Do guns make us more safe?

And apparently you can't read. It says right on it in comparison to high income countries. Unless you think America should be compared with shit holes...

So your data isn't inclusive of all countries, it only includes the ones that the data compilers "cherry picked"?

And yet you bitch and complain about other's "cherry picking" their data sources?

Yes, that sound you're hearing is the world laughing at you.
Asking for a friend, is he white?

So your data isn't inclusive of all countries, it only includes the ones that the data compilers "cherry picked"?

And yet you bitch and complain about other's "cherry picking" their data sources?

Yes, that sound you're hearing is the world laughing at you.

You're an idiot. Seriously. Your bravado falls flat.

The US shouldn't be compared to third world shit holes when it comes to gun violence. Unless you want to say that America is as bad as third world shit holes when it comes to gun violence. Look up each of the areas the dipshit I responded to listed. The US isn't that far away from any of them. And in more than one metric, one or two spots away from them. Woohoo the US is just a little bit better when it comes to gun violence than third and second world shit holes!

Wow. This is nothing to crow about you fool.
You're an idiot. Seriously. Your bravado falls flat.

The US shouldn't be compared to third world shit holes when it comes to gun violence. Unless you want to say that America is as bad as third world shit holes when it comes to gun violence. Look up each of the areas the dipshit I responded to listed. The US isn't that far away from any of them. And in more than one metric, one or two spots away from them. Woohoo the US is just a little bit better when it comes to gun violence than third and second world shit holes!

Wow. This is nothing to crow about you fool.

Gun violence is gun violence whether it happens in a 3rd world shithole country or a ghetto in London, Chicago, or Buenos Aries.

That you somehow seem to think there's a moral difference between being shot in Minneapolis or Dallas/Ft Worth vis a vis Kabul or Mozambique is about THE most stupid thing you've ever said.
Gun violence is gun violence whether it happens in a 3rd world shithole country or a ghetto in London, Chicago, or Buenos Aries.

That you somehow seem to think there's a moral difference between being shot in Minneapolis or Dallas/Ft Worth vis a vis Kabul or Mozambique is about THE most stupid thing you've ever said.
Yes I understand that you would like to compare the United States among more violent countries instead of our peers. Unfortunately that's not how it works.
Yes I understand that you would like to compare the United States among more violent countries instead of our peers. Unfortunately that's not how it works.

Maybe not in your world, but in my world we here in America don't have to live in fear that we're going to be hauled out of our beds in the middle of the night by the government and tossed into jail without a chance to defend ourselves... oh wait... nebber mind...
Maybe not in your world, but in my world we here in America don't have to live in fear that we're going to be hauled out of our beds in the middle of the night by the government and tossed into jail without a chance to defend ourselves... oh wait... nebber mind...

Dramatic paranoid claptrap. In other words, par for the course for the hysterics - like you - among us.

The reality is that people in the more wealthy countries - our peers - do not live in fear of that. Only those who seek excuses to keep massive amounts of weapons regardless of how many people they kill think that way. To you, and those like you, more guns is more important than lives.

If you want to compare America to the more chaotic, less stable and generally more violent countries your point would be better aided if we stacked up far ahead of them. We don't. We're pretty neck and neck with second and third world violent shit holes when it comes to gun violence. Yay. Go team America.
They want to compare with third world countries because they are working hard to change the USA to become a third world country, all while pretending to everyone (even themselves) that they actually want greatness.
They want to compare with third world countries because they are working hard to change the USA to become a third world country, all while pretending to everyone (even themselves) that they actually want greatness.
That's not at all correct.
They want to compare with third world countries because they are working hard to change the USA to become a third world country, all while pretending to everyone (even themselves) that they actually want greatness.


A third world , dumbed down, ridiculously armed, white national authoritarian state where "they" can discriminate against and murder “those people” with impunity, while operating under the auspices of a GENUINELY corrupt legal and electoral system.


