm care to think on that. I'll bet my 20 that they are safer than yours, harder to access than yours, and NONE of them are for DEFENCE. We have police for that!!

Please don't call everybody on the opposite side of the fence a self centered prick, because your opinion is one or two certain ones are. That's quite rude and ignorant on your part. We should all try to be somewhat civil to each other, especially today because everybody can use more kindness.

You have police for defense, as do we in the US. But, even you must agree, that especially in larger cities (specifically those that are 'gun-free') criminals don't give the courtesy to allow victims to call 911 before perpetrating their crimes. Police and EMS response times are great, i'm sure & for the most part, first responders work their asses off without nearly enough consideration or thanks. BUT, they cannot be everywhere. Average response time last I read, I think was about 6 minutes. That's a helluva lotta bullets those bad guys can shoot before the back-up on the side of good/innocent people arrives. I'd rather be able to defend myself than have to depend upon the overworked, underappreciated and stressed out first responders, no offense meant to anybody.
Because your fucking handguns are flowing across the board into the hands of criminals up here. They come from dumbfuck gun owners who don't store them properly, or store robberies or a hundred other sources.

That and I care about innocent children being mowed down before they even had a chance to live. That is why I care, borders shouldn't matter when were talking innocent children being killed needlessly and you fucking should care too!!!

So despite all the blather about gangs not shooting up civilians, and guns being controlled and gun violence against civilians low, now you are saying gun violence is a problem? You said the gangs and criminals avoided shooting up children, so who is doing it? Or was what was said previously about guns in canada nothing but Bull Shit?

Yes I know you're all a bunch of self center pricks who only care about themselves. You're a case in point. Law abiding,only until you disagree with the law....

The ultimate law here is the Constitution, not some DA, or city council, or state legislators. You hypothetical scenario is just that hypothetical. To be honest the odds of it happening here are zero. No politician or party is willing to risk their demise by coming out supporting ending the 2nd Amendment.

Oh and I should point out, we have our guns too, and there isn't a huge amount of mass shootings. Why would that be? Hmmm care to think on that. I'll bet my 20 that they are safer than yours, harder to access than yours, and NONE of them are for DEFENCE. We have police for that!!

So which is it? As you said above innocent children being mowed down or you don't have mass shootings. Make up your mind, or are you just a propagandist that says whatever you need to to sell your point.

Send me your 20 then. All of mine either not in use, or being carried concealed, are locked in one of my safes. No guns laying around and my gun safe is a good one, it won't be broken into by your average crook or crack head.

In the US the Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no specific obligation to protect. Meaning they have no obligation to protect you WHILE a crime is being committed. Since they haver no obligation to protect, and obviously can't be everywhere all the time some of us choose to be prepared to protect ourselves. That doesn't make us a threat, or dangerous, or a criminal. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not because this isn't your country.
Please don't call everybody on the opposite side of the fence a self centered prick, because your opinion is one or two certain ones are. That's quite rude and ignorant on your part. We should all try to be somewhat civil to each other, especially today because everybody can use more kindness.
Did I call you one? Obviously not. But you start chirping the old song and dance like Hitch does, and you'll be called the same.
You have police for defense, as do we in the US. But, even you must agree, that especially in larger cities (specifically those that are 'gun-free') criminals don't give the courtesy to allow victims to call 911 before perpetrating their crimes.
Oh here comes the "fear factor'.
Police and EMS response times are great, i'm sure & for the most part, first responders work their asses off without nearly enough consideration or thanks. BUT, they cannot be everywhere. Average response time last I read, I think was about 6 minutes.
Irrelevant point when the discussion is around (for the most part) white males, taking high power large capacity magazines to schools and shooting innocent children to death. Or did you miss that little statement I made in the reply to Hitch?
That's a helluva lotta bullets those bad guys can shoot before the back-up on the side of good/innocent people arrives.
Yes, given the access to high capacity mags, and bump stocks and weapons who purpose of design was to efficiently kill people that the average American can buy, without even a basic safety course on firearms. It's becoming pretty common place.
I'd rather be able to defend myself than have to depend upon the overworked, underappreciated and stressed out first responders, no offense meant to anybody.
Ever been shot at? Ever had to shoot at someone, or even point a firearm when in danger? Guess what,it's not like the movies. Why do you think the trained professionals practice so much? The last person I ever want to be near, if a threat happens is you. An untrained armed scared person.
I could debate everything you posted here but I will simply ask this. Why in the fuck do you canadians care so much about what happens in the US? Like I said before, my guess is the vast majority of Americans couldn't possibly care less about what happens internally in canada.
If you're going to reply, don't bury your replies in my post. Learn how to fucking quote.
Please don't call everybody on the opposite side of the fence a self centered prick, because your opinion is one or two certain ones are. That's quite rude and ignorant on your part. We should all try to be somewhat civil to each other, especially today because everybody can use more kindness.

