Do guns make us more safe?

Daily Gun Violence Impacting People of All Ages in the U.S.​

Every day, 327 people are shot in the United States. Among those:
  • 117 people are shot and killed
  • 210 survive gunshot injuries
  • 90 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
  • 46 are murdered
  • 67 die from gun suicide
  • 10 survive an attempted gun suicide
  • 1 is killed unintentionally
  • 90 are shot unintentionally and survive
  • 2 are killed by legal intervention*
  • 4 are shot by legal intervention and survive
  • 1 died but the intent was unknown
  • 12 are shot and survive but the intent was unknown

DAILY GUN VIOLENCE IMPACTING children and teens (1-17)​

Every day, 23 children and teens (1-17) are shot in the United States. Among those:
  • 6 die from gun violence
  • 3 are murdered
  • 17 children and teens survive gunshot injuries
  • 8 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
  • 2 children and teens either die from gun suicide or survive an attempted gun suicide
  • 8 children and teens are unintentionally shot in instances of family fire — a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death
But a single data point. A blip in society. And the data in analyses after analyses says SOCIETY is not safer. Understand the topic being discissed

Is that the same kind of "blip" or "single data point" of the guy in camo who shot up a police car that you keep trying say that "all gun owners" are like?

Or the cutesy internet memes created by clueless people just like you who don't really know what the fuck they're talking about but need click bait material for people like you to spread around?

Those "blips" or "single data points"?

Daily Gun Violence Impacting People of All Ages in the U.S.​

Every day, 327 people are shot in the United States. Among those:
  • 117 people are shot and killed
  • 210 survive gunshot injuries
  • 90 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
  • 46 are murdered
  • 67 die from gun suicide
  • 10 survive an attempted gun suicide
  • 1 is killed unintentionally
  • 90 are shot unintentionally and survive
  • 2 are killed by legal intervention*
  • 4 are shot by legal intervention and survive
  • 1 died but the intent was unknown
  • 12 are shot and survive but the intent was unknown

DAILY GUN VIOLENCE IMPACTING children and teens (1-17)​

Every day, 23 children and teens (1-17) are shot in the United States. Among those:
  • 6 die from gun violence
  • 3 are murdered
  • 17 children and teens survive gunshot injuries
  • 8 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
  • 2 children and teens either die from gun suicide or survive an attempted gun suicide
  • 8 children and teens are unintentionally shot in instances of family fire — a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death
The real world is also that you aren't part of a well regulated militia so the second amendment truly has nothing to do with you. The real world is also that every time you vote for politicians in the gun lobby pockets you are supporting all their laws that have made it easier for anyone, including criminals and the mentally ill, to get their hands on guns and therefore you are responsible morally and ethically for all the consequences of those, including about once a week where one of them goes into a school and shoots children. The real world is also that when you work so hard to defend and support your rights to have those guns you also support millions of irresponsible gun owners who aren't criminals or mentally ill but whose gun ownership still leads to violence and death (you're more likely to be shot in an accident at home than by a "good guy with a gun") and once again, you're responsible for all of those. You can - and based on all evidence will - keep lying to yourself and anyone else who will listen but you aren't doing anything positive or safer or good for anyone by supporting guns. You're increasing gun violence and gun deaths constantly whether you literally pull the trigger or not. That's the real world.

Seems to me that, what with you supposedly being a teacher and all, you might want to reconsider your false statements. Especially since the issue of militia service being connected with bearing arms was already decided and it's not what you're trying to say.

1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia...

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008)​

Seems to me that, what with you supposedly being a teacher and all, you might want to reconsider your false statements. Especially since the issue of militia service being connected with bearing arms was already decided and it's not what you're trying to say.

It's 100% what I said. What some judges who are in the gun lobby's pockets decided to try to rewrite history to justify doesn't change what the amendment is or why it is there.
It's 100% what I said. What some judges who are in the gun lobby's pockets decided to try to rewrite history to justify doesn't change what the amendment is or why it is there.

The fact that you disagree with the highest court in the land to try and substitute your uninformed and unenlightened opinion for theirs doesn't change anything, the Constitution means what THEY say it means, not you.

That means YOU are wrong. Period, full stop. Denying that only makes you look even more retarded than you do right now.
5 years. 3600 examples. Roughly 720 incidences per year. About 2 per day.

Just 325 to go before they catch up to the daily death rate. Cool.

If it saves the life of only 1 person...
The fact that you disagree with the highest court in the land to try and substitute your uninformed and unenlightened opinion for theirs doesn't change anything, the Constitution means what THEY say it means, not you.

That means YOU are wrong. Period, full stop. Denying that only makes you look even more retarded than you do right now.

Knock, knock.
Dis you telling the Supreme Court to go kick rocks?

“The State redistricting map was found to be unconstitutional and a new map was ordered to be drawn. The State redrew the map as they felt it should be. At that point the court got miffed because the State didn't do what the court wanted them to do so the court has now broken the law by ordering "experts" to do what is deemed illegal under both the Constitution and legal precedent. ONLY the States can determine the places for "choosing Senators." (Art 1, Sec. 4, Cl. 1) Those places are called "electoral districts" and determining their boundaries is within the sole province of the individual States under the US Constitution. (See: Moore v. Harper)

The State can legitimately tell the court and its "experts" to fuck off because an illegal order is null and void ab initio.”
If it saves the life of only 1 person...
huh? Are you seriously trying to say that an act of self defence is worth more than children murdered in their school???

Now there is no fucking way you can be that dense Arpy. That would be a new low for the entire RWCJ!!!
I will post it here too...

You know that escaped prisoner in Pennsylvania? Well now he is armed. Cause guns make us safer.
I will post it here too...

You know that escaped prisoner in Pennsylvania? Well now he is armed. Cause guns make us safer.
I came in here to make this exact comment. Guess ya gotta get up early in the morning to beat the Dribblemeister.
You know most of us would happily trade a higher cancer to better access to healthcare

You're an idiot. You make stupid statements just to object rather than debate out of spite and a desire to think you're being relevant by being obstinate.

NO ONE. NOT ONE FUCKING SOUL on the planet will legitimately trade a diagnosis that they now have cancer merely for access to health care. Because no one will trade being healthy and lacking health care for them dying but with health care.

But, people CAN compare the numbers and statistics for cancer to the numbers and statistics of gun deaths. And when placed side by side they will see that gun deaths aren't even close to the number of people who die every year from something as common as cancer despite the wads of cash and scientific/medical expertise being thrown at cancer.

Which would serve to illustrate that your statistics about gun deaths aren't as horrible as you'd like them to be even after you padded the fuck out of the data.