And here's another fine example.....of a smart, selfreliant, confident woman defending herself against an attacking thug wielding a shovel during an home invasion.... she pushed his off button, long dirt nap for him😎

The article doesn’t mention if the gun involved was legally purchased after a proper background check, or whether it was an assault style rifle, modified to fully automatic, with a 100 round drum magazine and a bump stock.


Edit; Maybe the gun involved was a ghost gun or a 3-D printed gun.

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The article doesn’t mention if the gun involved was legally purchased after a proper background check, or whether it was an assault style rifle, modified to fully automatic, with a 100round drum magazine and a bump stock.

Doesn't have too for Buffy . The word gun means all and the same to her.
Yes, we are aware that roughly almost twice a day someone uses a gun for defense.

We are also aware that about 375 people are injured or killed by guns each day.

Catch up baby tomato.
Dramatic paranoid claptrap. In other words, par for the course for the hysterics - like you - among us.

The reality is that people in the more wealthy countries - our peers - do not live in fear of that. Only those who seek excuses to keep massive amounts of weapons regardless of how many people they kill think that way. To you, and those like you, more guns is more important than lives.

If you want to compare America to the more chaotic, less stable and generally more violent countries your point would be better aided if we stacked up far ahead of them. We don't. We're pretty neck and neck with second and third world violent shit holes when it comes to gun violence. Yay. Go team America.

The reality is that we don't live in fear of that like they do in other countries because we have guns and they don't.

Yet even with guns, we've now entered the arena where the government is kicking down doors at 3am to arrest people for things which nominally aren't illegal. And then throwing them into jail for years without bail or being charged with a crime. So yay for your team.

As for being neck and neck with 3rd world shitholes, that only goes to show you that your gun control ideology is false. The statistics don't show what you want them to show unless you manipulate the data and LIE about the result.

But you're good with lying because that's what you do in order to make yourself look better than you really are.
Yes, we are aware that roughly almost twice a day someone uses a gun for defense.

We are also aware that about 375 people are injured or killed by guns each day.

Catch up baby tomato.

According to the CDC, roughly 1 MILLION defensive uses of guns occurs every year.

That's a lot more than twice a day. Or even 375 times per day. So please try to keep up.

The article doesn’t mention if the gun involved was legally purchased after a proper background check, or whether it was an assault style rifle, modified to fully automatic, with a 100 round drum magazine and a bump stock.


Edit; Maybe the gun involved was a ghost gun or a 3-D printed gun.

If the cops were involved anything illegal withe gun would have sperceded the victim saving themself in the story.
The reality is that we don't live in fear of that like they do in other countries because we have guns and they don't.

Yet even with guns, we've now entered the arena where the government is kicking down doors at 3am to arrest people for things which nominally aren't illegal. And then throwing them into jail for years without bail or being charged with a crime. So yay for your team.

As for being neck and neck with 3rd world shitholes, that only goes to show you that your gun control ideology is false. The statistics don't show what you want them to show unless you manipulate the data and LIE about the result.

But you're good with lying because that's what you do in order to make yourself look better than you really are.

Oh really....

One simple google search later soundly contradicts you and paints you as woefully out of touch.

Other countries. Let's try Germany....

The reality is that our peer countries don't fear gun violence because they don't have the epidemic of gun violence that we do.

Ironically however many have issued travel warnings about the gun violence in the US.

According to the CDC, roughly 1 MILLION defensive uses of guns occurs every year.

That's a lot more than twice a day. Or even 375 times per day. So please try to keep up.

First the debunked and retracted article, then the heritage foundation numbers you put forward and now a CDC reference to the numbers generated by the debunked and retracted article.

FYI When Kleck revised after the retraction he estimated from 60k to 2.5 mil annually. His work is problematic. At best.
The Virginia Center for Public Safety enumerates them.

This is why you are too fucking stupid to be taken seriously.

Go pontificate more. I'm sure the clouds care.