You have police for defense, as do we in the US. But, even you must agree, that especially in larger cities (specifically those that are 'gun-free') criminals don't give the courtesy to allow victims to call 911 before perpetrating their crimes. Police and EMS response times are great, i'm sure & for the most part, first responders work their asses off without nearly enough consideration or thanks. BUT, they cannot be everywhere. Average response time last I read, I think was about 6 minutes. That's a helluva lotta bullets those bad guys can shoot before the back-up on the side of good/innocent people arrives. I'd rather be able to defend myself than have to depend upon the overworked, underappreciated and stressed out first responders, no offense meant to anybody.
The only self centered pricks on this forum are canadians who feel they have the right to tell us what to do, and liberals.

We do NOT have the police for defense against every day crime. The Supreme Court has ruled decision that the police do not have a specific obligation to protect.
So first you prove you have zero concert of what the word "average" means (he's a white male in camo gear). Then you pretend that threatening to be a bigger problem means somehow you aren't a problem already. Yikes
So every white male is suspect to you?

I'm no problem at all. If you are a teacher the kids you spew your insane blather to are more trouble to the future than I am.
Fuzzy:Because your fucking handguns are flowing across the board into the hands of criminals up here. They come from dumbfuck gun owners who don't store them properly, or store robberies or a hundred other sources.

That and I care about innocent children being mowed down before they even had a chance to live. That is why I care, borders shouldn't matter when were talking innocent children being killed needlessly and you fucking should care too!!!

Hitch:So despite all the blather about gangs not shooting up civilians, and guns being controlled and gun violence against civilians low, now you are saying gun violence is a problem? You said the gangs and criminals avoided shooting up children, so who is doing it? Or was what was said previously about guns in canada nothing but Bull Shit?

I never said there wasn't a problem, I said its not an issue. Hell there is not a street in Canada I would have a problem walking down at 2 am. However our police forces and border security spend a hell of a lot of money, trying to keep you fucking handguns out of here. So yes I can bitch about that. I also notice how you just fucking run from the kids getting shot....

Fuzzy:Yes I know you're all a bunch of self center pricks who only care about themselves. You're a case in point. Law abiding,only until you disagree with the law..

Hitch:The ultimate law here is the Constitution, not some DA, or city council, or state legislators. You hypothetical scenario is just that hypothetical. To be honest the odds of it happening here are zero. No politician or party is willing to risk their demise by coming out supporting ending the 2nd Amendment.

And yet you failed the hypothetical,and still refuse to say if you'd obey the law!!

Fuzzy:Oh and I should point out, we have our guns too, and there isn't a huge amount of mass shootings. Why would that be? Hmmm care to think on that. I'll bet my 20 that they are safer than yours, harder to access than yours, and NONE of them are for DEFENCE. We have police for that!

Hitch:So which is it? As you said above innocent children being mowed down or you don't have mass shootings. Make up your mind, or are you just a propagandist that says whatever you need to to sell your point.

We don't have innocent children being mowed down Hitch, nor do we have many mass shootings, see that's the point. You have those problems, and you refuse to deal with them. That is why you're a selfish prick!

Send me your 20 then. All of mine either not in use, or being carried concealed, are locked in one of my safes. No guns laying around and my gun safe is a good one, it won't be broken into by your average crook or crack head.

All of mine are locked in fireproof gun safes, bolted to the floor and wall, the rifles or shotguns inside have trigger locks installed or action locks for the 12 gauges. Ammunition is stored in separate safe, in a different room in locked ammo cases. As per law. When they are out, it is for hunting or target practice, and they are never out of my sight.

In the US the Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no specific obligation to protect. Meaning they have no obligation to protect you WHILE a crime is being committed. Since they haver no obligation to protect, and obviously can't be everywhere all the time some of us choose to be prepared to protect ourselves. That doesn't make us a threat, or dangerous, or a criminal. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not because this isn't your country.

Yes, the USA the country that had vigilantism issues in the 1880's has now forgotten that and is going back to it in the 2020's. Maybe go read up about the cops in Texas bitching about the new concealed carry laws. Seems 6 or 7 officers have been shot lately. Pretty soon those cops are going to really start shooting first, and asking questions later....
So every white male is suspect to you?

I'm no problem at all. If you are a teacher the kids you spew your insane blather to are more trouble to the future than I am.
You already proved you have no idea what average means, you don't need to continue to do so.

You just threatened to encourage gun enthusiasts to shoot and kill and injure more people to show what a problem they can be. You use your votes and probably financial support for candidates in the gun lobby's pocket who push legislation that makes guns easier to get and more plentiful. That agenda has lead to more fun violence and deaths than ever - and that's on you. I go to class and practice putting my life on the line to protect and shield those kids who are getting shot and killed regularly because of the guns you work so hard to make available and in the hands of people who should never have them. You're a huge problem and lying to yourself more about it doesn't make it any better.
The only self centered pricks on this forum are canadians who feel they have the right to tell us what to do, and liberals.
Aww you don't like that others have to be you Hitch....*chuckles*
We do NOT have the police for defense against every day crime.
What defence do you need? You going to start shooting the porch bandits???
The Supreme Court has ruled decision that the police do not have a specific obligation to protect.
I want to see the ruling on the above.